Chapter 1069

"No, never!"

Almost before dreisis finished speaking, Conrad categorically refused: "I know what you mean, but I can never do this - dreisis, the Dragon King family, has no deserters, let alone the emperor who is a deserter!"

"Your Majesty --!!!"

Dreisis, anxious, was shaking almost from head to foot.

In fact, dreisis was still calm when he heard that the outer retaining wall fell and the city gate was broken - because of the special structure of duanjie mountain, even if the city gate was broken, it was not equal to attacking the fortress; Moreover, the narrow terrain, the corridor that can only be passed by two people side by side, is enough to block the soldiers of the Azores.

Even if the enemy has 40000 troops, how many troops can you expand in a heavily fortified fortress and how wide can you stretch the front - even if there are millions of troops, there are two or three thousand who can fight at the same time!

Moreover, the destruction of the city was not the result of a strong attack by the enemy, but a sneak attack; The enemy's preparations are also inadequate. As long as they stand firm, wait for reinforcements and spend time fighting with the enemy, it is enough to let them understand that attacking the city gate is not equal to victory, but likely to be a disastrous defeat.

What really turned the tide of the war was the news that the mechanism room was captured.

The enemy's frontal assault and attack were just a cover. They knew from the beginning that their target was in the mechanism room - the Azores who captured there not only opened the city gate, but also locked the gate of the inner wall.

This directly led to the complete defeat of the troops fighting on the front line of the outer wall. Even because of the sudden increase of the enemy and the back and forth attack, not only the front missed, but also the defeated troops did not exist!

The fall of the inner city gate means that the defenders of the duanjieshan fortress can no longer rely on the external retaining wall and various defensive fortifications designed for foreign invasion. They must fight the enemy head-on in the open area in front of the innermost inner fortress until the fortress falls completely.

For dreisis, such a battle is almost planned, and the Legion soldiers guarding the fortress have practiced similar situations countless times; Even if the castle is deep, it's no big deal to die in battle, because the enemy will pay ten times, a hundred times, or even more.

But now the situation is different, because connord, the emperor of the Empire, is here!

Once the enemy invades the inner castle, dreisis can't guarantee that no Elf Warrior will break through the direction and rush into the tower to kill connord; And according to the attack mode of the elves, such a situation is very likely.

Even the purpose of their raid on duanjieshan fortress is only to kill the emperor of the Empire!

Just like what they did in the sky palace not long ago!

"I understand your loyalty and respect your ideas, but dreisis, I won't leave." Conrad said in a deep voice. "I can't abandon my soldiers and run away alone at this time - that's not what the emperor does."

"If the 'Sage' Brandon I could fight side by side with the Legion soldiers at the last moment, if the 'Dragon Queen' Charlotte I could charge, if, if my father... My father Eckhardt II could bravely face his death..."

"I, Conrad I, the 13th supreme emperor of the Empire, have no reason not to do it!"

Dreisis, kneeling before the emperor, did not move.

"I know what you think, but I know better what my duty is; if I become the first emperor to 'escape from battle' in history when the sakran Empire and the sky Palace are in turmoil, it will be a fatal blow to the Empire and the de saleon royal family!"

Facing the loyal adjutant, Connor sighed and showed his earnest and sincere expression: "so dreisis, I ask you to perform your duty as the commander of the Legion - if necessary, to protect the troops."

"Your Majesty..."

"Don't be so sad, dreisis, we have not experienced such a battle together." the emperor forced out a smile from the corners of his stiff mouth:

"As long as Brandon's reinforcements arrive in time, we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory. Unless I have to, of course, I'm reluctant to abandon the fortress of duanjieshan - remember the battle of bingqiao cliff?"

"Of course!" dreisis nodded heavily.

"That time I was too confident. As a result, I was defeated miserably in the evening and was killed through the shield wall by dozens of desperate ice werewolves; but I won back two quarters of an hour later, because I knew that the Rangers you led were nearby and would arrive in time."

In his words, his memory seemed to go back to decades ago, when he was still young and assigned by his father to duanjie mountain to practice.

Brandon had become a Dragon Rider at that time. At that time, he was still a young man with strong blood. In order to save the face lost in Jufeng mountain, he tried to wipe out the largest ice field werewolf tribe in the south of the mountain.

Then... I know the price of overestimation and excessive pride.

Paoze, who fought side by side with himself on weekdays, fell one by one in order to protect himself; The attendant who shouted desperately, pulled his sleeves and wanted to take him away was pushed to the ground by himself, and turned into food in the mouth of a werewolf;

But in the end, he won - not because he commanded well, but because he was lucky that dreisis's cavalry were nearby.

"This time... It's the same!"

Connord stood up and the hot fire was burning in his bright red pupils.

"Carry out the order, dreisis - the enemy has invaded the inner fort, and the surplus force is meaningless; lead the wounded and boy's Hussars to prepare for retreat; tell them not to have any concerns and retreat safely as soon as possible."

"If you encounter elves, don't pester them and let them go; if they want to destroy or rob the materials in the fortress, just let them rob, which can delay the speed of attack."

"Yes, in particular, we should ensure the safety of Archduke Sarika Jonah and Bain wizards. Bain and Boye are very important to the Empire; no matter what happens, we can't hurt them any more."

"... yes."

Dreisis got up with difficulty, clenched his teeth and murmured.

Until the other party left, connord's eyes finally softened a little; With a thoughtful expression, he looked at the ring symbolizing the imperial power of de sallion on his hand.

Akhat II... The twelfth emperor of the Empire... His father, who knew everything and could use his life as a chess piece, what did he think when facing the blade of the Azores?

Or did he expect his own death?

That's right... No matter how much boasting and modification, the essence will not change - I can't bear the shame of defeat, let alone become a coward in the eyes of soldiers; I would rather die in battle than be like that.

I'd rather die in glory than live in disgrace... That's all.

Now that the situation has fallen so far, let's see if we can turn defeat into victory at the last moment like the battle of ice warping cliff many years ago.

Silently holding his head high, connord de sallion held his sword tightly, took a war flag from the corner of his side and stepped out of the door.


The cold wind is howling and the war flag is hunting!

After the Elven warriors who poured into the fortress of duanjie mountain rushed through the city wall, crossed the line of defense and rushed into the inner castle, a tragic hand to hand battle was being staged in a thick pool of blood after a head-on collision with the soldiers of the regiment.

Both the elves and the defenders of duanjie mountain are fighting recklessly. Everyone knows that no one can afford to lose when the battle reaches this stage;

If the garrison is defeated, the fortress of duanjieshan will fall;

If the elves retreat, only heavy casualties and injuries, the bottomed baggage can make them collapse in situ; Freeze to death, starve to death, die in glacial wasteland.

So you can only win, not lose!

Over time, the initial stalemate soon began to change - the imperial Legion soldiers had more endurance, but their number was far less than the crazy influx of elves; In the face of the tricky and terrible Elven warriors, the soldiers of the garrison are sliding rapidly.

Although the Elven warriors who are short of equipment are obviously inferior to the defenders of duanjie mountain in physical fitness, their number and morale are their advantages; Especially when they broke through the wall, tore up a line of defense and rushed to the inner castle, this little advantage became more obvious.

Even standing behind the queue, the Elven warriors surrounded by flags have begun to calculate how long it will take to capture the fortress and whether they can reduce casualties as much as possible.

After all, although every Elf Warrior is very willing to die for his Majesty the eagle king, they can only exist when they are alive

"Your Majesty, it's your majesty --!"

Just as the enemy began to plan how to win, an excited cry suddenly broke out in the array of the defenders of duanjie mountain; A flag officer waving the war flag excitedly pointed to the top of the tower of the inner Castle behind him. A lonely figure stood there, holding the iron crown flag high in his hand, overlooking the whole battlefield.

"It's your majesty Connor. He didn't leave!"

"Your Majesty has not abandoned us. He is still watching them from the tower of the fortress!"

"Your Majesty didn't escape with the wounded. He's still fighting side by side with us!"

Excited cries came one after another, and many duanjieshan veterans who had fought with Conrad for many years even had sour noses and tears on their faces.

"Soldiers of the Empire, believers of the Holy Cross!" the blood soaked oath knight, waving a big sword, shouted:

"The agent of the Holy Cross on earth, the guardian of her teachings, your emperor is still here, he has not left, he is still watching how we fight! He entrusted his life and the future of the Empire to us, to our swords, shields and flesh!"

"Warriors of the Empire, please fight for the emperor!"

"Long live the emperor --!!"

Roar like thunder, ring through the broken boundary mountain!

The defenders of duanjie mountain, who had been forced to retreat step by step, suddenly had a great morale rise and fell into a state of shouting and fighting; Even many officers directly threw down their shields, raised their halberds and launched an assault on the enemy with the knights, pushing the front back to the origin.

However, this momentum did not last long, because the quantitative disadvantage was too obvious; Even if the garrison of duanjieshan really has reached the point of sacrificing life and death, it can only slow down the pace of the enemy's attack.

"What, that's the emperor of the Empire?!"

Looking at the sudden return of the news and the excited guard on his face, the elf warrior was also excited to blush.

In fact, when the morale of the imperial people suddenly changed, he vaguely felt that it was possible, but he was not sure; After all, an emperor has died at the hands of elves, and the imperial people will certainly try their best to avoid this happening again.

But now there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a good opportunity to kill the Imperial Emperor on the front battlefield.

This is not a sneaky assassination, but to defeat each other fairly on the battlefield, and then take his head from each other - for a warrior, even a one-on-one duel can't be more glorious than this.

This is the honor that even the four court warriors, even the princes of the Azores royal family, and even his Majesty the eagle himself have not been able to get!

With a flick of a knife, you will become the greatest hero of this war!

"Pass on my orders. The 1000th, 2000th and 3000th teams are responsible for covering. The fourth, fifth and sixth teams start to attack immediately. Do your best to tear up the enemy's front - even if only one person rushes over, it will be a victory!"

The elf warrior was too excited to roar to his side: "tell every elf warrior who can rush into the tower first and behead the imperial man waving the war flag. He is the greatest hero of the Azores elf. I am willing to give him all my glory!"

"Take duanjie mountain and kill the emperor! Do you understand?!"

"Understand!" the guard was also excited and trembled:

"Take duanjie mountain and kill the emperor!"

Soon, the orders of the Elven warriors were given to every thousand people's team, and the Elven warriors who got the news were even more excited than the fanatical imperial people opposite; A "sense of destiny" that is about to make achievements and go down in history makes every Elf Warrior desperate.

The battlefield, which was originally "orderly", became extremely chaotic for a time; The Elven warriors who no longer care about their comrades in arms collided with the defenders of duanjie mountain, one wants to pass as soon as possible, and the other desperately wants to push the other back. Both sides fell into a very strange situation.

On both sides of the scuffle, only a few officers and soldiers still remember their original mission. Finally, the fighting front maintained the last bit of "order", but only a little.

The outcome of the battle no longer depends on discipline and order, but on which party's fanatical morale collapses first.