Chapter 1166

Early in the morning, eboden ruins.

Elegant and exquisite harbor city, serious Azores "new town" like military barracks, mysterious nine awn star wizard tower, magnificent eagle king court

All that remains is ruins.

It's not a broken city, it's not a broken wall, it's not a trace left by the burning fire... Only the rubble, the rubble piled up in mountains, filled the whole city, looking more like a huge, undulating mound of earth.

When the black haired wizard drained all the empty remains underground and the breath of the manipulated undead dragon Elliot broke out, the whole city collapsed inward like an accurate blasting and became a huge, hemispherical pit.

In addition to tens of thousands of Azores who escaped from the city at the last minute, hundreds of thousands of Azores were buried alive in the ruins filled with smoke and rubble.

The overflowing rubble and bones even fell from the collapsed city wall and fell into the Baoshi River, which once blocked the Baoshi River and led to the backflow of the river; Brandon was forced to give up chasing a small group of wandering Elven warriors and mobilize the Legion to clean up the river, so as not to let the river flow into the city.

It's terrible enough just to pile up ruins that can't be cleaned up; If we let the river flow into the ruins and let the river mixed with corpses and rotten things flow into the military camp

Disease, pestilence... Are not as simple words as they sound.

Plague, the word that makes the imperial people turn pale, is even ten thousand times more terrible than evil gods or demons; Brandon tried his best to dredge the river, keep the barracks clean, and made the Dragon burn the battlefield directly, burning all the bodies too late to be buried to ashes

In the slightly harsh words of a countess, Brandon de sallion showed a little decisiveness and iron hand that the emperor should have, at least in dealing with the plague.

Of course, she thinks that she can do better and more efficiently if she changes herself. For example, she can speed up the construction and recovery by granting the land of eboden to the meritorious heroes in the battle, and take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the principalities... For this, Loren said that she would like to praise 10000 with both hands.

Standing in the ruins, stepping on the rubble under his feet, Brandon felt as if he was not standing on the ruins and rubble, but on the bones.

Bones, broken bones, rotten meat and internal organs, dried and sticky plasma, and the stench mixed together... It is obviously approaching midsummer, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, but there is a kind of bone chilling chill. He tore his clothes and armor, and stabbed his head upward from the spine.

The sweat flowing through his neck and back made him shiver like blood overflowing from the wound; Sticky and swollen hands seem to be stained with something dirty, which can't be wiped off.

He himself... Destroyed a race by killing.

Not on the battlefield, not on the premise of reciprocity, not in the case of resistance

I destroyed them... I gave them a promise to live, but I still destroyed them.

"How does it feel to destroy a race with your own hands?"

Staring at the ruins under his feet, Brandon, with his back to Loren, suddenly opened his mouth, like asking or talking to himself.

Loren, dressed in a wizard's robe, took the look of mentor Dalton, put his hands on his back and shrugged slightly:

"The feeling of being alive."

With a snort, Brandon smiled and pulled up the corners of his mouth.

"That sounds arrogant, my lord wizard adviser."

"Arrogance is better than death."

"Really? I thought Byrne people were ashamed of life and proud of death."

"Slogans and reality are two different things."

"Well... It's a little sophisticated and ironic. It's quite in line with your style."

Some stunned Brandon raised his eyebrows and tilted his head with a smile.

The unmoved dark haired wizard looked across the battlefield.

He could feel the meaning of Brandon's words - the "disgraced Prince" had become a real Imperial Emperor, and his every move began to become purposeful.

"How do you feel now? They... I mean the Wizards... All say that you have opened" the chancellor of the exchequer, the minister in charge of the seal, and the leader of Parliament... Even if the title is only a trivial person, as long as you really hold the power, it's only a matter of time before you get the title. "

"So! It can not only avoid the imperial civil war, but also control everything in the end, and let de sallion of the sky palace obediently hand over the throne to Turin, and the Empire... Will be continued by the blood of the knight king." Charlotte smiled confidently and looked at Loren:

"This is the future I planned for the Turin family, 30 years, 50 years, 100 years... The Turin family will eventually be crowned emperor. What do you think? Well, why don't you speak? You speak, you either say or disagree, then tell me what you think, say, Loren Turin, why..."