Chapter 1180

The shrill scream lasted for a long time in Vera's ear.

But maybe it was just an illusion, because the body of the evil god had already turned into countless fly ash in the air, but she still felt that she could hear the terrible sound.

I'm still alive. Maybe this is the biggest illusion?

The red haired girl who was weak and paralyzed at the edge of the broken parapet thought so.

"Well, are you better?"

The brisk voice of words sounded. The little wizard with blue eyes blinked and blinked half squatted down and looked at Vera with concern: "do you feel pain anywhere, is your head still comfortable, and how is your energy recovery?"

A series of questions made the night watchwoman wonder whether to nod or shake her head.

"Ah... Sorry, I talked to myself." looking at Vera's vacant expression, Ayn quickly apologized: "well, you take a break first, and I'll go outside to see the situation."

Outside, outside?!

As soon as the voice fell, the red haired girl suddenly opened her eyes.

"Unexpectedly... Even the underground has been completely controlled by demons - if so, the arrogant plan may not be implemented smoothly, and we must start to think of ways again; the first thing is to meet Lucian..."

The little wizard who didn't notice the change of Vera's expression stood up and walked out of the arena, leaving the red haired girl alone.

No, you can't go outside

Outside the arena... But thousands of rotten corpse demons like sand piles and floods!

The frightened Wei stretched her hand to stop the little wizard, but she could only watch her go out and disappear from her sight.

There was a dead silence outside the parapet, and there was no sound except the footsteps of the little wizard.

"Alas, Lucian? Lucian, where are you..."

Ayin's voice came, and Vera's frightened eyes widened.

Lucian... Lucian veltz, the guard who appeared in the barracks before, isn't he?

The little wizard can't find him. Has it been

Although I didn't see it, countless possible pictures have flashed in the red haired girl's mind!

Facing the surging rotten corpse demons, the particularly short guards waved their double swords and resolutely blocked them in front of them to buy time for the small wizards in the arena.

The confused little wizard couldn't find him because the particularly short guard had fallen into a pool of blood... Pulling his dumb voice, he tried his last strength to stop the rotten corpse demons that had torn him into holes

No, the little wizard must not see this!

She tried her best to get up, and Vera staggered out holding the wall, clutching her weapon in one hand.

Even if you bet your life just to repay each other's kindness, you must protect the little wizard.

The determined red haired girl dragged her weak body and struggled to climb out.

Maybe it's an illusion, maybe it's because you're weak and can't hear a sound - the strange silence of the streets outside doesn't seem to be something that has been swallowed up by thousands of rotten corpse demons.

Or have they been?!

"Lucian, here you are." Ayn's voice sounded.


With a broken expression and a stunned face, Vera walked quickly to the street, and then

Empty, nothing.

Not even a rotten corpse demon's hair!

The little wizard standing alone in the middle of the street smiled at the alley at the other end.

"Sorry, it took some time to clean up."

With the light voice of words, at the end of Vera's line of sight, the very short gray pupil boy appeared, playing with two short swords and coming here with a smile.

But the body, which was almost soaked with blood and pus from head to foot, made the smile on his face very scary.

The stunned red haired girl stood stunned, and another terrible guess jumped out of her mind... Since Lucian is still alive, but those rotten corpses are gone, that is to say

"Everything around the arena has been cleaned up." glancing, Lucian, who noticed Vera's existence, didn't ask much, and said something as if it didn't matter at all in a particularly flat tone:

"But there are many areas nearby. They will come this way at any time. We have to hurry."

The little wizard nodded, "where's Isaac?"

"I sent him to the Royal wizard College - I was going to pass through the underpass. I didn't expect..."

"Under the city, they have occupied it all." Ayn looked dignified: "we have to change our plan."

"Then you have to meet Isaac first."

The grey pupil boy nodded and turned away.

"Wait, wait!"

Seeing that they were leaving, Vera, with her mouth open, quickly stopped them: "please, excuse me... Loren, where is Loren Turin now?!"

Unexpectedly, the little wizard and Lucian looked at each other and looked at the red haired girl:

"Loren, he... Is not in the capital now."



"... yes, that's my plan."

Looking at the different expressions of the people, but they were all very stunned, Isaac was very proud and hugged his shoulder: "we can't let Loren enter the imperial capital first, or... We can't let him enter the control range of the huge vortex or boundary breaking mouth when the enemy is fully prepared!"

"Now, I know you will ask 'why', 'it's unnecessary', 'what's the meaning'... Balabalabala, in short, it must be a very boring question, but first..."

One second before the little wizard with an iron face picked up something to throw, Isaac rushed to hide behind the black haired Wizard:

"First of all, no matter where Loren is, the other party can detect his void reaction at the first time, right?"

"What do you say?"

Ain doesn't have a good airway.

"That's right - as long as Loren enters Golovin, the other party will immediately put down everything and deal with all of us wholeheartedly... Of course, basically Loren, we little shrimps are not in the eyes of an evil god who once destroyed the Dragon kingdom."

Isaac, who said this, had a very awkward expression. Although it was a well thought out speech, it always felt strange to say such self deprecating words from his own mouth:

"But on the contrary, what he will really be wary of... Is only Loren - if Loren doesn't appear, serliol will certainly win the nine pointed star Holy Grail according to his original plan."

"You're right."

Lucian raised his eyebrows: "the question is, what's the point of doing this - only Lord Loren can threaten the black cross."

"Yes, so he won't guard against everyone except Loren, as I said."

Isaac proudly raised his right index finger: "as for the significance of doing so... First, we don't know the situation in the imperial city now - I don't understand the war, but I still know what the 'sentry' and 'Scout' do."

"This job is very difficult and dangerous, and we must cooperate tacitly, so... I think the three of us are the best candidates for this job."

The laughing Isaac shrugged and gave a thumbs up in front of the silent Ayn and Lucian: "second, no matter what this guy is doing, he can't violate the fundamental principles of the void and material world."

"That's great - because you may not have noticed that the person in front of you is the guy who has the most research on the power of emptiness for the energy of the material world."

"So, there must be some flaws that can be found. As long as I enter the city and give me some time, I will find the flaw of the black cross!"

Isaac said confidently.

"Then..." Isaac raised his third finger: "according to the information we already know, the black cross is probably not so familiar with the rules of the material world, at least it is strange."

"Otherwise, he doesn't need to be attached to the bishop of fascism and control the Centaur tribe... He's terrible, but not as terrible as many people think." Isaac sneered:

"Or rather, many people who know his existence do not know the real horror of the black cross."

"Turn out a big fireball, blow up a city, destroy this and kill that... No, no, it's too low, and it's not his style. What he has to do is much higher than this; whirlpool, illusion, rotten corpse demon... These are just by-products, which are the results and appearances that he has to do. Many stupid potatoes regard these appearances as black The power of the cross... "

"Get to the point!"

The stone in the little wizard's hand hit Isaac's forehead accurately.

"The point is to find the defect of the black cross through the second article and confirm how much control he can have over the material world when he focuses all his attention on seizing the nine pointed star Holy Grail."

Isaac clutching his blue and purple forehead, hissed at the corners of his mouth and continued: "Loren is the last key and hope. We can't let him fight a living goblin or a living dead man who doesn't know how many years he has lived without knowing the enemy."

"No, you can't do that. The odds are too small."

"We need to know where our strengths are and what the enemy's weaknesses are; what our biggest weaknesses are and what will be the enemy's mace... Loren should not appear in front of the black cross until we understand these."

"Before we figure out how to make use of these advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages, cards and trump cards, we should not intensify the contradiction to the point where we must confront the enemy head-on."

"He knows nothingness very well, and we also know nothingness very well; he is not very familiar with the material world. We have lived in this world since we were born. In short..."

"Use magic to fight magic."

Shaking his head, Isaac said very serious things in a joking tone.

"But it will take a lot of time. We don't have a lot of time."

The little wizard retorted.

"But it's worth it and necessary," Isaac said with a natural expression:

"The most important thing is that you have me, Isaac Grantham - I don't want to say strange things like 'fate' or 'mission', but this must be one of the meanings of leaving Grantham village and becoming a wizard."

"Otherwise... What is the real difference between a smart wizard and a smart farmer for the world?"

Isaac, with his head tilted, spoke to himself in a low voice.

I, Isaac Grantham, the farmer in the countryside of lottel, the double line elder of the nine pointed star wizard tower, the first wizard who married the royal family and was knighted

What is the name and what should be recorded in history forever?

The material utilization of the void, the floating city, the Jiao lightsaber, or

Save the world?

"In a word... We must do everything we can to ensure that Loren confronts him when he already knows enough about the enemy and the other party can't focus all his attention on him." Isaac's eyes are burning:

"The best choice is when he is about to get the nine pointed star Holy Grail or when he is obstructed - since the Holy Grail is in the Holy Cross Cathedral, I believe the Holy Cross should not be indifferent, right?"

"Since it's the last time, and since it's an enemy that's strong enough to be almost invincible, it's the most reasonable tactic to exhaust all ideas and do everything by any means, isn't it?"

"Anything else... Can be put aside."

Ayn and Lucian fell silent.

"Another problem." after a while, the little wizard couldn't help but say, "there are nearly one million people in the imperial city. Even if the whole city has been swallowed, there are still likely to be survivors... What should they do?"

"This is the last reason why Lauren must not enter the city so soon - as soon as he appears, the battle will enter the hottest stage; no matter how many living people are left, no one will be left." Isaac said silently:

"We have to go into the city first and confirm how much we can save to the greatest extent; confirm a safe and stable escape route and bring out the people we can save!"

"Can you do it?"

"That's why I said 'we can save'... We obviously can't save all the people, but anyway, we can save as much as we can, and do our best."

Taking a deep breath, the fiery eyes turned to the last figure: "as for brother Loren... What to do, you should know very well, right?"

The dark haired wizard nodded slightly.

Although they have been promised, if they want the dragons in Jufeng mountain to fulfill their agreement, they have to go there by themselves - otherwise, according to their previous style, they don't want to wait for their "support" even if they die.

"Investigate the enemy situation, find reinforcements and complete the rescue... After mastering all the information, we will launch a decisive battle under the most favorable conditions for us."

"This is my Isaac Grantham... The most reliable plan."