Towering snow peaks, continuous mountains and goshawks across the sky - these can be seen only in one place on the endless northern plain led by Prince sakran.

Duanjieshan fortress.

The only barrier in the north of the Empire was not an isolated Castle standing like a knight, but a large fortress group built along the whole duanjieshan mountain range, extending to the East and West with the most central duanjieshan fortress as the "core", blocking the ice and snow in the north.

From the highest spiral peak of duanjie mountain to the grey water bay near the fog sea in the west, the fortress of duanjie mountain has seven fortresses and 20 watchtowers. These fortresses constitute a strict defense system to ensure surveillance of the north.

In any age, the threat from the North has always been the most deadly enemy of the Empire - the Centaur of the East, with the Jonah family of the Principality of BOI and their machete Hussars waiting to die; The dwarves in the southeast mountains are closely watched by the heavy Knights of the Turin family at all times;

The Fred family of lottel in the northwest and the ERD family of Arle in the southwest have not been invaded by trolls and ogres for hundreds of years; Even the overseas Yasur elves have no advantage in front of eboden's ocean fleet.

Because of this, in the face of the only fatal threat, the Empire will spend a lot of money and most of the manpower and material resources led by Prince saklan at all costs to build the impregnable "gate" of duanjieshan fortress!

There is no other reason - if the northern part of East Saxony falls, the remaining plains will have no buffer; Across the gem river is the capital Golovin. At that time, we will fight a life and death battle against the demon army of evil gods under the walls of the capital.

Of course, even so. Duanjieshan fortress is not a wall that seals the north. It can still bypass layers of fortresses and invade the north of the Empire.

But in fact, the "fortress of duanjieshan" in a real broad sense is far more than these - there are not many towns on the northern plain led by Prince saklan, but solid castles scattered on the northern land like morning stars.

In peacetime, these castles are responsible for training recruits and domesticating war horses and pack animals for duanjieshan fortress; Once the North was invaded, the villagers of the surrounding villages could take refuge in the castle, resist the demon army that dragged the invasion as much as possible, and ask for help from the fortress with beacon towers and Rangers.

At this time, the two legions stationed all year round, with a total of 6000 heavy infantry, plus twice the auxiliary soldiers, and the fortress of 1000 heavy cavalry, has become a sharp sword behind the invaders, which can pierce the heart at any time!

How it was formed has long been unknown, but in many legends about the "North", it was the ancient kingdom that used a special force to shape the natural boundary between the South and the north, separating their ancient kingdom from the south, so that outsiders could not easily set foot in their territory.

Of course, this is just a saying spread in tavern poetry. Similarly, it is created by demons, dropped from the sky, and built by a dragon driven by an ancestor of the desallion family

In the orthodox era of the Empire, it is "the barrier built by the Holy Cross for the human Empire to separate the devil's hell from the world", which is also most convinced by the world.

Of course, with the increasing prosperity of wizards in the Empire, there are more and more voices of doubt. Many questions make this statement more and more untenable.

"About ten years ago, I remember that was when I was a child." Brandon de sallion, lying comfortably in the carriage, joked with the "Wizard consultant" sitting opposite him in a very nostalgic tone:

"There was a wizard from eboden - well, I think his name was Wegener? He was a crazy old man. He suddenly ran to the cathedral in the capital Golovin and told the Archbishop that the formation of the boundary breaking mountain was not due to external forces, but the result of the drift and collision of the two continents. It had nothing to do with the Laoshi divine power of the Holy Cross, which was what he said at that time."

"Well, I'm afraid the wizard's ending is not very good." Loren raised his eyebrows.

Hanging, beheading, or a cross?

"Archbishop innocent is the kindest person I've ever seen in my life. He forgives many wizards and is seldom angry." a funny smile appeared on the corner of the prince's mouth:

"That was the first time he had sent a wizard to the stake of fire for 'blasphemy' - poor old madman, very interesting guy."

"I saw him burned alive with my own eyes. I saw his clothes turned into coke and his flesh burned like a big candle. I screamed at the throat until his throat was swallowed by the fire and couldn't cry out."

"... then it turned into a pile of debris." Brandon's smile became more and more ironic, twisted in the carriage and changed into a more comfortable position:

"Wegener and archbishop innocent had a debate. Wegener was sent to the stake, and Wegener became a pile of black firewood - Lord Loren Turin, the wizard consultant. What did you find in this story?"

What did I find?

Looking at Brandon who winked at himself, the black haired wizard who twitched at the corners of his mouth showed an expression that wanted to laugh but tried to suppress it:

"If someone is killed... He will die?"


In an instant, the awkward atmosphere in the carriage reached its peak.

"Well... Cough... Your theory is really impeccable." Brandon curled his lips as if he were pretending to be dismissive:

"But what I see is another thing; I see how powerless the 'Proverbs' and' miracles' in the doctrine of the Holy Cross are!"

"Even a kind believer like bishop innocent can never accept a wizard telling him that we live in the world for some reason, some coincidence, not because of the miracle of the Holy Cross, nor because of the mercy of the Holy Cross, we have to live in this world!"

"They're scared," Lauren whispered meaningfully.

"Yes, they are afraid - the Holy Cross and the Holy Cross Church have created a beautiful, sacred and artistic dream, so that ordinary people don't need to think and live in this beautiful dream; therefore, when wizards appear, they will be so angry, because wizards pierce the dream and tell them that it's not so beautiful OK. "

"I always feel that this is the real reason why the church is hostile to wizards from beginning to end - because only they will question and ask questions; and the believers of the Holy Cross can't explain all this."

"Maybe it's because they can't explain." Loren silently looked at the Prince: "maybe it's because the truth is too cruel for them to speak!"

Recalling eboden and the first Wizard "Logan in a hat", Loren became more and more suspicious of the connection between the so-called "origin of wizards" and the Holy Cross.

And the legendary capital of the Dragon Kingdom, Nidhogg, which Logan once visited... Does it really exist?

If so, what will you find there?

Thinking of this, Loren couldn't help laughing at himself at the bottom of his heart - even if he knew what was the use of this. Not to mention how one of his Royal Highness's wizard advisers could leave the fortress of duanjie mountain and go to the north. Even if they succeed, what can they do?

I don't know where the so-called Dragon King City is, and the prince Brandon de sallion is famous and unpopular in the fortress of duanjie mountain.

I will not be implicated... No, that's impossible. I should be absolutely implicated.

On this point, Loren has absolutely unparalleled "confidence" in Brandon.


Just when the two of them were enjoying a rare pleasant silence, there was a dull noise outside the carriage. A knight in heavy armor, gray hair and blue eyes, about in his forties, pushed the door open.

Lauren and Brandon, who saw the comer, had a tacit understanding, which made them smile.

It was the cavalry captain of duanjieshan fortress who prepared a new "welcome ceremony" for them.

"Salute to you, your highness!" the knight didn't seem to feel that he was unpopular. He directly ignored the black haired wizard next to him and stared at Brandon lying there:

"We have reached the fortress of duanjieshan!"