
In the dark cave, the incredible Isaac stared at Lucian: "how could it be gone?!"

"I just saw them there, one tall, one short, one big and one small. How could they disappear in the blink of an eye?"

The sharp voice echoed among the rock walls for a long time.

"How do I know?!" the frightened grey pupil boy was also extremely nervous. His eyes kept scanning around, hoping to find a clue: "I'm not the only one who just heard the sound!"

"What do you know?" the unwilling Isaac hugged his shoulder and asked anxiously.

"I..." ruthen said, and some of them were angry. "I knew they were gone."

"You know, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Isaac stared, "how did they disappear?!"

"I don't know!"

"But you just said you knew!"

"I didn't!"

"You said it, you said you knew they were gone!"

"Yes, I know they're gone, but I don't know how they're gone!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait

"But none of them knows how they disappeared, right?!"

"That's it!" Lucian nodded hard, not forgetting the cold hum.

"Well, then the problem is solved. The next problem is to find out how they disappeared - it's very empty here. It's not impossible to get lost accidentally."

Shrugging his shoulders and pretending to be calm, Isaac tried his best to restrain his trembling legs and coughed gently: "first of all, I think we should rule out several possibilities... For example, did they leave because of an accident or deliberately?"

"Deliberately leave?"

The grey pupil boy was stunned: "why did they leave on purpose?"

Isaac turned his head, looked at the fool's expression and looked at him: "I said, this kind of thing needs to be asked - of course, in order to avoid our attention!"

"Avoid our attention?"

Lucian doesn't understand.

"Yes, it's dark and dark here. The space is quite spacious. It's neither hot nor cold. It's like a beast's Cave - you know, many large beasts spend their estrus in the cave - so they just need to find a place we can't see, and then pretend to be lost in a few minutes and go back... Eh?!"

All of a sudden, Isaac, who found himself leaking, looked in horror at Lucian, who was still confused, and suddenly lost his voice.

"Pretend to be lost and come back... And then?"

The grey pupil boy blinked and still didn't understand.

"Nothing, nothing!" he waved his hand desperately, and Isaac smiled falsely and rigidly: "just said one of the possibilities. In fact, there are many possibilities, such as... Huh?"

For the second time, Isaac suddenly turned back and looked at both sides again.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just feel like..." Isaac looked speechless: "it seems that there is something missing. I said, is there someone missing besides them?"


Frowning, Lucian couldn't help looking back and looked deep into the dark cave: "it seems... There's someone missing."

"Who is it?"

The two people with confused expressions spoke in the same voice.


"Why is it the same as last time..."

In the dark cave, Brandon, holding a torch, looked around in horror and wanted to cry without tears.

He still remembered the last time he followed sister-in-law phillanai's footsteps and refused to release her hand. As a result, she disappeared in the blink of an eye;

So Brandon decided to go the other way this time. Anyway, the purpose of their coming this time is not to test, as long as they can reach their destination safely.

Obviously, some invisible force joked with him again - he didn't even hear his voice all the way. When he looked back, he found that he was the only one left!

But now he had no time to care about this. His royal highness, who was desperately breathing deeply, restrained his trembling hands and feet and hardened his scalp to continue to move deeper.

Yes, since I could walk this road alive then, there's no reason why I can't do it now.

"You know, just like last time, let milaxis carry me directly to the top of the mountain."

Holding a torch, the trembling Prince couldn't help complaining to himself.

Fortunately, this time I didn't come to accept the test, but to meet the dragon and explain things to them - by now, milassis and glum should have reached the top of the mountain and explained the reason with the leaders of the dragon family. They have no reason to embarrass themselves on the road.

Thinking like this, Brandon's heart suddenly relaxed a lot and his pace accelerated a little.

At this moment


A very clear crash came from his ears. His royal highness, who was startled, suddenly froze, and his blood seemed to coagulate.

He could hear the sound clearly. It was the sound of someone falling.

And close to myself.

Brandon, whose heart was about to stop, raised the torch, turned to the direction of the sound with his head bit by bit, and stared at it.

The one who fell there was a young child, lying on the ground, showing his teeth and covering the wound on his knee.

The red hair was in a mess, and the bright eyes flashed, showing a bit of cunning and cleverness.

His highness was stunned.

A memory that had long been blurred, but still had some vague impressions, was rapidly emerging in his mind.

"Hello... I said, who are you?"

The boy who fell to the ground stood up gnashing his teeth and looked at him very vigilantly: "this is Jufeng mountain, the territory of the dragon, where only de sallion can come!"

The boy stared at Brandon with ruby eyes. Suddenly, a surprised expression appeared on his face: "wait, so you're also de sallion's? I knew... I knew that heartless father wouldn't really care whether we live or die!"

"You must have been waiting here for a long time, haven't you met phillanai... Well, it's a girl, not much older than me. She should be around here."

The red haired boy who talked to himself completely didn't notice Brandon's increasingly frightened expression. He was still talking like a savior, venting his fear and calming himself.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet!" the red haired boy suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He took the initiative to stretch out his right hand and looked at the prince with a somewhat flattering look:

"Brandon de sallion, if you're happy to call me Brandon or the disgraced prince, help me get out of here. Anyway, I'm not going to sign a contract with any dragon. That's what connord wants to consider."

Speaking of this, the young man's tone obviously became very sour: "he was born a prince of East sakran, and the Dragon controller plus the crown prince, so he was directly sent to the Dragon Cave - because he is the eldest son and the future emperor; and I am just a substitute that has nothing to do with the weight, but a trouble for the Dragon controller. It doesn't matter whether he dies or lives."

"So please help me get out of this damn place and take sister-in-law phillanai with me. She may be lost now... Er, can you hear me clearly?"

The red haired boy with wide eyes looked at Brandon with some worry.

His royal highness, who was completely stunned, fell into inexplicable panic like frozen.

Hell... Yeah,

Here, here

What the hell is this place?!


"... there are two possibilities."

In the dark cave, the dark haired wizard took the little wizard's hand and walked forward, explaining softly.

"The first is that the whole cave tunnel is completely eroded by the void, completely distorting its original appearance - we think we are moving forward in the flat tunnel, but in fact, we may just spin in place or climb on the steep rock wall... Both are possible."

"Eroded by the void..."

The pale Ayn's hands and feet were cold. She immediately remembered the cellar of wild dog village and the temple of Shenlin castle in her memory, and her face was frightened.

"Loren, you mean there is an evil god in Jufeng mountain?"

The black haired wizard didn't look back and continued to explore the way: "probably... I don't rule out this possibility."

But Loren did not think that any evil god would dare to build his own temple in the territory of the dragon. It was just boring - either it was strong enough or it was a complete madman.

What's more, this is the road of trial, where the direct descendants of the desalion family have to go through all generations; Even if the dragons are not as willing to stick to the agreement as they were in the past, it is impossible to let the future emperors be eroded and occupied by evil gods. What benefits do they have?

With the faint light of the firefly curse, the two close to the rock wall carefully crossed a gap and continued to move forward.

"What about the other possibility?"

The pale little wizard whispered.

"Another possibility..." Loren hesitated for a moment, then slowly said, "this is where we stand now... Has been assimilated by the void."


Ayn was puzzled. She heard the word for the first time.

"Well... You can understand it as a place like an expanded spiritual palace or a dream world." trying to recall what he saw in the Dragon King tower, Loren explained as much as possible:

"In short, it's the same as the void world, but it's artificial - there's no space, let alone the concept of time. The place we're standing now can be any point in time in the past, now or in the future; there may be only a step away from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, or we may never get there."

This one is more likely.

Since the dragons went south with the Dragon Queen Brunhild, it is not surprising that they may also have some unique technologies of the Dragon kingdom to create such a unique "dream world", or a place similar to the "Dragon King tower" to test and cultivate future generations and heirs.

Then the next thing to do is easy.

Since it's a test, you can leave here as long as you pass the test - you may not even need to climb to the top of the mountain to find the exit.


There was a slight shaking sound, and the falling of gravel could be heard faintly.

The pale little wizard stopped almost at the same time as Loren.

The sound comes from overhead, that is to say

"Boom --!"

There was another loud noise. A rock directly hit the center of the two people. There were terrible sounds and continuous concussion between the rock walls.

And it's getting bigger and louder!


Not waiting for the little wizard to come back, Loren directly held her in his arms and ran forward without life.

Even without breathing, the shaking in my ears turned into a deafening roar. The whole cave tunnel seemed to collapse in the next second. It was so violent that I couldn't even stand stably!

"Boom, boom..."

The earth and gravel on the top of the head was like raindrops, falling continuously, and falling continuously following the steps of the black haired wizard.

Each time, it seemed as if he had caught the rhythm and hit the foothold of the previous moment, forcing him to run forward without life, even without turning back.

"Boom --!!"

The sound of vibration became louder and louder. The falling boulders cracked on the rock wall and exploded into countless dust. The gravel scattered. The flat ground under your feet also cracked like a spider's web with the vibration.

"What's going on?!" he grabbed Lucian's back, and Isaac screamed in the roar: "did we accidentally touch any mechanism, or was the master of the dream world going to bury us alive?!"

"I don't know!"

The grey pupil boy running with Isaac on his back roared with the same hoarseness: "but if you talk nonsense there again, I'll throw you down and run away alone!"

"Well, what do you know?"

"I don't know anything! I still don't understand what you mean by the dream world!"

"Then why do you say I'm talking nonsense?!" Isaac stared. "I'm not explaining to you?!"

"I don't want to hear, and you put your head back in my eyes!"

"Then just tell me, why are you so loud?"

"Shut up and don't make me want to throw you down more!"

With a curse and a roar, the running Lucian pulled out his double swords and looked at the dark cave in front of him in shock and anger. He didn't even have any visibility at all.

"I said... Do you want to see if there's a road ahead before you run?" the trembling Isaac continued, "I think if this goes on, we'll have to..."

Before the voice fell, the rock wall above the tunnel suddenly broke, and several boulders aimed at them, and then fell head-on.
