Chapter 1070

As the news of "the emperor is here" spread all over the battlefield, the elves and the defenders of duanjie mountain who fell into chaos have killed each other, rushed up recklessly, pushed back recklessly, and killed each other recklessly.

When the weapon is broken, hit it with the handle, pull off the helmet as a short sword, use your fist, use your teeth, use your armor, use your fingernails, the bones exposed by your broken right hand... Use everything they can to fight with a guy whose opposite ear is different from yours.

The advantage of this sudden "flag" is that it inspires the morale of all people on both sides of the battlefield. The disadvantage is that it also makes these inspired soldiers completely out of control and become beasts who only know how to fight and fight, frantically jumping on each other in their own slogans.

Elves, humans, warriors, knights, long ears, short ears... It is no longer difficult to separate each other in the chaotic battlefield. Even the flags and commands of both sides can no longer separate them. The battlefield has completely become a flesh and blood mill for fighting each other.

Stepping on the bones of their compatriots to rush through the first line of defense, the Elven warriors were soon stopped by locust like arrows and solid shield walls in front of the second line of defense.

They soon found that the defenders of duanjie mountain who stepped on the remains of paoze still had good discipline despite their enthusiasm; Even in the battle of sacrificing life and death, they can maintain the minimum formation and block their way with shields and gun arrays.

No why, because they're saxophone.

There are no knights, only infantry, and the Saxons fighting with the shield wall do not know the second way of fighting, except for the tactic of turning dozens of people into hundreds of people.


Looking into a chaotic battlefield, the elf warrior under the flag frowned and instinctively clenched the long knife at his waist.

I originally intended to use the bait of "Imperial Emperor" to boost morale and try to break through the imperial front as soon as possible, but the result was counterproductive; The Elven warriors who were too eager for honor and "glorious death" completely lost order and began to fight frantically, which turned into the result of scuffle.

As a result, the war situation was deadlocked.

Of course, he has no regrets about this situation; If they don't, the Empire people with high morale will gradually drive the tired and hungry Elven warriors out of the inner castle.

So he must do so. He must make every Elf Warrior aware of the importance of this battle; If you lose this opportunity, it's hard to say whether you can kill an Imperial Emperor on the battlefield!

The elf warrior holding the handle of the knife was no longer excited, but his eyes were cold.

Because he suddenly thought of a very possible thing - if the Imperial Emperor didn't choose to defend the fortress because he wanted to die, what would it be?

Because he knew that he had reinforcements and would arrive soon; So he must hold the fort as much as possible before the reinforcements arrive, even if it puts himself in danger.

Whoever can master the most favorable time first will win the victory; Either the elves rushed before the reinforcements arrived, or the reinforcements arrived in time to wipe out the exhausted elves.

Time will determine the fate of both sides!


Time... Connord's mouth showed a trace of self mockery, and the expression of cold laughter became solemn again.

I didn't expect that after such a long time, I would trust my life to time again, and let this cold and ruthless "God of death" decide whether I am qualified to continue to live or whether dying here is more valuable to the world.

I've been longing to hold my destiny tightly in my hand all my life, but finally I have to let another higher-level existence judge my destiny... I have to say, the irony is really strong.

"The Saxons, line up to fight -!"

A roar full of "regional characteristics" came from the front; With the flag officer who suddenly raised the flag and rushed up regardless of everything, the Legion soldiers around also propped up their shields with the command; Rows of halberds were raised horizontally, pointing the spear tip of the cold shining sword to the front.

The saxorians... This represents not only the people on a piece of land, but also their unique way of fighting - the heavy infantry tactics that made them proud of the heroes in the ancient kingdom before the Dragon came to earth.

They don't have strong horses, sophisticated bows, machetes and spears; Stepping on the muddy and dark land, the saxophone infantry gathered in villages at the call of the Lords can only rely on the shields in their hands and behind their sides.

The infantry spear was replaced with halberd, and the chain armor was replaced with stronger plate chain composite armor. Only the shield will never change, only the shield... Will always be the shield.

They do not understand the proud one-on-one duel of the knights, the agility of the ellemans and the cunning of the loters, nor the excellent and superb fighting skills of the Arles and the Bois.

This group of heavy infantry with "Earth" to the extreme can only use this simple and earth to the extreme fighting method - support them with shields until they exhaust the enemy's strength, and then defeat them with the advancing shield wall.


The fanatical Elven warriors waved their long knives and smashed the "black city wall" like the splashing waves when the torrent surged; But what they splashed was not clear river water, but viscous plasma.

The "black wall" under the impact of the torrent is shaking constantly. In the face of enemies who are too flexible than themselves, they can't avoid those attacks with tricky angles like spirit snakes; So they simply didn't hide. They supported the shield with their shoulders and arms, stabbed the halberd out, and then stabbed it out

In the battle of sacrificing life and death, the Elven warriors who completely killed red eyes almost didn't realize that their enemies were stabilizing the front line in this stupid and "dirt" way, and even gathered the soldiers in the front row who were caught in a scuffle into the front line.

The Elven warriors who scattered and fought their own battles were gradually "squeezed out" by the black city wall; No matter how many cuts they can make, or even kill the Legion soldiers one by one, they will never be able to integrate into the "city wall".

So the wall became thicker and stronger - no matter how fierce the front line was and how many legions fell silently, there were enough people in the back to replace him.

Always fight in groups and give full play to the collective strength... Since ancient times, it has always been an important means for these "dirt" Saxons to win.

"Dang --!"

The halberd from the front stabbed heavily in the center of the blade; The long damaged Azor knife burst with a whine; The figure of the Elf Female Warrior charging was also trembling.

But at the moment when the Legion soldiers were excited to poke out the halberd again, Alexandra's left hand suddenly took out from behind, and another long knife, with a broken blade like a fast poisonous snake, stabbed along the path of the halberd.


The Legion soldiers in heavy armor trembled, as if their souls had been taken away and collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

"Hoo... Hoo... Hoo..."

Gasping heavily, Alexandra's hot throat resonated with her chest of unknown significance; The bones and muscles on the verge of the limit seemed to break up in the next second, soaked with plasma all over her body, and even made her unable to tell how many wounds there were on her body.

Throwing away the broken long knife, the Elf Female Warrior silently took out another sharp blade from behind her - five or six Azores long knives were hung behind her and at her waist, all of which were relics picked up from paoze's body after rushing into the fortress.

Even for the sacrifices made by these dead cellular comrades in arms for them to stand here; I will continue to fight myself.

Until death.

"Bared --!"

The elf female warrior who was still motionless a moment ago suddenly turned around and set up a long knife with a string of sparks from the spear tip of the pierced halberd; Before the second stab from the opposite side, she had disappeared from the opposite line of sight.

Then... Flash over each other's head in an instant.

The single knife smashed the shield of the Legion soldiers, the other side held the knife in his backhand, put his back against the shield, wiped the soldier's neck, and then hit the heavy sword halberd directly from the left and right front against the other party's body.

make smooth reading.


Leaving behind the corpses of the soldiers who had been "torn apart", the gasping Alexandra stood in the center surrounded by the defenders of duanjie mountain - the paoze comrades in arms behind her had been far behind her because of their own charge.

Rush... I have to... Rush

For... Righteousness... Shame... Glory

Her sight became hot, and she could only vaguely see the figures of the Legion soldiers besieging her from all directions.

"Stabilization front! Stabilization front --!"

"Kill her and push her out --!"

"Stop her and never let her rush over. This is the battle of honor of the saxorians --!"

There was a noisy noise in her ears, and the figure of Alexandra waving her double knives moved.

The fallen halberd fell heavily, and the overburdened blade broke in response; Without hesitation, she threw out the broken knife and hit the door;

The heavy sword left a string of sparks on her right arm guard. With the inertia of the enemy's weapon falling, the long knife in her right hand ran from bottom to top through the soldier's chest;

The shield hit hard from the back of the Elf Female Warrior, and the slender figure was directly knocked into the air, but she avoided the falling halberd;

The spear took the opportunity to stab her back from bottom to top, but the elf female warrior who had pulled out the long knife turned, cut off the spear head and threw the backhand back;

The six halberds stood up at the same time and aimed at her landing place. The light Alexandra's toes fell firmly in the center of the six Legion soldiers, and turned over with a long knife in both hands.

"Poof --!"

Wailing everywhere, the moment of blood and flesh spilling, countless Legion soldiers in the back row have been close to her within ten steps.

Looking around, the fairy female Samurai held the handle back with both hands, crossed and opened to both sides, like a war bow opened on both sides, and like a falcon spreading its wings to fly.

Take the sword as the bow and the body as the string.

Samurai way, guerrilla arrow!

"Bang --!"

The figure of more than ten people suddenly stopped, like hitting an invisible wall; The shield in his hand broke, the long handle of the halberd broke, and the armor in the heart of his chest burst into dazzling blood.

Waving two broken knives, the fairy female warrior finally broke out of the siege. Behind her was a chaotic battlefield, and the soldiers of duanjie mountain who were shouting to chase her.

Dragging her staggering steps, Alexandra kept moving forward, desperately opening her eyes to see more clearly.

After her, the Azores kept catching up with her, and then were stopped by the surrounding Legion soldiers. Between the puncture of halberd and the collision of shield, they became minced meat that could only spit blood.

Can't stop... Can't stop

I must wash my shame with the blood of the Imperial Emperor

"Dang --!"

The two swords set up by Kan Kan stopped the two handed swords smashed head-on. In front of him, the dark figure of the fairy female warrior trembled and almost fell to the ground.

"In the name of the Holy Cross, the Azores... Can't pass!" the same scarred oath Knight roared: "Holy Cross, please give me anger and let me punish the villains..."


Silently, the sound of sharp arrows piercing the chamber interrupted the words of the oath knight.

"Poof! Poof..."

Hundreds of invisible arrows pierced the oath Knight's trunk and chest. In a moment, the oath Knight's body was loose and knelt down in front of Alexandra.

"No! Yes! Come again! Stop me!"

The two swords are staggered, and the knight's head falls to the ground.

The fairy warrior with blood and tears on her cheeks has twisted her expression to the point of ferocity.

The defenders of duanjie mountain behind them are still chasing hard, but it's too late... The Azores who are aware of the abnormal appearance of the enemy front are even more desperate to launch an attack, risking their lives to attack the increasingly thin front from all directions.

At this moment, the disadvantage of military strength became very obvious because of chaos - compared with the defenders of duanjieshan who had to maintain the formation desperately, the Azores who kept pouring in tens of thousands of troops had almost endless troops that could be put into this small battlefield and pave a way with corpses.

Under the repeated impact of ignoring casualties, the solid front was gradually cut thinner and narrower. In the end, it could not even take into account the two wings. The shield wall was constantly washed down by the enemy, and finally fell into a scuffle.

And Alexandra, who was alone, finally climbed up the wall and stood in front of the stairs of the tower.

"Bang --!"

When she kicked open the locked wooden door, the staggering fairy warrior almost fell and broke into the top of the tower. The howling cold wind made her body curl up and tremble slightly.

Here we are, finally

Alexandra struggled with a burst of joy in her heart. She raised her head bit by bit and looked up at the wall pile at the edge of the tower.

There, a tall figure held high the flag of three dragons holding the iron crown and stood there motionless. The tall and straight figure was like a flag and stood there like a tower.

That was... The 13th emperor of the Empire.

Conrad I.