The night on the grassland is very cold, especially when the wind blows.

Before stepping into the green sea, Loren predicted the war and guessed that things would never be as simple as they seem, but

The dark pupil slowly glanced at the empty seat beside the map table, and the broken saber specially placed on the table by count lanmalos.

Loren didn't speak, just a slight sigh.

Bolino bosival... Lauren doesn't hate this arrogant count of qiaowangfeng, and even likes this kind of straightforwardness.

According to the results of little Joad's original investigation, he may be one of the few Knight lords who did not plan anything in the round table parliament, let alone attempt to make any "small moves".

Perhaps even a simple man like Charles dare not collude with bosiwar, for fear of being "betrayed" by this straightforward son on the spot?

It's terrible... It's terrible.

For a moment, Loren suddenly felt that he was not in the camp of the green sea, but outside the eternal night forest of the ancient wood forest - different scenes, but the same mood.

The so-called "at all costs", "strong men break their wrists" and "rational decision" are OK. When they are really done... Loren is not cold-blooded enough to feel nothing.

There was silence in the tense camp.

In the first battle to rescue Boye, Byrne lost a knight Lord... The sudden bad news made Byrne's legion, who had high morale and happy because of a small victory, a little more heavy again.

I don't know how long it took... Until the candlestick on the table was completely burned out, the hurried guards came in and replaced a new candle, and the suffocating silence in the camp was eased slightly.

"What's the situation now?" Lauren looked at the opposite count of Eckert and asked, "did the enemy find anything?"

"According to the arrangement before the war, the Legion has been divided into five parts and camped along the river - across the river bank, it is difficult for the Rangers to spy on the movements of the Centaur army opposite."

Eckert said faintly. At the moment, he may be the calmest one in the whole camp: "but count angert has entered the thousand tent city under the cover of Rangers, and brought nearly 2000 mountain rock guards and a small pair of light cavalry."

"The presence of the Earl of mountain rock castle can at least ensure that Qianzhang city will not fall easily - even in the case of enemy raid, cavalry can break through and send us news in time."

"How are our cavalry? Can we fight at any time?"

"Anytime, Duke!" the person who spoke was Bel lanmalos, the count of Lake City, who had always been very silent, but now he had a bit of bosival style and his voice was a lot hoarse:

"All the cavalry of the whole army are ready to meet the enemy at the command!"

"At present, most of the cavalry have been concentrated in the Central Military Camp - according to the rotation system, we can mobilize 2000 cavalry at any time even if the enemy launches a surprise attack."

Eckert frowned slightly, as if he did not agree with count rammelos's "intention"; Positional warfare is not a field battle. Good morale and physical strength are the most important.

Lauren nodded slightly, glanced around the camp, and calmly looked at the faces with different expressions.

Although there have been some twists and turns, at least the situation is still under control.

This time Loren's tactics are very simple.

Using the previous metaphor of "chains and nails", it is to keep the enemy in a state of being attacked on both sides while keeping the thousand tent city from falling.

In this way, the enemy can not let go of his vigilance against Qianzhang City, but also has scruples because of the bain army camped on the other side of the river. No matter how hard he tries to deal with either side, he will suffer the risk of being attacked from both sides.

It sounds absurd and crazy to use less than 20000 people to contain the 40000 and a half troops, but in fact, it is absolutely feasible to rely on the cooperation of the walls of Qianzhang city and infantry and cavalry.

The plan itself is very simple, but the most perfect strategy in the world is never the more complex the better; The "grand plan" which is so complex that the icons are full of maps can not be understood by 99% of the illiterate soldiers.

Key, fatal, reasonable and simple... Meeting these four conditions is a feasible plan.

Of course, the best we can do is to contain it - twice the difference in troops, and it is still a centaur known for its agility and mobility. It is impossible to defeat the crowd on the open prairie.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

If the casualties can be ignored, the heavy cavalry can charge continuously, the infantry array can advance step by step, and the enemy's maneuver space can be compressed, it is still possible to win. This is also one of the best tactics of the bain people.

But in this way, Loren will risk being surrounded by the enemy, heavy casualties and even total annihilation!

War is sometimes a pile of cold numbers. Victory is not the key. The top priority is how to reduce their own casualties and expand the enemy's casualties at the same time.

As long as the thousand tent city did not fall, as long as Byrne's barracks were still stationed on the river bank, the Centaur army could not devote all its troops to any battlefield, and Loren's goal was achieved.

He is not the protagonist in the war. He is more likely to make trouble.

Of course, not now... Doesn't mean not in the future.

"There is no need for rotation, so that all cavalry are ready!" Loren decisively issued an order: "at the same time, he ordered four camps except the central camp. All soldiers must be ready for battle and stay awake before midnight!"

"Go and prepare, count lanmalos; from now on, when the warning horn blows, it is when I give you orders to attack."


Without half hesitation, lanmalos stood up directly from his chair, walked out of the camp with a golden knife, and looked at count Eckert's face full of worry:


"I see what you mean, count Eckert, but everything will wait until tonight." Lauren crossed his fingers and slowly turned his eyes to him:

"If I am wrong, I will apologize to you; but as long as there is a chance, I don't want to be right."

Eckert was slightly stunned and his eyes fell down... He heard the meaning of Loren's words: "did you notice anything?"

"It's more like a hunch, or I think too much."

When talking about the word "hunch", Loren couldn't help turning his eyes to master Halin van ashmai: "I always think chakar is not the kind of person who... Will like to abide by the rules of the game."

"You mean, he will..."

"Either take advantage of the late night to capture Qianzhang city at all costs or destroy us; or directly leave Qianzhang city and leave the battlefield as soon as possible with his army." Loren sighed:

"I don't like any!"

Eckert frowned, thought for a moment, and his eyes twinkled.

It is... Possible.

"If it is the latter... In any case, we have lifted the siege of Qianzhang City, but the enemy's threat remains untouched - forty-five thousand and a half people and horses are a huge threat at any time; it will be even more dangerous if we meet with their followers again."

The count of fury Castle nodded firmly and said in a heavy tone: "if it is the latter - whether Qianzhang city can stick to it is still unknown. We camped on the plain will indeed be surrounded by the enemy!"

"I'm not a pessimistic person, but if this happens..." the dark pupil stared at the wizard adviser of the silent former Archduke Boyi:

"Master asamai, whether your 'emergency measures' are effective or not is directly related to the life and death of all of us!"

The old man was stunned, then smiled mysteriously and shook his head: "young Duke, I can use my reputation as a guarantee. In fact, the imperial Legion in duanjieshan fortress was the first to use this method!"

"Even if forty-five thousand and a half men and horses launch a fierce attack at the same time, I can guarantee that as long as Byrne's knights fight hard, the camp will never..."

"An enemy is coming -- -- --!!!!!!"

Before the words fell, the screams of the Sentinels came and echoed in the night sky for a long time!