The next few days of the trip became very quiet. There was no one in the empty reception hall of the floating city.

The silent little wizard hid himself in the laboratory and was busy with the miniaturization of "Jiao lightsaber";

Lucien in the cell took all the time to learn and master the power of "samurai's way" from the Elf Female Samurai with the help of Isaac;

Loren, who has not recovered from the trauma, continues to recover his body and rebuild the broken spiritual Palace at the same time;

The Earl of fury Castle provoked all the trivia of the whole team and was responsible for the process of evacuating the team;

Brandon is responsible for whispering to the dragons mirassis and glum to please them to "say a few good words" for themselves in front of their elders

In the silent floating city, the number is increasing day by day. The huge team is walking with tired steps, dragging hungry bodies and closely following the banner of the iron crown, dead and depressed.

The situation of the riots in East Saxony is far worse than Brandon and Loren thought - from not reaching the border of Saxony to near the middle of the territory, we can almost encounter deserters incarnating robbers and refugees whose homes have been destroyed every day.

Brandon doesn't accept anyone who wants to join the team; As for the deserters who tried to resist... There was no need to send troops at all. They were weak at the moment they saw the dragon.

In this way, with a snowballing team, Brandon and his party continued to move towards the goal; Every day, the wind and snow and the frozen soil under their feet are telling them the arrival of severe winter and the distance from the northern boundary mountain.

Finally... On the morning when the wind and snow gradually subsided and the sun could finally be seen, they finally arrived at their destination.

Jufeng mountain.

The territory of the dragon.

Since the first generation of the sakran Empire, or when they were still in the ancient kingdom, the giant dragons who came with the married queen Brunhild have acquired the dead volcano and its surrounding mountains and forests as their territory.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the leader of the dragon family is also one of the "vassals" of the Imperial Emperor. At least there should be "Lord Jufeng mountain" in the title; But the so-called name and title on a giant dragon is purely superfluous.

In return for the "enfeoffment", the dragons also assumed the obligation to defend the sakran Kingdom, even the Empire, and the de sallion royal family.

They made a promise, but all the direct descendants of Queen Brunhild can get the opportunity to communicate with the dragon and even reach a contract; Once the contract is reached, the dragon will serve a "desalion" until he or she dies.

Fourteen generations, never cut off.

With this "promise", the de sallion family was able to rule the whole empire and become the supreme royal family above all ancient royal families. Just as their flag, the rough iron crown, was held up by three dragons, it was able to rise into the clouds and overlook all living beings.

But on the other hand, it is precisely because of the power of the dragon that the emperor can rule the Empire, and maintaining the relationship with the dragon has become the most important mission of each generation of emperors;

Even if the Emperor himself is a Dragon Rider, he should protect and increase the number of dragon riders in the royal family as much as possible to ensure that these terrible wild beasts can remember that they are the blood of Queen Brunhild and the commitments they have made.

Brandon and Loren stood on the edge of the parapet of the floating city, looking at the towering mountains with a trance expression.

The red sun rising in the East is completely blocked by the mountains. All you can see is the afterglow and the clouds dyed golden; Like a gorgeous ribbon, it wraps the mountains.

There is just a small problem that needs to be solved

"The Jufeng mountain is so steep. How do you go up?" Isaac with an inexplicable face raised his eyebrows and pointed to the almost vertical mountain wall: "no, we have to climb up bit by bit. I can't climb!"

"Of course." Brandon's lazy voice came from his side: "it is because they can't climb that the dragons choose Jufeng mountain as their territory."

"Why?" Isaac looked up in surprise.

Before he asked, the roaring wind had blown in place, and the people in the floating city had to close to the parapet to prevent themselves from being blown down.

When they looked up, there were two more shadows in the sky shrouded by smoke and clouds - the giant dragons mirassis and glum with open wings, flying vertically to the peak of Jufeng mountain.

"That's why." gasping for breath, Brandon, hiding behind the parapet, burst into a smile: "because Jufeng mountain is the territory of the dragon, and flying is only the privilege of the dragon."

"So their territory must be built on a peak that ordinary people can't reach!"

The dark haired wizard smiled and stared thoughtfully at the hidden mountain top in the clouds.

"But you still didn't tell me how we should get up!" Isaac, who was startled, swallowed his saliva and didn't have a good airway: "again, I absolutely don't climb!"

"Er... There are two ways." Brandon shrugged and put up two fingers in his right hand. "The first way is to fly up vertically in the floating city like dear milaxis."

"Although Jufeng mountain looks very high, it is also relative to the East saklan plain - the altitude should not be as high as the cloud peak of the dwarf kingdom; since the floating city of horn castle can soar above the cloud peak, it must be able to leap over Jufeng mountain."

"But doing so will greatly annoy the dragons, right?"

"Worthy of my great wizard adviser, I guessed it all at once!" the unassuming Prince raised his thumb and showed his red mouth and white teeth:

"If we really dare to fly up, those guys won't care who the people in this floating city are. 10000% will beat us down!"

"So we can only use the second way to climb all the way." ignoring the black haired wizard with white eyes beside him, Brandon spread his hand: "of course, there is no need to climb, because there is a path from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain."

"Path?" Isaac's eyes lit up: "you mean..."

"Yes, just as you think - it's the way for the direct descendants of the de sallion royal family to accept the test of the dragon. Otherwise, how did we see the dragon in those years?"

Speaking of this, Brandon, who was originally relaxed and comfortable, became a little stiff: "of course, this road is not easy to go, so... I mean, you'd better be prepared."

"It may not be safe on the road."


A bad feeling came to mind.


The floating city landed slowly beside a rock near the foot of Jufeng mountain, and the accompanying team was stationed here

Originally, there should be three regiments stationed at the foot of Jufeng mountain all year round, but because of the fall of eboden and the chaos of the situation in East Saxony, the three regiments have long been transferred away; Brandon and his party immediately occupied the camp they left as a temporary rest, waiting for the return of the prince and the Duke.

After a quarter of an hour of seven turns and eight turns, Loren and his party finally came to what Brandon called the road of trial - or in front of a cave.

"Here it is."

With some emotion and a faint trace of pride, Brandon took a deep breath and turned on his hips to look at the people in front of him - Loren, Isaac, Ayn and Lucian.

"First of all, I'd like to remind you that I've only passed this road once; so we won't know what we'll encounter this time until we go in." shrugging his shoulders, his royal highness said in a special "Bachelor" tone:

"Moreover, according to the tradition of the de sallion family, generally, people from the previous generation who have walked this road will not tell their experiences to the next generation."

"Why?" asked Lucian warily, "for the results of the trial?"

"There are some reasons for this, but it's not the most important." Brandon smiled, and his tone suddenly became very mysterious: "the key point is that everyone who walks into this road has a very different experience!"


Before everyone understood what he meant, Brandon turned and walked in, disappearing into the dark cave.

Looking at the nervous or worried eyes cast by his side, the black haired wizard shrugged and smiled at the people: "let's go."

"Let's see what the territory of the dragon looks like."

Taking a deep breath, the people also stepped into the entrance of the cave.

The first thing that comes into view is the darkness of nature.

Don't even think about it. Three wizards in the party immediately raised their wands and released a "firefly curse". The miserable white light lit up the range within two steps around them.

"Alas, it's convenient to have a wizard." Brandon's teasing voice came from the front: "when I came with brother connord and sister-in-law phillanai, I even had only one torch."

"Of course, my respected Royal brother Connor was sent directly to the Dragon Cave on the top of Jufeng without trial at all, and the only torch was handed over to my dear sister-in-law!"

"I guess it's because some guy gets the torch and is ready to leave others and run away first?" the black haired wizard couldn't help but say as he carefully selected his place.

"My dear wizard adviser, how can you slander people out of thin air?" Brandon retorted immediately, and his voice sounded like something wronged:

"The most I can do for this kind of thing is to think about it in my mind. How can I do it - that's my dear sister-in-law!"

Struggling to resist the urge to roll his eyes again, Lauren, who shrugged his shoulders, could only pretend not to hear and continue to climb forward.

It was dark and cold in the cave.

It is not as cold as the glacial wasteland, but another kind of bone chilling cold, as if even consciousness was frozen in the cold wind.

The road in the cave was more spacious than he thought when he came in. Except for the stone steps under his feet and the water drops on his head, he didn't even feel that he was in a semi closed cave.

The road under his feet is very flat. If he didn't turn on "beyond perception", Loren can't even be sure that he is climbing up all the way. It doesn't look like a road that should be steep to nearly 90 degrees vertical.

At least, it's definitely not natural.

Brandon, who was familiar with the road, walked at the front of the group, humming a tune and waving a torch to ensure that everyone behind him could see him.

"Be careful, everyone must make sure that everyone can see each other - especially when you come here for the first time. If you run into a dragon or become something alone, I'm not sure."

Brandon's voice came again from the light source of the torch: "if you can't see it here once, you may never see it!"

"What do you mean? Is there any special trap here, but why didn't I feel the slightest void reaction?" Isaac trembled nervously:

"And what else do you say besides the giant dragon - what's' what else ', and there are things other than the giant dragon on the mountain?!"

"I don't know. I'm just a reminder." Brandon smiled with a prank, and his tone suddenly became more dignified: "after all... Not every de sallion has a chance to return alive..."


A staggering sound came from behind, interrupting the voice of the prince's highness; The black haired wizard suddenly turned back and grabbed the falling figure without hesitation.


"I'm fine!"

Feeling the strength from his wrist, the little wizard turned red and climbed up with his teeth: "just the soles of his feet slipped down. It's no big deal."

"Then be careful and don't slide any more." Lauren chuckled and pretended not to notice ayin's red cheeks. "Watch your feet and don't get up too fast."

"I'm not Isaac's arrogant. Don't remind me twice!"

With a slight groan of discontent, the little wizard patted the dust and stood up: "let's go, otherwise the arrogant will start to be wordy if he finds us lagging behind."

"Well, but I think he probably started to be wordy..." Lauren pulled the corners of his mouth and looked back at the fire behind him.



It was just a blink of an eye, and the Lucian and Isaac who had followed them had disappeared without a trace; Even under the strengthening of "beyond perception", let alone footprints, Loren can't even find the traces of their departure or existence.

It's like... They didn't come in together from the beginning.

Wait, if so, it won't

Suddenly thinking of something, Loren immediately withdrew his eyes and looked straight ahead.

Sure enough, there was nothing.

Without saying a word, Brandon, who was walking in front, had disappeared.

The atmosphere of dignity and doubt gradually spread around them.

In the dark cave, it seemed that countless pairs of eyes were lurking, staring at them from all directions.


"It's all right." gently comforting the little wizard who was a little frightened, Loren shrugged: "this is probably... The test prepared by the dragon for us."

"Come on, don't let the carefully prepared host wait for our guests too long."


AI Yin, who nodded hard, stood up calmly and walked to the depths of the cave with the black haired wizard.