Chapter 1114

"Wait a minute... Before you ask a bunch of stupid questions such as' Why are you ',' Why are you here ',' who called you ',' Lina didn't advise you ', barabarabara, I have to say..."

"Yes, Ben is here. What can you do for me?"

In the imperial barracks, Isaac Grantham, with his chest and waist high and my proud face, stood carelessly in front of the black haired wizard and turned his hands: "well, you can ask those stupid questions now."

"But I advise you to make a long story short, because before coming, I had been nagged enough by Lina and Ayn; I'm very uncertain whether I still have that patience. Listen to you again."

"Yes, Ayn, she's here too, but as usual, she's busy with repetitive and monotonous work such as logistics - you know, she can always show very unique talents in these jobs that don't require high intelligence."

"Oh, by the way, this is my experience from Lina; if you think women who are busy at work are sexy and can show their attraction as animals during estrus... Just think about it in your heart and don't say it."

"..." Loren Turin.

In the densely populated barracks, the cavalry galloping with horses roared past, rolling up bursts of smoke and dust; The square array with neat steps passed by them, obliterating all sounds and pictures.

Loren didn't know how to thank them.

After a while, the dark haired wizard who didn't know how to speak finally said slowly:

"So anyway, you came and..."

"But also brought a full surprise, enough to make your chin can't close!" the elated Isaac said happily: "I know it's enough to surprise you just to see me, but this time it's different."

"... why is it different?"

"Er... It's a little complicated to describe, and it may be difficult to explain. It's not clear in a word or two." Isaac scratched his head, looked like he didn't know what to do, and then snapped his fingers:

"Well, guess!"


"Yes, guess - more accurately, by judgment, you have now turned on the knowledge of awe.

"This is..."

"The elder badge of the nine pointed star wizard Tower represents the ten people with the highest achievements among the top ten schools in the wizard world. At present, there are only ten places."

Isaac's eyes were shining, and his tone was even more excited: "you know, don't say that the nine pointed star wizard tower is over now, even if it took much effort to win this thing before!"

Looking at the badge, Loren raised him, and his expression was more moved: "Isaac, this is... What you won for me?"

"No, better than that!" the excited Isaac shook his head and looked at the black haired wizard excitedly:

"I won it for myself. Now I'm the elder of the nine pointed star wizard tower - what's up, surprise?!"

"..." Loren Turin.

For a moment, Loren felt that his tolerance for surprises had reached the limit today.

"Wait, I may not explain clearly, so let me repeat it." the excited Isaac waved his hand. "The situation is like this - as you know, just as Ayn inherited the ashmai school, I will still inherit the freswalker school."

"But in addition, the nine pointed star wizard tower also acknowledged my research and allowed me to create a new school in the wizard tower, called Grantham school - inherit one school and create another, and I will become the first veteran of the wizard tower after wearing the hat Logan!"

Oh, that's a surprise... The black haired wizard nodded thoughtfully.

How stubborn and proud the nine pointed star wizard tower is, Loren, who went to eboden for the first time, once experienced it personally - it is unprecedented for a foreign wizard under the age of 30 who is destined to inherit a school to create a new school.

"So... How did you do it?"

"Oh, it's a little complicated, but to sum up... First, you have to have a level and research results that convince them; second, you have to have a wife that convince them."

Isaac coughed softly, and his expression was a little proud: "you know... Lina has extraordinary talent in making the dead angry and the living angry."

"Oh, seriously, you should have seen her arguing with the old men - either admit that I am qualified to inherit the two schools, or admit that their understanding of the word 'wizard' is not as good as a 'layman', which is wonderful - in all kinds of senses."

Loren's expression froze again.

"... that's why you asked me if I could read my mind by opening the second valve?"

"Otherwise, what do you think is the reason?"

The dark haired wizard smiled.

It's superfluous to ask this yourself.

"Of course, Ayn and Charlotte have also helped a lot. Ayn also wants to inherit the ashmai school, and Charlotte currently controls all the income sources of the bain wizard guild, so what should I say..."

"We really know a group of extraordinary women, all of us."

"That's right." the black haired wizard nodded, feeling the same.

In the noisy barracks, loud bugles and dragon roars came from a distance, but Loren felt unprecedented calm - listening to Isaac's chatter, thinking of Ayn's busy figure, Charlotte's proud expression, rolling her eyes again and again

Time flies when I think of these.

"How do you feel? Do you relax a little from your heavy fate?"

Isaac asked suddenly.

"Hmm?" Lauren was stunned.

"Hmm? HMM! HMM... It took me almost a year to understand how this word has three meanings and no less than 20 extended meanings." Isaac tilted his head and looked at the black haired Wizard:

"I'm not interested in the details of linguistics, but I'm very interested in the emotional changes of my second friend and younger brother, and... For some reason, I think I have an obligation to help you get rid of this sense of guilt."


"Yes, guilt - guilt about original sin." Isaac looked at him seriously: "I don't remember where I heard this sentence, but I remember correctly. It seems to be called 'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility'."

"How to put it, I don't want to say that this sentence is wrong. If a person has the ability to change something, he should really do something, but... This should not be his self righteous premise, let alone feel how important he is."

"You have the ability, responsibility and obligation... That's right, but don't take these as great things; yes, maybe if you fail, you won't have a second time, so what? The success or failure of things is not determined by your subjectivity, what you can do is just do your best."

"That's enough, that's all - you're not a savior, God, or a title... You're yourself, a person who may be a little good, just like every ordinary person who is good at using a sword, stupid or smart... Ordinary people."

"Doing extraordinary things, being admired by all, and being gifted... Are not enough to change this - your essence is no different from tens of millions of other beings."

"There are always some guys... Who think that blood, talent, knowledge or title can make themselves no longer ordinary. These poor guys who try to get rid of ordinary don't understand that they are doing a lot of useless work." Isaac shrugged:

"We... Are us. Why should we change and what should we change to be called 'extraordinary'?"

"But that's not what I want to say. What I want to say is... Loren Turin, you're just a mortal, an ordinary person, just like me or thousands of other ordinary people, so..."

"Don't be so self righteous to bear the original sin. No matter whether you succeed or fail, no one will blame you. Only you will feel sorry for yourself, so... Put so much pressure on yourself."

The dark haired wizard was silent.

"Sorry, I'm still... I'm not very good at comforting people. I should have let Ayn say these words, but I volunteered to have a try, and then I seemed to screw it up..."


Looking up, Loren looked at Isaac seriously and smiled:

"Very successful, thank you; I think... If it hadn't been said from Isaac's mouth, I might not have taken it so seriously."

"Really, that sounds good!" the happy Isaac nodded and looked surprised: "by the way, I didn't come to persuade you, but specially prepared a surprise..."

"No, no, no, if it's a surprise, forget it, I think..."

"This is a real surprise. I won't lie to you. Er... I mean, this' surprise 'is for you. It's real."

Scratching his head, Isaac had an indescribable expression - he was very disgusted to explain: "you asked me before you left, and now you have succeeded."

Luo Lun, who was slightly stunned, immediately responded: "to what extent?"

"Although I haven't actually tried it yet, it performed very well in the test stage. Even after reducing the cost as much as possible, the failure rate and damage rate are less than one-fifth, and the risk is even smaller. I don't know how much."

Isaac shrugged: "of course, considering the power reduction caused by compressing so many costs, that little danger is nothing compared with the original."

"I brought them here this time to conduct a more thorough test and see how much the failure rate and damage rate can reach in actual use - ah, I have to thank Charlotte for that. If she wasn't willing to spend money, it wouldn't be so easy to finish so quickly, so..."

"As soon as possible, when can we start the experiment? Ayn and I can't wait."

Looking at Isaac, who was slightly excited, Lauren, who was stunned, showed a meaningful smile at the corners of his mouth:

"Well... How about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?! can it be so fast? I'm actually ready to wait two or three months."

"It won't take that long, but the day after tomorrow at the latest." the smiling black haired wizard turned his eyes to the besieged highland in the distance:

"As for the subjects... I think the elves are just right."

"Are you sure? I heard Brandon say that these guys are like turtles. Even milaxis can't drive them down from the top of the mountain." Isaac doubted.

"If you are sure, I have a reason why she can't refuse, but..." Lauren said faintly: "now more than 100000 troops have been assembled near the highland alone. Do you need any assurance to attack a small highland?"

"Well, that's true." Isaac nodded casually. Anyway, he didn't care much about these military things, but


"Yes, she." Lauren nodded and looked at Isaac's strange expression. "What's the problem?"

"No, no problem, I just..." Isaac sighed, looking like he didn't want to ask at all, but still wanted to ask: "just talk casually, don't worry about it, and then don't blame me if you do, so..."

"You have nothing to do with that 'she'... Beyond the enemy?"

"... she's an elf."

"So is Leia."

"... she almost killed me."

"Hoo... Tell me, which woman you have a relationship with hasn't tried so... Except Ayn."

"... no, we have nothing to do."

"Good, then I'll agree." Isaac nodded and patted Lauren on the shoulder meaningfully. "Don't mind. I don't want to interfere in your private life... Mainly if I have another one, I have to consider whether to include her in our circle of friends. It's too troublesome."

"And if you really do this and hurt Ayn again, I have to consider whether I have to strangle you... It's even more troublesome."