The western border of the red sun.

Under the majestic spiral peak, the team flying the iron crown flag finally reached the foot of duanjie mountain fortress.

On his horse, Loren looked at the thick snow under his feet - just before, the snow in the camp was only a thin layer. Now it was close to his calf, and the howling cold wind was getting more and more biting.

This is just the past few days. It can't be described as "winter comes too fast". It's more like falling directly into an ice cave!

"Are you curious to see such deep snow for the first time?"

An unfriendly voice came, and the middle-aged Knight riding on the war horse slowly opened his mouth. His words seemed to be a little contemptuous.

The dark haired wizard couldn't help but smoke from the corners of his mouth.

Brandon, who was supposed to ride parallel with the middle-aged knight, always claimed to have caught a cold after the unexpected "welcome ceremony". He hid in the carriage and almost never left his carriage except for occasional ventilation.

Of course, the real reason is well known. The middle-aged knight in charge of reception was also very knowledgeable and did not force his royal highness to go side by side with him.

Therefore, a wizard consultant, as a "confidant of his Highness", had to replace Brandon and the middle-aged knight, riding in parallel at the front of the team against the roaring snowstorm

"I once stayed in the deep forest castle of lottel and experienced a rare severe winter." of course, Loren understood what the other party meant and shrugged his shoulders:

"So you don't need to tell me what the north is like. I know it clearly."

"That's because you haven't seen the real North," said the middle-aged Knight coldly. "The real winter will have to wait another month. At that time, even if you hide in the castle and try hard to fill the fireplace with firewood, it will just keep you from freezing."

"Compared with duanjie mountain, lottel's winter is just like playing at home!"

"I'm looking forward to it." Lauren's face showed a formulaic fake smile:

"If it's really the same as you said."

The middle-aged Knight didn't seem to recognize the irony in his tone, or he didn't care at all. Calmly staring at the black haired Wizard: "I saw your performance in the camp - you are the first wizard consultant I know!"

"It can be said that if it weren't for you, the Legion infantry with less than one flag regiment couldn't carry nearly twice the number of ice werewolves - even if they could last until the Dragon came, they should have suffered heavy casualties."

"Indeed, the casualties were heavy - most of the hundred troops were gone, and the Guard commander was bitten off his head!"

"But without you, there are only half of the hundred people left at most."

"So, can I think you admit it?" turning his face, Loren sneered and squinted at the middle-aged Knight: "when we fought with those monsters, you and your loyal fortress soldiers were watching the play not far away?"

"Ernst dreisis, deputy commander of the fortress of duanjie mountain and concurrently the cavalry captain of his highness connord." the middle-aged Knight offered his right hand with iron gloves.

"His highness Brandon's wizard adviser, just call me Loren!" the black haired wizard shook hands with him without laughing, and did not intend to have any deep friends with the deputy commander.

"Lord Loren, I respect you because of your strength; in duanjie mountain, we will always lack people who can hold swords." Ernst, a middle-aged knight, silently opened his mouth and gave him a meaningful look:

"But you also have to understand that no one likes the Royal Highness you serve in duanjieshan Fortress - on the contrary, most of them want him to die quickly!"

Lauren frowned slightly, and the other party seemed to have something to say.

Is this persuading me to be cautious?

The next second, Ernst turned back with a cold face and a stiff expression as if he had never talked to him.


As the suspension bridge was put down on the city wall, the long-distance motorcade passed through the towering first city wall, followed by dense sentry towers, wooden fortresses, sharpened wooden piles, several foot deep trenches and rows of horse resisting piles. They were lifted from an iron rope, which could only accommodate a carriage to enter the interior of the fortress through the cast-iron gate.

"I'm going to leave for a while to report to Prince Connor about his highness Brandon and the elimination of the ice werewolf."

Ernst dreisis said in a deep voice and gave the dark haired wizard a meaningful look: "please wait a moment, your highness Brandon. I'll see you later, Lord Loren!"

After that, the cavalry escorting the team followed the middle-aged knight to the inner city of the fortress. Loren, who remained at the gate, turned down and silently observed the surroundings.

A more spectacular military camp and a huge war machine were Loren's first impressions when he stepped into the gate.

Or the Legion soldiers walking back and forth on the passage and the wall, or standing guard on the stronghold tower;

A logistics officer who escorts goods and stands beside a pile of wooden boxes outside the warehouse gate to count and keep accounts;

Back and forth rapidly, busy auxiliary soldiers back and forth between weapon racks, quartermaster warehouses and stables;

On their faces, what Lauren couldn't see was indifference. In addition to the shouting of orders, he couldn't hear any voice at all. Everyone was meticulously busy with the work at hand.

Looking to the left from the gate at the entrance, there is also a training ground enclosed by a fence. In such a severe winter, those sweaty Legion soldiers fought one-on-one naked.

Yes, although they are holding training weapons, their strength and ferocious expression are completely fighting to death!

The black haired wizard saw with his own eyes a soldier who was thrown to the ground and whose shields were broken. He was beaten on the ground and could only parry with his sword; On the other side, a guy accidentally "out of the circle" was pulled to the ground by a cane from a veteran who served as an instructor!

The common characteristic of them and others is still "not talking" - even if they are beaten so bloody and painful that they fall to the ground, twitch and faint, and they can't hear any sound.

It's like a machine made of steel gears. There's a way to execute every command, and it doesn't need to say much to execute the command.

The... Gate in the north?

The murmuring dark haired wizard glanced one by one from the people and things around him, as if he wanted to see some deeper meaning from these surface things.

The words of Ernst dreisis, who had just left, made Lauren very concerned. He said "Prince Conrad" rather than "Your Highness". Of course, this is just a different wording of the title, but the problem of reaction is also worthy of attention.

"Prince sakran" is an additional title of the imperial crown prince, which gives him the qualification to stand side by side with the other principalities; But the tone of his speech was not like a "false title", as if connord, like other dukes and their principality, was the real Lord of the fortress.

I'm afraid the power of the crown prince is far stronger than Brandon described

"What are you doing? Let go!"

The frightened voice of the little wizard suddenly came, and the black haired wizard suddenly turned back - not far from the gate, Brandon's guards had set up a shield wall to confront the soldiers of the nearby fortress!

When he walked over, the picture in front of him surprised him.

Isaac, who clenched his fist, glared at a small, thin soldier who fell to the ground; In front of him, Ayn held a falcon bow, stretched the bow and arrow at another ugly veteran.

Behind the two sides were Legion soldiers wearing the same armor and weapons, facing each other at a distance of a few steps.

"I'm very sorry, I'm very sorry, I'm Brandon de saleon, and this is Isaac Grantham and the wizard ain Rand who came with me... And... Who can tell me what happened?"

Brandon, who had been hiding in the carriage to "recuperate", did not know when he appeared behind Lauren and asked with a sunny smile.

Seeing the prince's appearance, the veteran's face became more ugly and bowed very stiff: "Your Highness Brandon, your wizard just intended to rob Xi from the soldier under my hand. I didn't know he was your man, so I was ready to catch him, and then..."

He pointed to the little wizard: "this Lord ain is going to commit murder in the barracks!"

"He lied, that ring wasn't his thing!" Isaac's eyes widened, excited like a hungry beast.

"This is my stuff!" the soldier who fell to the ground turned blue and said, "I picked it from the deserter and bought it according to military regulations..."

"Your grandparents say it again -?!!!"