Chapter 83 - ONE EPILOGUE

Kane and Yanarym were the ones who were first to migrate to the hospital where Yarisa would process her treatment, Kane decided to work there for convenience. Alvan goes to the states twice a month while Alyx goes to the states four times a month.

Midway through Yarisa's second operation. Kane and Yanarym were both waiting outside the operating room. Yanarym was restless as usual, sitting down, standing up, walking back and forth waiting for the operation to be over. And she would repeatedly ask Kane if Yarisa would be okay.

"Of course, she will be fine --- relax, alright?" Kane said gently to her and took her hand and gently rubbed it on his hand. 

"Alright ... alright ..." She nervously nodded her head and glanced at the double door. 

"Come here," he pulled her and made her sit in his lap. He hugged her tightly then caressed her back. "Calm down, everything will be fine."

"Kane," Suddenly turned to him and pressed her lips together. Kane could see anxiousness in her eyes. At the same time there was hope on it too, he smiled and he shifted his hand and rubbed her back to soothe her nerves. 


"Promise me when Yasa wakes up you won't let her get sick. Then, you'll take care of her, just like you took care of me. You know she's a part of my life, don't you?"

"Yes, I know… I will take care of her just like how I take care of you. But of course, I will take care of you more than her. After all, I belong to you." Yanarym smiled and kissed him.

"That's not true, you belong to yourself."

"Wrong, since you came into my life, I don't belong to me anymore, all of me… is yours, okay?" He said softly and kissed her face. 

In the seventh month, after finishing his taping in the Philippines, Alvan decided to go straight to the states to be with Yanarym instead of taking a vacation. He was currently sitting on the couch, watching Yanarym taking care of her twin sister.

Aside from Yarisa, it was only him and Yanarym alone in the room. 

"She's always asleep, Rym. She's been resting for all of these years. Instead of her, what about you taking care of me? I'm so tired." He uttered making cute faces when she turned to face him. He also extended his arms indicating he wanted to get a hug from her. She smiled and walked directly to his arms. He wrapped her body and buried his face in her soft bosom. How he misses them…

"You're even jealous of Yasa, how childish of you." She laughed at him while she caressed his hair. Alvan lifted his face and looked up at her. 

"Why wouldn't I? Out of all of us, you love her the most. She took my spot." He grumbled and grind his teeth glaring like a jealous little kid in Yarisa's direction. Yanarym pinched his cheeks and cupped them to face her again. Their eyes met and he pouted his lips. "You love her more than me." 

"Don't be such a kid, she's my sister." 

"I have Alyx as my brother and I don't love him at all." She laughs loudly at his assertion.

"You can't bully my sister when she wakes up. When I find out that you are abusing her, even in the next life I won't talk to you." She sweetly warned him and he scoffed as a response. 

"As if I can hurt her, she has your face!" He said loudly and pulled her and just sank his face to her chest. "Even if she's a different person, she looks like you, so I will treat her like you but only make love with you, how about that?" He said mischievously. 

Yanarym raised an eyebrow and ruffled his hair, "Don't be such a playboy, what if Yasa fell in love with you?"

"What's that? Are you jealous? My Rym is jealous? Hahahaha! Don't worry, this body and this heart and my soul- you claimed it. No one owns me except you. I'm your property." He smiled and slightly lifted his body and kissed her lips. "Don't worry too much about Yasa, once she wakes up and still wants to be an actress, I'll make sure to make her the most successful celebrity next to me."

Not long from that, Alyx invited Yanarym to a fancy dinner in New York. They were sitting across from one another, Yanarym was chewing her steak while Alyx was holding a glass of wine as he stared at her with solemn eyes. 

"What's wrong?" He asked her, seeing that she wasn't eating as many as usual. "It's not delicious? I thought you would like it-" 

"It's good, it's just- I'm worried about Yasa-" 

"Sweetheart," Alyx sighed, he heard from Kane that she's been restless and insomniatic from the past few days. "I promised you she'll be alright, Yasa will wake up soon, stop troubling yourself." 

"Your promise... that you will take care of her once she wakes up, don't ever forget it Alyx, okay?" 

"Rym... yes, I promised it with my life. " 

Ten months later, a few days after Yarisa's third surgery, she was expected to be awakened to one of these days… and that anticipated day will be today. She's the one who was aware of that fact with the help of Guide-sama's intel.

Yanarym was out of the hospital because she bought some missing things for a surprise party upon Yarisa waking up. She invited the three men to stay for a two-week vacation as they wait for her to gain consciousness. Currently, it's the fifth day of that fourteen days. 

Out of the three, Alyx was the one who was the most excited for Yarisa to open her eyes because that only means marriage for him. He was the happiest to be introduced to his future sister-in-law by his future wife. While the other two were just happy for Yanarym and weren't that affected by the thought of not marrying her. After all, even though they didn't get a chance to be legally married to her, they could still uphold a wedding with no certificates. 

On the road, while holding the large paper bag with four boxes with gift wrappers, Yanarym was waiting for the stoplight to turn green.

Guide-sama: "Yanarym, it's time." Yanarym took a deep breath and gripped the paper bag tightly.

"Guide-sama, it's a painless death, isn't it? I haven't experienced getting run over by a truck before." She asked nervously as she saw the red light turned green. 

Guide-sama: "You won't feel the pain."

Yanarym nodded and stepped into the pedestrian lane. At the same time, the rushing truck came into view that had a broken brake. The driver couldn't control the steering wheel and he's running straight in her direction. 

Yanarym just closed her eyes and faced the fate of the original owner of the body. As the loud horn keeps on buzzing in her ears, her life in this world flashes through her eyes. 

The faces of the three men who were smiling at her came into view, it was such a beautiful life. 

"But this world isn't for me." She muttered with no voice she embraced the gifts she brought for them tightly. "I'm sorry."

Sorry-? Why was she sorry? To whom she was apologizing? To the hearts that would be shatter if they found out she died like this? Or to herself that cannot be restraint and just be happy on this world?

She smiled, "Thank you, my fishes," Yanarym firmly closed her eyes to accept her death. "Shit, this is scary." She felt a strong impact crashed into her body.

At the exact time, the finger of the unconscious woman moved, her forehead wrinkled as her eyes trembled to be opened.

Kane abruptly looked at Yarisa's bed and saw her movements, which caused him to get stunned at his spot, "Yasa?" When he came back to his senses he walked towards her, and she was struggling to open her eyes. Kane shifted his eyes to Alyx and Alvan who rushed to his side to see if she was waking up. 

And she was, she opened her eyes and looked at the three of them, "SHE'S AWAKE! CALL DOCTOR SMITH!" That's when the moment, Yanarym drew her last breath.