If we say that the biggest difference between the dishes of West Saxony, especially the imperial capital of Golovin, and other parts of the empire is that they are not stingy with expensive ingredients, even to the point of extravagance.

Cod, caviar, foie gras, truffle and so on. Sitting on the gem River and the most prosperous and most commercial routes, West Saxony is very different from east Saxony.

Similarly, because of extravagance and lust, chefs and tailors in the imperial capital also enjoy a high status. Cooks with excellent cooking skills are often important members of a family and have the same status as a manager.

This is true of many royal palaces in the imperial capital. For example, the chef of the summer twilight courtyard was once the court chef of the tenth generation of Dragon Queen Charlotte de sallion. His existence also kept the taste of the summer twilight courtyard a hundred years ago, retaining the unique style of the Queen Charlotte like this courtyard.

Her majesty, who loves art very much, has the same strict requirements for food as she has for the decoration of the palace, and always sets the taste in the summer twilight.

Cream candied cake with freshly squeezed apple juice is both a dessert and an excellent appetizer;

The fragrant and pleasant Bain sweet wine is the love of Queen Charlotte - bright color with rich and extreme aroma. The wine glass shakes gently with your fingertips, and the aroma of roses and litchi overflows the tip of your nose;

Although today, almost every principality in the Empire has a certain number of vineyards; But for the nobles in the imperial capital, only the wine of the Principality of Byrne can be called the top, which is unmatched in the territory of the saxophone Empire like Byrne's knights.

With onions and small pieces of smoked pork as the main ingredients, together with fresh cream and virgin fruit, and finally add figs, goat cheese and vanilla crisps, it tastes like a lunch time in the shade;

Of course, there will never be a shortage of precious ingredients in the meals of Western Saxony - goose liver, black truffle, pigeon, and top Saxony dry red. It tastes very delicious.

Foie gras and baby pigeons come from the Royal Manor outside the imperial city. Dry red is the native product of East Saxony, and black truffle is the unique natural delicacy of lottel.

Finally, a vanilla cake is served as dessert, with a little cheese and apple slices. The aftertaste is very good.

If Lauren is asked to make a comment, the food in the summer twilight courtyard is very in line with the standards of little girls - lovely shape, small weight, exquisite and full of fragrance, very pastoral picnic style, and the taste is also very good.

Well, from the two points of "loveliness" and "fragrance", we can also see what the aesthetics of Dragon Queen Charlotte is.

Especially the first... Chefs in the summer twilight courtyard regard almost every dish as a work of art. Simple crispy cakes and baked flour alone need to be sifted to the point of being exquisite, so as to ensure that the taste after matching figs and goat cheese will not be abrupt.

For a simple vanilla cake, the chef who is at least 60 years old bent down for two quarters of an hour in order to put two petals and some jam.

Even the Bellini family, one of the top giants in eboden, has never been so exquisite in their cuisine - it is not food, but art.


"So... What is it?"

Enjoy such a sumptuous meal. The black haired wizard who put down his knife and fork is content to try not to look at Brandon's red nose and bruised purple black panda eyes:

"Hmm?" the prince, who was holding a glass of wine, didn't seem to notice the strange look in Lauren's eyes and was still pretending to be stupid.

"You didn't ask me to come back just to invite me to dinner?"

"Why not? The dinner in the summer twilight courtyard is very famous in the imperial capital... The classic ten generation style, Golovin delicious." the red haired boy blinked and put the pigeon meat on the fork into his mouth: "if I hadn't come, you wouldn't have eaten it."

"Then..." Loren deliberately dragged a long tone.

"Considering that a wizard consultant finally won the Royal trial, I think I should reward you a little." Brandon still had a polite fake smile on his face.


"I haven't eaten here for a long time. I really miss it." the prince shrugged his shoulders. "You know... I've been traveling in principalities most of the past few years."


"Little aunt fillonay doesn't want to see me recently, and I don't really want to see the dead face of my father." the expression of the red haired boy is more and more flattering: "so... Don't you remember you're still here?"

"Then..." the black haired wizard's expression became more and more subtle.

"You're just not going to let me go, are you?" Brandon rolled his eyes.

Shrugging his shoulders, the black haired wizard who picked up his glass took a sip.

Finally get to the point.

"Before getting to the point... Do you remember our agreement?" seeing his wizard consultant's indifferent face, Brandon's standard eight snow-white teeth showed under his lips, and his red pupils flickered again:

"I seem to have promised you a lot of things about the prizes after the victory of the imperial trial..."

"Nothing, not much at all." the dark haired wizard smiled politely: "there is only one hereditary Earl title, and there are corresponding territories, taxes, military power and castles... Well, it's really not much at all."

"..." Brandon de sallion.

Loren shrugged. He was not surprised by the prince's expression. He leaned back against the back of the chair and held the wine cup in his hand. His leisurely expression was in the sharpest contrast with Brandon's embarrassed face.

Not to mention Brandon, even Loren himself didn't expect to win so thoroughly and simply in the end - the opponent is the Holy Cross Church and the conservative aristocrats who are bent on revenge and anger, but he has only an extremely unstable Royal wizard College as an ally.

The disadvantage of the situation, let alone winning, is very difficult even if you want to reconcile... Not to mention Elbert's backwater, Lina desallion's back stab, lusack kovo's suicide, unexpected little priest Weber

Obviously, it was a situation of death, but in the end, it brought a hearty and complete victory!

Think about it, since even his initial goal is reconciliation, I'm afraid Brandon's ideas should not be much different... Both sides take a step back, the situation in the imperial capital will not change, and the strength comparison between the two sides is still the crushing advantage of the Holy Cross Church.

But now he has won the trial before the emperor. Unexpectedly, Brandon will sit in the wax... He must fulfill his previous agreement.

But Loren doesn't care.

"Don't worry... I didn't mean to force you. I'm afraid it's difficult to take out these in your current situation. What's more, it's impossible for us to leave the capital Golovin for the time being..."

"I think of a good way!"

The sudden voice made the black haired wizard stay in place. Brandon, with a proud face, made a very deep arc around his mouth and opened his arms, as if holding something:

"Loren Turin, my lord wizard adviser... I will fulfill our agreement and give you a hereditary Earl title!"

"But... The method for you needs a little flexibility."

"Make a change?"

"Yes, in short, this reward may include some obligations... Of course, you know, since it's necessary to change, it won't be the same as before." Brandon's tone is frivolous and exaggerated, which is like joking:

"How to say? Although I can give you this prize, it's your business to get it - well... Of course, I absolutely believe you 100% and wish you success!"

For a moment, Loren suddenly had a bad feeling.

Perhaps I just mentioned that the "agreement" itself is a very serious mistake.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, just ask!"

"In this agreement, is there not only something like 'title', but also something else, right?"

"Worthy of my wizard adviser!" Brandon thumbed up and his smooth teeth glittered very:

"Sure enough, it's OK at one point!"

"..." Loren Turin.