Chapter 1113


Almost at the same time when Loren decided to retreat, the elf Prince opposite gave the same order without hesitation.

If you think with your feet, the elf prince can also guess - since Loren Turin has appeared and most of his father has been defeated miserably in the fortress of duanjieshan, it is only a matter of time before the main force of the Empire appears. If you drag it on, the only end is to be surrounded and hanged by the imperial army.

If you don't retreat as soon as possible when you have spare power, and wait until the main force of the enemy comes up... Rodriya Azor thinks that Loren Turin opposite should not be kind enough to leave room for himself to escape.

As long as there is a chance, we should kill each other at any cost - this should be the same between the two sides.

"No, nothing. Leave it all to the cheating bastard! Retreat, retreat to eboden in the shortest time, run as fast as you can, and it's too late if you don't go!"

Although it was an indifferent tone, the elf Prince's eyes were still staring at the direction of the imperial capital Golovin, and his expression was mixed with strong reluctance.

Almost, really almost... I can turn the situation around and let the Azores really take root in this land, not just as an intruder of sweeping and looting.

Colony, stronghold core, connecting road... I have almost completed everything I can. I only need half a step to capture this city called Golovin, so I can establish the foundation of a new dynasty, and then

Robbed of everything by this cheating bastard Loren Turin.

At the beginning of eboden, at the end of eboden... Did you do your best to break the game, or did you not change the result?

The howling horn sounded over the Empire Avenue battlefield at the same time as the assembly number of Byrne's Legion; The armies of both sides seemed to have reached some tacit agreement and retreated one after another; Even if the other party's army passed by the flank, it was not blocked and watched the other party leave.

"Lori, what are you doing?"

Rodriya Azor, with a slightly stunned expression, looked at the blindfolded elf girl kneeling in front of her without saying a word: "it's time to retreat. Don't linger. Anything can wait until the road..."

"Your Highness." Lori, kneeling on one knee, slowly looked up and interrupted the little prince:

"Anson ZAD, the chief Wizard of the royal court... My brother, he is still on the other side of the highland."

The little elf prince with a heavy look trembled at the corners of his mouth, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Oh, that's it."

Rodriya Azor's expression was strangely calm.

The blindfolded fairy girl nodded slightly:

"If your highness agrees, please let me leave the army and go to find Anson."

"Yes... Hey, even if I don't, you'll do that, won't you?"

"Yes." Lori had no intention of cheating.

"Then go - if you guessed right, Loren Turin should not have conquered the highland. Relying on the fortress there, Anson ZAD should be able to hold on for some time." the elf Prince shrugged:

"If you're lucky, break through the Baoshi River in foggy weather. The time limit is five days... I'll arrange an army to meet you downstream."

"Thank you, your highness!"

Solemnly bow down and salute. The blindfolded fairy girl gets up and leaves. Just halfway away, she is shouted: "by the way, if you can't retreat, you might as well..."

"Samurai, if you want to die on the battlefield, there will be no shame of stealing life."

With her back to the little prince, Lori ZAD solemnly said in her young voice:

"We will take bone as a monument and blood as a sacrifice to wish your highness a triumphant return!"


"Your Highness, your royal highness awakes!"

"How's your highness? Is it better?"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way to make room for your highness!"

Fillonay woke up in chaos; The knights on both sides are still trying to maintain order and block the soldiers who still want to get close.

He pushed away the officer who took the initiative to help him. Staggering, the feeble phillanai stood up in a trance and looked at the highland battlefield ravaged wantonly in the flames.

Corpses covered the hillside, flags burning in the sea of fire, shrouded in gunsmoke, hovering in the sky like dark clouds... Quietly looking at everything in front of him, the expressionless fillonay seemed to remember the once gentle and picturesque scene here.

Think of yourself... Once came with connord.

Close your eyes and philrone breathes deeply; The thick smoke at the tip of her nose and the thick fog in the morning became confused in her sense of smell, and even faintly felt that the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked up.

It seems that looking back the next second, you can see the figure as big as your brother, with his back to himself, and his face firmly looking at Golovin who woke up in the morning.

"Your Highness."

The awakened fillonet looked back slowly. Yuli vilz, who appeared behind her, was looking at himself with some concern.

"Archduke elmond." the last expression on fillonay's face dispersed and returned to normal: "you appear here, that is to say, the highland..."

"Failed to capture... Sorry." with a trace of regret, some embarrassed Yuli weiltz shook his head: "the enemy's defense is very tight. Although our army has made every effort and desperate, it is still blocked in the periphery."

"Then we now..."

"On the side of Empire Avenue, Byrne's Legion sounded the assembly call - the main force of the enemy has retreated in the direction of eboden." Archduke elmond sighed, turned his eyes and looked at the Azor triangular flag on the top of the mountain:

"The elves of the Highlands... Are now just a lonely army surrounded and helpless."

"... I see." fillonay nodded slightly.

Although he didn't know much about the military, he also knew what it meant to be alone and defend only one place.

Such an enemy is no longer threatening, and a strong attack will cause great casualties; Therefore, it is better to encircle and not attack, and it is enough to maintain the blockade against them.

If you're right, Loren Turin probably wants to wait until Brandon and all aspects of the Empire gather to make a final attack on the Highlands?

It can not only reduce losses, but also stimulate the morale of the army with the disastrous defeat of the enemy and prepare for the final decisive battle... It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

That guy... He's a very cautious coward.

"Your Highness, it's too dangerous here." looking at phillanai who still wanted to move forward, Yuli vilz frowned slightly and couldn't help but say:

"Please leave the battlefield as soon as possible and leave the next work to me and the count of mountain rock castle..."



"Archduke ellemans, in your eyes, am I such a burden that will only add trouble to you?"

"Your Highness?!"

Surprised, Yuli weiltz quickly knelt down on one knee: "please don't say such words. Without you, we..."

"I didn't want to be a burden, so I didn't say a word when he went to the fortress of duanjie mountain." like taking care of himself, phillanai stared at the battle flag at the top of the highland with sharp eyes, and his mind flashed back to the pictures of the past:

"Because I don't want to be a burden, I just do the thing of 'maybe he will do it too'; I think maybe I can finish it once I die."

"Seriously think about it. It is because of holding such an idea that I will turn myself into a burden that will only cause trouble to others."

"... your highness."

"Don't worry, after one experience, I don't have any idea of dying now - that kind of liberation is more suitable to be called escape."

Slowly looking back, in the surprised eyes of Yuli vilz, fillonay smiled:

"Brother Eckhardt, Conrad, Brandon... And all of you, including Loren Turin, please strive to complete your mission."

"As for me... There are things I can do and my mission."

Yuli wilz was stunned.

When he regained his consciousness, phillanai, who had recovered his indifference, had turned and left; Accompanied by a group of Imperial Knights, he left the messy battlefield and walked towards the way he came.


Just like the beginning without warning, the battle of Highlands in the fog sea also ended very suddenly.

After the defense line of Empire Avenue was broken, the main army of Azores retreated decisively - in just five days, it had basically completed the evacuation from the territory of West Saxony and merged with the 100000 Azores army reinforced later.

At the same time, after finishing the battle of the Highlands, the sakran Bain Elman coalition army quickly completed the rest, and then re established a siege network under the Highlands, besieging the last Azor elf Legion up to 30000 above the highlands.

During the siege, the Azores in the Highlands tried to break through the beach and the front several times, but they were fiercely counterattacked by the Empire - tens of thousands of imperial armies, coupled with the continuous reinforcements and materials from Golovin, built a sufficiently stable blockade to prevent the Azores from raiding.

Thanks to little Joad's bone cutting and flesh tearing search, he collected enough funds from golovian nobles and rich businessmen to maintain the long-term siege of 100000 legions. In addition, he arranged a lot of temporary work for the survivors who fled to the capital with Loren, revitalizing the "economy" of the capital.

Of course, the wailing emperors, nobles and rich businessmen were not among his considerations.

The former is only the memory of goldfish, remember to eat or not to beat the scum; Most of the latter are competitors with Byrne's United Chamber of Commerce. Of course, little Joad will not show any mercy, let alone the feeling of rabbit death and fox sorrow - the worse these people are, the more excited he is.

With sufficient funds, Loren also began to build a series of more stable blockades, and spent the money of the imperial aristocrats to arm the bain Legion to the teeth.

On the fourth day of the siege, the first army assembled under the order of Brandon de saleon finally arrived in Western Saxony - the total number of Flemish legions starting from Longxin city and taking a boat in the lower reaches of the gem river was 60000, and arrived at the highland battlefield along the gem river.

At the same time, glenwell, the liaison officer of the regiment, the Earl of storm castle in Bain, also brought good news - after Charlotte Turin's personal persuasion, Archduke Arles finally "completely awakened", calmed the rebellion of his relatives as soon as possible, and led Arles's army all the way north from Bain to the imperial capital.

Equipped with heavy crossbows and tomahawks to hunt trolls, Arles soldiers, a total of 50000, have crossed Byrne and joined Brandon de saleon's Legion from saklan.

At midnight that day, the desperate or desperate Azores launched a final raid in the direction of the estuary in an attempt to capture the fleet from the Armand army and escape; They were greeted by the giant dragon mirassis, which fell from the sky. It was as violent as the rain.

The result was disastrous - less than 20000 Azores Elven warriors were left, more than one third of their troops were killed in one night, more than half of the casualties, and there were only thousands of elite who still had combat power.

After receiving the news that Golovin had been held, Brandon immediately sent mirassis to the capital; After several days of confirming that the elves' launchers had run out of ammunition, Loren naturally would not have any scruples and let the Dragon milaxis attack wantonly.

The Elves were finally in complete despair.

The defeated Anson ZAD, with the remaining Elven warriors, withdrew to the highland and defended it, and there was no sign of breaking through.

Loren Turin, who has surrounded the Highlands, also has no intention of making a strong attack. He just divides the Flemish Legion into two, continues to strengthen the blockade, and orders the fleet to control the upstream and downstream rivers of the gem River, beware of sneak attacks and fleeing Elven warriors.

On the sixth day, the regiment of BOI Hussars arrived in Golovin. Among the 50000 hussars, there was a small Bain regiment with only two or three thousand people.

The Azores at the top of the highland indifferently watched this group of swaggering Hussars gallop along the hillside of the highland, rolling up bursts of smoke and dust to form the last blockade line.

On the tenth day, the Imperial Guard Corps composed of imperial nobles arrived at the battlefield and launched a surprise attack on the Azores in the Highlands "regardless of dissuasion".

From the beginning to the end, the battle was a complete farce - the imperial nobles planned to attack the abdomen and back of the Azores from the beach, and "ordered" the Armand and Bain legions to provide cover from the front of the highland and the gem river.

After a fierce confrontation, the imperial capital Guard Corps with ten times the strength was still defeated when the Azores were pinned down by the two wings.

Azores Elven warriors, who did not intend to entangle, took initiative to withdraw to highland fortress after the Imperial Guard Corps broke up, and did not intend to pursue.

On the twelfth day, the imperial parliament ordered Loren Turin to go to the imperial capital to explain why there was no assistance when the Guard Corps was attacked by elves.

On the 14th, Loren Turin, who had not been to the imperial capital for a long time, received a new guest. The imperial parliament sent a messenger to sincerely apologize to Loren for the previous call and was willing to continue to bear the expenses of the siege army.

On the fifteenth day, Brandon de sallion arrived at the battlefield with 150000 troops.

The battle of the Highlands is coming to an end.