Chapter 1165

Empire camp, Edward's camp.

Edward, the exhausted night watchman leader, carefully stood outside the camp tent. After repeatedly confirming that he was not staring at his sight, he carefully opened the curtain door and put it down immediately when entering the camp.

In the camp, Peter FASA, who had just awakened from his coma, was sitting around the round table, seriously communicating with Vera, the night watchman, a red haired girl dressed in Azores, with a very dignified expression.

Vera, the night watchman sent to investigate the ocean fleet accident instead of Edward himself and Peter FASA, had lost contact with the imperial night watchman a long time ago; After the Azores invaded, her identity was placed in the "missing list".

For the night watchman organization, the only difference between disappearance and death is that there is no proof; The reappearance of "missing persons" is no different from the resurrection of the dead. It is a happy thing.

But Edward is the absolute exception.

The more he touches the core of the Empire, the more he can understand why the former leader LUT infinite is a neurotic pervert - anyone who wants to deal with all this can't be a normal person.

To become a qualified night watchman "leader" needs to have an extremely strong heart and tempered nerves, avoid all emotional and irrational behaviors, stay away from all friendships and personal friendships, and use all people's interests, material and financial resources to achieve your goals, even yourself

Edward thought he had a long way to go before such a powerful existence, and if he could, he had no intention of making progress; As long as you can finish your work step by step and ensure that you can live and live well and safely.

To put it bluntly, if the only way to quit the job was to die, he would not want to do it long ago.

So he doesn't understand why his friends or many people are so keen to die and trouble others - isn't it good to live safe, plain and rich?

It's just that Peter FASA doesn't understand. The guys who come from small citizens have such inexplicable noble feelings; Why don't even Vera, who comes from the bottom and struggles in the slums like herself, understand - if she's still suffering as much for half her life, what are she doing?

We are not those rich people who have nothing to eat. We rely on adventure and travel experience to stimulate. We live very exciting every day - gangs, robbers, mercenaries, wild dogs who rob meat and bones... Slum children, which day is not a farewell to life or death, and which day is not an adventure to live?

Edward firmly believed that if everyone had a "quantitative" risk value in his life, it would have broken the table long before he was 13.

"Edward, are you back?"

Peter FASA, who noticed that his friend came in, was surprised by Vera's unusual silence.

"This is just right. Vera just told me a lot about her experience with the oath knight in the Azores elf kingdom; i... I was so excited that I didn't know what to say; to be honest, I always thought she had already..."

"Already dead, yes." Edward, the night watchman, sat down tired and whispered, "if only Gavin and Ivan could just disappear."

Peter's expression froze.

Gavin and Ivan

The moment Edward spoke, the three people's minds recalled the two small figures who were always timid and followed them without saying a word.

During the Holy Blood potion incident, in order to protect Isaac, he died in front of the eboden gate - only one step away from the reinforcements who saved them.

"Edward... If it's because I didn't discuss with you before, I apologize to you; but the information Vera brought is very critical. Listen to me..."

"No, listen to me this time!" the night watchman suddenly snapped, his eyes cold:

"If you remember Gavin and Ivan, you should remember the lesson left to us by the Holy Blood potion incident - what is the end of meddling in your own business."

"I don't know what you found in the Azores Kingdom, Vera, but I know it has nothing to do with us and the bottom people who came from eboden. It's not something we should take care of!"

Peter, who was interrupted, was stunned and silently looked at Edward, who was too excited and completely different from usual.

"Before Peter, you asked me why I wanted to be the leader of the night watchman. Now I can tell you... Because I can't escape. I can't escape because I know too many things I shouldn't know. The end of walking away is death. I don't want to die! I want to live, I want you to live, and we can all live well!"

As if he had finally spoken from the bottom of his heart, Edward hysterically said:

"You... You don't understand. You don't understand how good a chance you have now to say goodbye to all this. Let's go! If I disappear now, will Brandon let me go? Will the next night watchman leader let me go?"

"No, they won't! They won't let me go until my head is put in front of Brandon! I'm missing today, and hundreds of night watchmen will hunt down tomorrow, making our life worse than death and difficult to sleep and eat!"

"Edward, calm down, we understand your..."

"Do you understand, do you really... Really understand?!"

The leader of the night watchman expressed pain and breathed out:

"I'm tired, I'm really tired... I beg you, please, my best friends, since there is still such a good opportunity in front of you, seize it! Disappear, disappear from the eyes of those who want to use you and call you, so that they can't find you!"

"Don't give them the opportunity to threaten us, and don't fight for them - Empire, royal family, sky palace... It's not worth it, and neither is worth our risk. We've done enough for them, really enough!"

"I have no choice but to become a night watchman... Either become a knife in someone else's hand, or be killed alive by the gangs before starving to death... I seized the last chance to change my fate, but this time I couldn't catch it. I fell too deep, so deep that it was too late when I wanted to get out."

Dejected, Edward slumped in his chair: "now, the last thing I can do is to protect you... Gavin and Ivan, I can't protect them, so I can't lose you anymore; I have no family, you are my family."

Peter FASA said nothing and looked at his best friend quietly.

He breathed again. Edward, who was very tired, pressed his forehead and closed his eyes. His posture seemed to be praying.

"I understand."

The red haired girl who never spoke finally spoke.

Peter and Edward turned their eyes to Vera, who was very different from the past.

"I know what Edward means. I've been through it, so I know he's right." Vera looked at Edward as if she was going to stare him to death:

"But if you have been to Azores like me and seen the tragedy there, Edward, you can understand that all this has nothing to do with us, all this..."

"I know," Edward interrupted again:

"I know what happened in the Azores Kingdom, and I know who is behind it."


Not only Vera, but also Peter FASA's eyes widened and shocked.

"Why, do you think I know nothing about all this before I do this?" Edward looked at his close friends coldly and shook his head helplessly:

"No, I already know... When Brandon was the prince's highness visiting duanjie mountain a few years ago, I know that the enemy we face is not only the Azores, but also chess pieces."

"I know the identity of the real murderer behind the scenes, and I know what he probably wants to do. I even..."

Edward, who wanted to say "I even had a hand with him", recalled the appearance of "black cross" serlio in his mind at the moment of opening his mouth.

"You know?"

Vera stood up, put her hands on the table and looked at Edward strangely: "you know it... 'black cross' serlio... You know it... His existence?"

"Yes, I know. Now I understand why I can't go if I want to go?"

Edward doesn't have a good airway.

"Then why did you..."

"Because I know it's not something we can fight. Black cross or serlior, that's the monster that destroyed the Dragon Kingdom... We're not his opponent!"

Looking at Peter and Vera, who were still stubborn, Edward had a worse headache: "I understand the seriousness of the problem, but this time it's not Azores, ogres or centaurs. It's serliol, the 'black cross' serliol. We're not his opponents!"

"Maybe he can really be defeated, but it must not be us! Maybe it's Loren Turin, Isaac, his majesty Brandon or the oath knight. Maybe they can... But what does it have to do with us? Our existence is at best sent to die and fight for time!"

"Look outside, now go and have a look, look at the bones everywhere, look at the bones of the war dead that have not been collected up to now - do you think Brandon can't do it, do you think they can't do it, look at them!"

"Do you also want to become dead for something that you can't do at all?"

"Isn't it good to live? It's good to live safely and quietly. Do you have to die for other people's things?!"

"Are you crazy, am I crazy, or are we all crazy?"

Even in the most excited state, Edward was trying his best to control his voice and emotions to avoid being discovered by outsiders.

The three people sitting around the table were silent.

A moment later, Vera was still the first to speak.

"So we don't do anything, don't say anything, just watch things happen."

"As if... We don't exist?"

Edward said nothing and expressed his approval in silence.

"It's better to be the cowardest living than the bravest dead... That's what you mean, Edward?" whispered Peter FASA, in a bitter voice:

"Can you really?"

The night watchman leader snorted coldly and responded to his friend.

"Of course, otherwise, how do you think I live to this day? In order to live, I have suffered humiliation and endured things that you guys who like to moan without illness can not understand..."

"No, I don't mean that." Peter stared at him as if he had seen through his thoughts. "You always told us that as long as we disappear and don't appear, you can fix everything, really?"


"You can't do it, can you?" Peter frowned and his expression became more and more bitter: "you said Brandon was not a person who would give up easily. He would use all kinds of means to achieve his wishes - if he really wanted my life, he wanted a handle on you and realized that you were hiding something from him..."

"Emperor Brandon... He won't let you go. You also said that you are just a tool to him. He won't care what the tool thinks. He just makes the tool obey himself."

"Against his will, you will die miserably... Even worse than death."

Edward, who was silent, looked a little ugly.

Vera, who looked stunned, had not recovered from the shock just now, and immediately entered another shock.

"Peter, you mean... Edward... He..."

"He's going to protect us by sacrificing himself." Peter got up slowly and looked at Edward, who closed his eyes and remained silent - as if he could not hear his voice or see his expression.

This guy who always likes to keep himself out of things is actually quite childish.

"You always say that after losing Gavin and Ivan, you don't want to lose us again - I want to say, the same is true for Vera and me. We can't lose you again, Edward." Peter FASA said in a deep voice:

"I witnessed with my own eyes the end of LUT infinite - I saw with my own eyes how the once terrible and trembling adult had fallen into a state of desperation, lived in anonymity for a long time, begged for forgiveness in the hands of his former enemies, and disappeared from the world!"

"I know how hateful he is, but now I know better that everything he does is for his majesty Eckhart - responsibility, fault, hatred, resentment... This terrible man bears everything and ends up with such a sad end."

"If you say goodbye to the world in that way, I will feel that life is better than death."

Peter's heart aches first.

Vera lowered her head and stared at Edward's every move, as if he would punch him if he dared to oppose again.

"Peter, Vera, you..."

Edward sighed in a hoarse voice:

"You just want the three of us to be burned to ashes by the dragon, don't you?"

"If it's fate, don't resist; if it's choice..." Peter bent down and faced the silent Edward:

"Let's face it together. No one wants to be a hero!"