In the Principality of Bain, the Turin family of red blood castle is comparable to the Dragon King family de sallion, standing at the top of the saxophone empire.

At this moment, the current Countess Charlotte Turin is sitting in the palace in the sky, a palace belonging to Brandon de sallion; The attendants and maids on both sides were trembling and dared not say a word more.

As a vassal count, not to mention stepping into the sky palace, the Countess of Charlotte Turin should not even have the right to see, and it is a capital crime to leave the fiefdom without reason.

But these are not applicable to the Countess of red blood castle.

Generations are changing, times are changing, but the Turin family will not change... At least not now.

Turin is Byrne, Byrne is Turin... Even Saxophone people have heard this southern slang countless times; Even de sallion has never gained such high prestige among the saxorians.

Because the Principality of Byrne and the Turin family are different from other Archduke - they were not conquered by the saxophone empire by force, but chose to bend their knees and swear allegiance to the second generation of his majesty Eckhart I for a promise and gratitude.

Even if they were deprived of the title of Archduke, even the principality itself was entrusted by the governor sent by the Empire, and all financial and military rights were deprived. Two generations later, the honor represented by that surname was still dazzling and prestigious.

Even before the Royal trial, Eckhardt II reserved a seat for her, and no one dared to say anything more - in the eyes of all imperial nobles, the Turin family deprived of the title of Duke is still equal to the Archduke of all principalities, at least above the consul of eboden.

The leader of the Turin family, second only to the emperor's majesty, doesn't need to be informed to visit his royal highness, who even ranks second in inheritance.

The prince, who was caught off guard, had no preparation at all. His expression was even more wonderful - he slept very late last night, his hair was in disorder as a hedgehog, his upper body was only wearing underwear, there was only one boot on his feet, and his red pupils who stayed up late became more red.

Brandon was quite sure that Charlotte had a very good disdain in her eyes.

But... He's used to it.

"Well... I don't know what's the matter with the countess Charlotte Turin?"

Brandon showed a bright smile under his messy red hair. Facing the countess's cold and arrogant eyes, he opened his chair and sat down without paying any attention. His polite action made people mistakenly think that he was wearing not underwear, but the dress when he saw the emperor.

Looking at the prince's joking eyes and the appearance of no politeness, the countess secretly clenched her teeth, her white hands and green tendons were exposed.

Calm down, be calm.

He did all this on purpose. If he wants to test his moves, he must not be easily fooled... Otherwise he will certainly take advantage of it.

Charlotte Turin knows only a little about Brandon de sallion; From the famous disgraced prince to the hero who destroyed the rule of the free aristocrats in eboden and the fortress of duanjieshan... Then he won the most brilliant and complete victory in the pre imperial trial.

Of course, the real winner of the Royal trial is Loren Turin... But without Brandon, he wouldn't even have this chance; The Royal College of wizards did not choose to betray in the end. Most of the reason was not because of him, but his highness Brandon de sallion.

Cunning, changeable and insidious... This is the label Charlotte put on the prince. Brandon in her eyes almost wrote "I'm a bad man" on her head.

Of course, so does Loren Turin... The proud Countess of Turin will not admit that this sudden guy is a blood relative of her own family.

Although there are demands on them, it does not mean that they should abandon their dignity and grovel.

For the family, red blood castle, principality

Never return!

Charlotte took a deep breath, raised her proud chest, and a pair of sword eyebrows were heroic:

"I'm here to fulfill the agreement, your highness Brandon."

"Well, there are no outsiders here, so there's no need to be so formal..." Brandon waved his hand and patted his chest awkwardly: "of course, I never doubted you - Lauren has told me that, Charlotte."

The countess still looked like ice and smiled: "please respect yourself, your highness. I am the count of Turin family and red blood castle; in addition, you and I are not familiar with the point where we can call our names directly!"

"What's the matter? It's just a title. Anyway, sooner or later..." the impatient Brandon whispered. After seeing the countess's increasingly ugly expression, he quickly waved his hand and smiled like a flatterer:

"Er... Of course, if you don't agree, forget it!"

The countess's expression improved a little when the voice fell, but she didn't give him much good face, so the prince couldn't help but smoke the corners of his mouth.

According to their previous agreement with Charlotte, as long as they can get the loyalty of the Royal wizard college, the Turin family in red blood castle will support themselves.

Although the Principality of Byrne has become a province, the influence of the Turin family in Byrne is still unmatched, and it is also the only ally Brandon can win... Otherwise, how can these people listen to themselves, whether it is the Archduke of Armand or lottel?

As for how to support, how to support, the two sides have not made it clear, let alone the need... The current leader of the Turin family is Charlotte, which means that there are no men in the direct line of the Turin family.

The only way to continue the blood of the Turin family without being robbed of the family territory or even the title is to marry a nobler blood line and avoid the possibility of annexation.

Of course, Charlotte can also choose collateral members of the family, but this will not help the rise of the Turin family... If the Turin family, which has weakened for two generations, wants to revive, it must have foreign aid.

The person who took away the principality was the tenth generation of the Dragon Queen. If you want to regain your title, you must have the consent of another supreme emperor.

Charlotte, bet on Brandon!

So... Brandon scratched his head. At present, he really needs a prestigious and weak family like Turin family to become his own foreign aid, otherwise it won't help to rely only on the Wizards in the imperial capital.

But it's one thing to say and another to do - apart from sister phillanai, he really can't stand the second woman around him who doesn't give himself a good face and can't even afford to joke.

But if you want to bring the Turin family to your side, there seems to be no other way to go... Even if you are unwilling, if you can't express it a little, how can you make them believe in their sincerity.

Wait... Sincerity?

Brandon was stunned.

"What's your expression?"

Looking at the prince who suddenly tilted her head and didn't move, the proud Countess Charlotte didn't give him half a good face.

"Nothing, just suddenly figured out something." Brandon shrugged disapprovingly and smiled like a child. "Let's not pretend, Countess Charlotte Turin."

The voice fell, and the countess's expression was a little ugly and frowned slightly: "what do you mean?"

"Obviously, we don't like each other very much - even if we stand together for their own interests, sooner or later our alliance will break down because of the conflict... I don't think the Turin family can stand behind me after offending you greatly."

Brandon, who stood on the chair, said directly and with a casual expression: "so, for our own sake, I suggest a new way to maintain our alliance... That is, to meet the needs of the Turin family, but also to get me a strong enough aid to fight my beloved Royal brother."

"A new way?"

Charlotte raised her eyebrows slightly, and the trembling corners of her eyes had exposed her curiosity.

"That's right!" Brandon raised his mouth proudly and gently snapped his fingers:

"And on this point, I have a bold idea..."