Chapter 1179

The huge body collapsed and decomposed into ashes scattered from the air.

Vera, who collapsed on the ground tired, stared at what was happening in front of her.


Really... Not dreaming?

Just a second ago, I thought I was falling short and dead. Now I can clearly feel my beating heart, aching body and exploding head.

Such pain means you're still alive and well.


"Vera, you're here!"

A light and surprised voice came.

The red haired girl turned her eyes desperately to see the footsteps running here in a hurry.

The small head, the horsetail behind the head, and the sapphire like, flashing eyes... Vera, stunned, stared: "ah, it's you!"

She remembered that the little wizard who had seen archery more powerful than magic in eboden a few years ago in the Holy Blood potion incident was called... How could this guy be here?

"Ah! Don't move yet. Lie flat on the ground and relax."

The flustered AI Yin hurriedly helped the red haired girl who wanted to get up: "relax, your spiritual palace has suffered too much emptiness erosion and needs to rest for a period of time."

While soothing, he gave the "sedative" in his hand to the other party.

The cold medicine went down her throat and made Vera shiver; But soon she felt that the headache was rapidly disappearing - although she was still very weak, she was obviously much more comfortable than before.

"This medicine can only relieve pain, there is no real recovery, and you still need to rest." seeing the other party or remembering, Ayn immediately warned: "relax first and let the medicine continue to work."

"Where's Loren? Where's Loren?"

Although warned several times, the impatient red haired girl couldn't help feeling excited.

"Loren, he is..."

In the middle of that, the little wizard's expression changed suddenly, couldn't help saying, suddenly picked up Vera and jumped.

"Boom --!"

Almost in the next second of jumping, the ground of the whole arena trembled; The sand where they had just stood the moment before suddenly exploded in the loud noise.

No, it's not exploding, it's sinking - centered on that small piece of sand, the whole arena is sinking, collapsing directly below.

"Put me down!"


At the same time, the two people who responded held hands and ran towards the periphery of the arena; The sand, which occupied four fifths of the arena, collapsed quickly behind them, swallowing up the ground they could land on at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With another vibration, the weak red haired girl stumbled and nearly fell down, which was grabbed by AI Yin who was found in time.

With the roar of ground collapse, one huge tentacle after another is drilled out of the flowing sand and dust; They broke through the ground, pulled and shook, beating the already fragmented and fragile ground like a thin piece of paper with a sensitive extension that is completely inconsistent with the huge body.

"Boom --!!"

In the diffuse smoke and dust, countless tentacles dragged the body of the evil god, and the fat and bloated "flesh and blood" stretched out of the ground like a pool of mud;

Countless blood and bone fragments spilled from the cracked ground, and soon filled the whole arena to the ankle.

Perhaps it was because the body was too bulky and huge. Only half of the body of the evil god stuck in the center of the ground was exposed. It was completely confined to the center of the sand in the arena and could not move except its huge tentacles.

"Bang --!!"

The body of an angry evil god, waving his tentacles and patting around the arena; In the almost uninterrupted roar, the buildings, walls and stands turned into broken walls in the smoke.

Stunned Vera and the little wizard stood at the edge of the arena, motionless.

"This... It has been killed just now. Why... Ah!" Ayn exclaimed suddenly, with a pale face with a trace of panic:

"Can it be said that not only the ground, but also the underground has been..."

Vera sat on the ground, her cheeks full of pus and blood, stiff and motionless.

There are monsters who can't win at all. Outside are thousands of rotten corpses more than sand... According to the little wizard, even the underground of this city is full of monsters.

It's over. It's hopeless. I'm dead.

She fell into despair completely in her powerlessness. When she saw the tentacles coming to her, she didn't move and waited quietly for death.

"Bang --!"

The dazzling white light flashed by, burning the incoming tentacles into coke, turning them into ashes and scattered on the ground.

Almost at the same time, the little wizard holding the War Bow had taken out the second arrow from behind, and the arrow with secret silver luster was aimed at the second flesh tentacle attacking them.

"Bang --!"

The light beam crossed the corridor in the arena, and the white line flashed through the connection of the three tentacles, turned into pus and fell to the ground.

In the flickering light, the resolute face of the little wizard was reflected.

The stunned red haired girl raised her head in amazement and stared at the war bow in AI Yin's hand: "this is..."

"Lottel shot the eagle bow - of course, it's my modified version, isn't it beautiful!" the surprised little wizard was as happy as showing off his doll:

"The original bow body has been strengthened, and the shooting strength of the bow can be changed. Direct shooting or throwing can be selected, as well as the grip and arrow position in a special position." Ai Yin happily introduced:

"Of course, the most important thing is the arrow itself - the power... Can be twice that of the original by compiling and carving the enhanced Jiao lightsaber spell on the arrow plated with secret silver!"

The little wizard's words were full of pride.

If the level and level of understanding the void is the standard to measure a mystical wizard, the only thing that can measure the ability of an Alchemist is the fineness of compiling runes.

The more complex and precise it is, the more it can compile and engrave runes that can reach 100% or even higher level in an extremely limited area, the more it can prove the strength of an alchemist.

On the arrowhead plated with only a layer of secret silver, the power of a high-level magic spell is doubled through runes - no alchemist has ever made such brilliant achievements in the past dynasties.

This has nothing to do with talent, let alone talent; Only absolute patience, composure, seriousness and concentration of willpower can complete the achievement - the difference is thousands of miles.

Being able to complete is not enough to prove the little wizard's talent in alchemy. On the contrary, it can only prove that she is much more serious, patient and calm than everyone and all wizards.

Ayn Rand's success proves that she has surpassed her mentor Halin van ashamay's level in alchemy, which is unprecedented!

Bow, bow, arrow, aim.

With a confident smile, the fingertip of the right hand holding the tail of the arrow seems to build an unspeakable connection with the arrow, making the arrow an extension of the body.

"This arrow... Its name is' blooming light · Bai Xia '!"

"Bang --!"

Another flash of white light split the raised tentacle in two.

The evil god's body roared and waved the torn tentacles. Blood and pus sprayed out of the wound and was shocked into fog in the deafening roar.

It is angry... It only has the simplest, lowest wisdom and chaotic evil god body. At this moment, it is incomparable anger.

Because its brain, which is simple but extremely sensitive to the void, can clearly feel that the little figure opposite fighting with itself... Has no fear.

Facing herself, she has no fear.

The body of an evil god with simple wisdom can't describe this emotion, but it does feel anger... The ultimate anger.

"Boom --!!"

In the roar of anger, hundreds of shots broke through the ground and attacked Vera and Ayn on the edge of the arena from all directions.

Countless tentacles turned into countless blood shadows and hit them like a storm.

"Yi - ah!"

The startled red haired girl suddenly looked at the little wizard beside her. AI Yin, who looked calm, still stood with a bow and did not move.

She just took it easy to draw out an arrow, and then stabbed it into the soil in front of her feet.

The next second, Vera, who was about to close her eyes and wait to die, widened her eyes in shock - countless tentacles that hit them were all blocked three steps away.

"Pa --! Pa pa..."

Countless tentacles were like hitting an iron wall. They were all blown into splashing meat and blood mist in front of them.

Not a drop, not close to them.

In the "muddy" blood fog, a translucent light blue luster was exposed.

The stunned red haired girl realized that she and the little wizard seemed to be covered in a "light ball" - three steps away, all the buildings that could be seen had turned into ruins under the repeated bombardment of tentacles.

Only the narrow parapet behind her still stood there.

Twitching, he took back the evil god's body of the rotten meat remains of his tentacles, and the roar gradually became more like a scream.

The ice barrier from master elbird was also written and engraved on the arrowhead by the small wizard in the form of "high-level magic spell".

Although the ice barrier itself is not a magic spell, it is even a pile of empty residues to some extent; But as long as we can master the fundamental principle, we can also play the effect in the way of magic spell.

At this level, Ayn almost created a new high-level spell.

"It's okay. Don't be afraid."

The frightened Vera looked at Ai Yin. The smiling little wizard comforted her while stretching her bow and arrow: "nothing terrible. It will be over soon."

The calm and gentle tone seemed to have some magic, which made Vera feel at ease and inexplicable at the same time.

Why... The alchemist who was so timid in eboden could stand here so calmly to comfort himself... This

This is a completely changed person!

What has this little wizard experienced in just a few years!

Having no idea what the other side was thinking, Ayn raised the bow again and solemnly took out the arrow from the arrow bag behind him.

Bow, bow, aim, shoot.


With the sound of tearing the air, the flying arrows landed steadily on the fat and huge flesh and blood body of the evil god's body.

"Boom --!!"

The next second, a huge shock sounded in the arena.

The roaring evil spirit body struggled to climb out of the deep ground as if it had exhausted all its strength.

The red haired girl with fried hair leaned against the parapet - even if she couldn't understand the scream, the monster was really angry!

In the violent vibration sound, the roaring evil god's body waved its tentacles violently, rolled its bloated body, kept sending out blood and flesh flowing, and the sound of crushing bones approached them.

Shaking tentacles all over the sky even covered the night sky above them, approaching in a deafening roar.

blot out the sky and cover up the earth.

"Don't worry, don't be afraid. It's over. That monster won't threaten us anymore. Rest assured. Vera, you need to rest now."

It was not the first time that the desperate red haired girl collapsed beside the parapet with a face waiting for death, and the words of comfort from the little wizard were still ringing in her ears - she really wanted to ask what happened to the super optimistic little wizard in the years she left, so that she became so fearless as now.

A bloody shadow fell from the sky.

"Poof --!"

The red haired girl's eyes widened.

The moment when the tentacle was about to fall, it was like being ignited and convulsed violently, turning into ashes in her sight.

This, this... This is... What's going on?!

The burst flesh and blood trembled violently in the air. One section after another, they were fried into countless pieces of meat and pus, scattered over their heads.


With another roar, the burst tentacles with their roots exploded a huge blood hole in the body of the evil god.

The screaming monster twitched and struggled in the deep pit. Countless tiny tentacles stretched out from the explosion wound, like a group of snakes out of the hole, growing madly and continuously.

However, these newly grown tentacles have begun to decay, decay and shrink rapidly before they have "grown and formed";

In every corner and part of its body, abscesses... Are constantly repeating this process - growth, attenuation, atrophy and decay.

Uninterrupted, repeating the cycle of life.

"Death, resurrection, remodeling... For the body of an evil god who has already died and continues to 'deceive' the material world by relying on the power of emptiness, the power of 'resurrection' is no different from penetrating intestinal poison."

"Whoever deceives this world, the power from another world, will certainly pay the due price for his actions - the law from this world is your curse and the price you should pay."

The smiling little wizard seemed to be talking to himself, and his blue eyes twinkled with nostalgic light:

"Everything is... Over."