The shrill howl echoed over the thousand tent city, and the fierce fighting had spread from the city wall to the city; The narrow streets of Qianzhang city are full of flesh and blood, just like purgatory on earth.

The city gate was broken, and there were less than 4000 defenders left; Although the fear of death and the duty of guarding their relatives encouraged them, they could not avoid being wiped out and slaughtered by the elite centaurs who rushed into the city.

With the advance of the Centaur warriors of the white wave flag, the defenders in the city are gradually collapsing and retreating step by step to the Duke castle in the center of the city.

The burly Centaur naturally occupied a disadvantage in the narrow streets of the city, and the elite of the 2000 white wave flag who burst into the city suffered heavy casualties; But as long as the enemy continues to attack, the fall of Qianzhang city is only a matter of time!

"Hold on, kill them all and beat them back!"

Belo Varna, the eldest grandson of Archduke Boye, desperately waved the last saber in his hand. His cloak had turned into rags, revealing the tattered armor below, and was still shouting with gnashing teeth:

"Byrne's army is outside the city. Hold on and let these barbarians pay for their blood!"

"Master belo, please retreat into the castle!" the bodyguard behind him was still desperately pulling his clothes and covering him under the siege of the pressing centaurs:

"I can't hold it here!"

"What are you talking about? It's clear that we're winning!" belo Varna looked at the bodyguard desperately protecting him with a ferocious face, and his hoarse voice was still howling: "look outside the city, don't you see the Golden Lion Flag with black background? Byrne's brothers have come to save us!"

"But before they entered the city, the thousand tent city had fallen!" the guard cried, "look around you. If you don't withdraw, we will all be killed!"

Belo, who was yelled at, was stunned, opened his eyes in a trance, and looked back at him stiffly.

Under the scorching summer sun, there were blood plasma flowing everywhere, broken and shapeless dead bodies, choking smoke and one after another of the disabled soldiers who could not stand up.

At present, there are only a few hundred of the more than 2000 elite Boyi warriors who followed him in the battle, and almost all of them are wounded, waving broken spears, broken knives and long handled axes robbed from nowhere.

Tears, mixed with mud, plasma and smoke, blurred belo Varna's vision.

Am I running again?

The last time I fled, my grandfather had to fight in a hurry and ended up with an uncertain end; If you run away again this time, what will be the consequences?

Even if he didn't see Bain's troops outside, belo could guess that there should not be too many, otherwise the group of powerful and bullying Centaur barbarians would have withdrawn their troops long ago; The reason why they can stand off along the river is precisely because they are still resisting in the city.

Once they withdraw into the castle, the Centaurs who completely occupy the wall outside the thousand tent city can free up more troops and strangle the bain people outside.

Therefore, this seemingly life-saving choice is actually a dead end for Bain people and themselves at the same time!

"I've escaped once." the hoarse young man looked at the remaining soldiers behind him with a cry: "I know I'm sorry for my grandfather, and I'm more sorry for the Boyi who died miserably because I wanted to live."

"So this time, this time, I won't run away."

Belo clenched her teeth and cried out the sentence word by word: "just this time!"

Holding up the knife in his hand, belo pushed away the guard in front of him and staggered towards the enemy in front of him.

The bodyguards looked at the back of their young master and looked at each other. Their eyes were very complex.

The next second, the wounded veterans stepped forward again and surrounded belo Varna in the center to form a tight circular array.

"You, you..."

"You are belo Varna, our master." the bodyguard standing in front of him said without looking back, clenched his broken spear and pointed forward: "what you say is an order."

"If you say no, we'll stand here and swear to the death --!"

The young man was surprised at first, and then a bitter but grateful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

While talking, the elite Centaur of the white wave flag has swept around; He opened the formation, surrounded the last hundreds of disabled soldiers, waved throwing guns and long handled axes, and showed a bloodthirsty expression on his ferocious face.

After licking the tears at the corners of her mouth, belo finally wiped her nose and raised her knife: "are you ready?"

The guards were silent, ready for the last moment before entering the kingdom of the Holy Cross.

"Boyi, attack --!"

With a hoarse cry, the Boyi warriors launched a final charge against the enemy in front of them.

The Centaur warriors of the white wave flag did not move, but coldly raised their sharp blades.

At this time, a loud horn sounded outside the city; The ferocious Centaur warriors who were just bloodthirsty showed the most frightened expression on their faces!


"They're retreating."

With a long sigh of relief, looking at the 40000 troops of centaurs in the distance like a ebb tide, slowly evacuating from the wall of Qianzhang City, Loren shrugged his shoulders easily, and there was still a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

For this reason, the guy named chacarl ran away.

With the maximum bonus of "spiritual horizon" and "beyond perception", Loren can roughly determine that this guy was just near the Centaur's projection weapon position; This is the idea of accurately shooting with a crossbow and beheading with one shot.

But judging from the orderly retreat of the Centaur army, this fateful guy is definitely alive - otherwise the enemy should at least disperse like wild dogs that night.

If so, Loren absolutely did not hesitate to lead the cavalry to forcibly cross the river to recover the escaped enemy; But now

With a slight sigh, Loren turned his eyes to Qianzhang city.

There are gains and losses. A wise enemy may give himself a headache, but at least he won't be as desperate as a mindless enemy; Otherwise, it will be very difficult to meet the army of forty-five thousand and a half people immediately, or forcibly cross the river to rescue Qianzhang city.

However, Qianzhang city was saved from the edge of collapse. The enemy retreated temporarily, but their troops did not suffer heavy losses, and they still had an absolute advantage over themselves... It was a draw.

"Duke, there is news from the battlefield on the right that the enemy's intercepting army has been completely wiped out by count guy angert, except that the leader and a small group of deserters have successfully fled." count Ike came and said to Loren in a deep voice:

"The established battle has been completed and the infantry are preparing to station; count angert asks you whether you want the cavalry to cross the river and chase the enemy's retreating deserters?"

Lauren looked back and looked at Eckert's expression with dark eyes: "what do you think?"

"I don't agree with you," Eckert said bluntly without any concealment. "The enemy's army did not break up, but retreated in an organized way - under the advantage of strength, the pursuing cavalry will only end up in the same way as the enemy's intercepting army."

After a little hesitation, Loren nodded - this was his idea, but he made some modifications: "let the Rangers look like they can't just let them run away."

"In addition, let the pursuing cavalry try to contact the defenders in Qianzhang city; their cooperation is also essential if they want to survive the next battle." Loren added:

"Even if we can't provide too much reinforcements, we should at least ensure that they won't be easily defeated, otherwise we will lose more than we gain."

"Yes, I'll arrange it now." nodding slightly, count Eckert bowed respectfully to Loren: "under the cover of Rangers, count angert can at least lead two or three flag regiments of mountain guards into Qianzhang city to help defend the city."

The dark haired wizard nodded. Just as Eckert was about to leave, the count of fury Castle suddenly stopped and hesitated before he said:

"Duke, do you remember count Longview, bolino bosival?"

"Of course... What's the matter?"

"Just now, bosiwar disobeyed the military order and forcibly intercepted the runaway Centaur leader." Eckert said blandly:

"He's dead."