For his Royal Highness's "affectionate confession", Loren didn't pay attention to it at all, and even lazily dealt with it, "grateful tears" to show his loyalty.

When he was in eboden, he saw the speed of Brandon's face changing. He was a liar who was not under himself or even beyond himself. It was really stupid to be serious.

Rather, if he did, Brandon would be more distrustful of himself.

The tacit understanding between the two sides is partly based on trust and more on interests - Brandon needs a skilled and trusted "Wizard consultant"; Loren needs to get the "shelter" of his prince status, bring all kinds of convenience, and the agreed title that makes the night watchman no longer easy to do it on his own.

The more suspicious people are, the more expensive the price of loyalty is. Human nature is so sad.

Trust is really a luxury.

"Just one day?!"

The little wizard lying at the table screamed. His pale expression was like hearing the bad news. He rushed in front of Lauren, and a "stubborn" hair stood up directly on his head.

"Er... That's right. We have to start tomorrow morning." the dark haired wizard, who didn't know how to answer, scratched his head and pulled the corners of his mouth: "I was really going to stay for three days, but... There was some accident."

"Well... I see." Ayn murmured slowly back to her seat, and the word disappointment was written directly on her face.

"Sorry, this is not what I can decide, if I can..."

"It doesn't matter, I can understand." although still a little lost, the little wizard managed to squeeze out a smile and shook his head "indifferently":

"We're going to duanjieshan fortress, aren't we? We can't waste too much time in such a place, and winter is coming."

Looking at Ayn's smile full of understanding, disappointment but still indifference, Loren was a little depressed - those words he was going to use to persuade the little wizard were comforted by her.

The two men seemed to fall into silence at the same time.

"Er... That..." seemed to be some kind of instinct, trying to break this embarrassing Lorraine's hesitation, but suddenly found that he had nothing to say: "I want to say..."

"Poof -" the little wizard laughed at once.

"Sorry, but I haven't said it yet. Can you laugh when you're finished?"

"Well, I don't blame you." gently holding the black haired wizard's hands, Ayn's eyes narrowed into crescent moon, and a faint smile came up at the corner of her mouth:

"Let's say something happy. Is your sword still there?"

"The sword?"

"Bright silver, our common achievement." the little wizard blinked: "remember how we finished it?"

"Of course, Isaac proposed a new rune construction equation - but in fact, he failed in the end. The person who really completed the last step was dean Peter." Loren didn't forget to remind: "Oh, by the way, don't tell Isaac about it."

"No, he found it himself!" it seems that every time Isaac is mentioned, the little wizard's face will show some helpless and tangled expressions:

"In a word, although we completed it at the beginning, in fact, the structure is very unstable - it can only last for about ten seconds at most, and then it will enter the cooling state; it will consume a lot of energy and load seriously every time it is used again."

"But that's perfect. Really, I've been saved by it more than once."

Shrugging his shoulders, the black haired wizard said with some emotion: "and didn't Isaac say it himself? The power of the void is difficult to be stabilized, so..."

Noticing that the smiling Ayn was staring at himself motionless, Loren suddenly stopped: "you, you don't mean to say... Unlikely?"

"We're wizards, Loren." the little wizard's smile was also a little proud:

"We were born to create the impossible!"


"As we all know, our world is an overlapping existence of reality and emptiness. All sudden changes, magic and even incomprehensible common sense can be interpreted as the interaction of the two worlds."

"It's better to combine and arrange Ancient Runes and use magic according to certain rules; it's better to use the erosion characteristics of the void to create alchemy items with special abilities - what we do is indirect use, and use the characteristics of the void itself 'erosion' and 'deception' to achieve our purpose."

"Then, is it really possible to use the power of the void for us, not indirectly but directly, so that this terrible power can become a 'power' like wind, fire and water?"

"I've heard a lot about this, and most of them think I'm an unreasonable madman - Oh, for those poor potatoes with watery heads, maybe only this slander can make them continue to live in the dream of 'I have a brain, I'm smart, I'm not a fool, that guy is crazy'"

"We are wizards. We really need to keep a clear mind and reason all the time; but we also need the ability to understand and think beyond common sense. People bound by rules, subconsciousness and common sense are not qualified to call themselves wizards!"

"As I said, they are a group of magicians, medicine sellers, fortune tellers, experts who jump great gods, repair wheels and drain toilet sewers - there is no disrespect, because the name 'wizard' is really inappropriate for them."

"We are wizards. We were born to create the impossible!"

In the underground laboratory of furnace college, Isaac Grantham, standing on a table, slowly raised his arms, raised his chin proudly, and threw his small hand at the blackboard behind him:

"Loren Turin, Ayn Rand and this... O'nei alchemist, please be prepared to throw yourself into the ground and be completely frightened to cry by the supreme wisdom of this genius!"

The three men sitting in front of him had no time to make complaints about the blackboard, which was full of runes. Loren and the little wizard were fine, because they had expected, so there was no special situation.

A second later, the o'nei alchemist of furnace college was completely stunned:

"You have come up with a way to release the power of the void stably. How is this possible?"

"Yes, it's impossible. No one has ever done it. It's completely unheard of!" Isaac went down and raised his mouth with his hands on his back: "except me!"

"Dear gentlemen, those who want to applaud can start!" but the next second he disliked his worshippers: "Forget it, we're underground - if you clap too enthusiastically, you might make me suffer from tinnitus and so on... In short, I'll allow you to suppress your incomparable vision for a while, and tell me how much you admire me when you leave this underground laboratory!"

Although Isaac was still talking there, the stunned o'nei alchemist was lying directly on the blackboard, his wide eyes trembling slightly:

"This, this... If this design really has the slightest possibility, all current alchemy technologies will be overturned and restarted - the Holy Cross is on the top, which is completely creating history!"

"Making history?" Isaac, who heard the other party's words, smashed his mouth: "er... This kind of thing is left to the potatoes. It sounds like a lot of trouble."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Ai Yin, who coughed repeatedly, interrupted Isaac who was ready to talk, and went to o'nei alchemist who was still lying on the blackboard "constantly shocked":

"As you can see, we have a new rune construction equation that can stably release the power of void and conduct it in alchemy items."

"It's just... There's a little trouble here."

"Yes, if you want to experiment with this new construction, the general level forging hammer and tools are not enough. You must be at the level of the ground shaker in order for pure silver to be smelted enough to carry."

O'nei, still in shock, nodded silently, widened his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him:

"Furnace college will do its best to support you. Come on, what else do you need?"