Loren wrote his testimony and handed it to the Dean himself. After confirming that it was correct, he asked him to sign it himself.

"Well, your excellency, what else do you want to say?" the black haired wizard raised his head, put away his testimony and said expressionless:

"Maybe this is your last words."

The dean's face was not at all depressed. His expression was still firm and excited. He sat in his chair and looked at him for a long time: "Lord Loren Turin, can you call you that?"

"Please feel free." Loren still retains some respect for the elderly alchemist.

"Although I didn't expect it to be like this at first, I can see it later." the dean's eyes were a little dark: "Your Highness Brandon, are you finally ready to try to challenge his brother?"

"I can't tell you, because I don't know." the black haired wizard was very vigilant: "but your crime is irrefutable, not because who took refuge in who!"

"You don't have to be so excited. Brothers in the history of the de sallion family have made more contradictions. This will not be the first or the last time. Wise, such as his majesty Brandon I of the sixth generation, can't help killing his brother and his sons. After all, there can't be two chairs for the supreme emperor!"

"I don't mean to disrespect you, but..." Lauren said, "you don't want to persuade me to 'abandon the darkness and turn to the light' and work for his highness connord?"

Looking at his slightly ironic eyes, the Dean smiled and shook his head for the first time: "don't be kidding. I'm a native of Saxony. I know the weight of loyalty best - since you chose to work for his highness Brandon, it's impossible to take refuge in his highness connord."

"But even so, I still have a few words to tell you."

"Please," Loren sat down again.

"We are loyal to the two princes respectively, but we are also loyal to the same desalion, the 13 generations of the saxophone Empire, which is the most important - no matter which one of your highness becomes the supreme emperor in the future, the Empire must stand forever!"

"... what are you trying to say?"

"I would like to say that please distinguish the orders of his highness Brandon, which are rational and calm, and which are completely the result of impulse to deal with his brother." the Dean stared at him: "especially now the empire is facing invasion."

"Lord Loren Turin, I am convinced that you can find the loopholes in the account books in less than one night, and even sneak into the warehouse without being noticed to find evidence; but with this power, you should take a longer view, not just wave your wand and sword for someone."

The dean's eyes were burning and his expression was sincere. There was no sign of lie or temptation. He was completely like an elder teaching his younger generation. The tone of the other party also reminded Lauren of Peter, Dean of vimpar college.

It was also a desperate old man who could endure humiliation for his college and apprentices.

With a slight nod, Lauren, who got up, walked solemnly towards the door.

"Lord Loren Turin!"

The dean's voice stopped the black haired wizard's footsteps again and stared at his back as if he had made a great determination.

"I didn't want to say that just now, but considering your last name... Maybe it's better to remind you." the dean's voice was heavy: "it's really a great honor to serve the de sallion royal family, especially this honor often brings more opportunities."

"But please remember that this road is also very dangerous - you will never get corresponding loyalty for your loyal service for them, because they are de sallion and the master of the Empire. In their eyes, all this is what they deserve!"

"Remember the fate of your ancestor, Roland Turin, the 'black Duke', sometimes... Loyalty and piety can't get you the corresponding return - so don't forget to think of yourself at any time, otherwise you will regret sooner or later!"

The other party's words were completely contradictory to the front, but they were also sincere words. Lauren couldn't help looking back: "thank you, I will remember it."

He said this with the same sincerity, and seeing Lauren's solemn eyes, the Dean also showed a very calm expression, nodded slightly, waiting for his next fate.

But the bottom of Loren's heart is constantly talking about the name mentioned by the other party.

Roland Turin... The famous "black Duke" a hundred years ago, the ruler of the Principality of Bain and the last ruler - since him, the Turin family and the whole principality of Bain have been devastated.

But if the rumor is true, the "black Duke" was still alive at the heyday of the Principality of Byrne, and even once influenced the pattern of the East and south of the Empire.

For this almost legendary "ancestor", Loren is really more and more curious.


After all this, Loren left the interrogation room and immediately went to the church. This time, the priest outside the door did not stop. Although his attitude was still bad, he only dared to look coldly behind his back.

The indifference black haired wizard didn't care at all. He went straight into Brandon's room, put the testimony of the president of the furnace college in front of him, and then waited for the feedback of the prince's highness with his shoulders.

"Do you believe him?" Brandon looked at him casually and asked Lauren in turn.

"I don't think it has anything to do with believing or not, but that he has no need to lie." the black haired wizard shrugged his shoulders: "moreover, the evidence we found is basically heavy, and the alchemists of several colleges have also provided evidence. The Holy Cross Church has indeed been monitoring here all the time."

"Besides, isn't this the best outcome we can win now?"

With a crooked head and a hesitant expression, Brandon finally nodded in agreement.

Indeed, according to the dean's confession, he took almost all the blame on himself, so that he would not annoy the church, but also avoid a face-to-face confrontation with his beloved brother, and erase connord's loyal running dog in melting pot town.

Even if he really doesn't want to admit it, Brandon can't help but accept the reality - now he doesn't even stand in front of Connor against his capital.

After all, the other party is the crown prince, Prince saklan. At present, he is still the commander of duanjieshan fortress. He has the command of two elite legions and has great power; He Brandon is just a prince.

Moreover, his majesty Eckhardt II did not like his "disgraced son" - even if he did catch the evidence of Conrad's corruption, it was only a "headache" for the crown prince, which was not enough to defeat him.

As Loren said, this is the best result they can get in furnace town. The enemy is a large number of people. If you want to defeat Conrad, you must do it step by step.

It will be a long battle and we must have enough patience.

"When shall we start?" Lauren asked tentatively.

"Tomorrow, the sooner the better - since the Royal brother Connor didn't lie, further delay can only delay time, and maybe he will give him more excuses to lock me up."

With a headache like a crooked head, the boy with red pupils stared at the confession in his hand and sighed. His delicate face showed a grinning expression, and his bright red pupils like gemstones flickered more and more elusive:

"Do you know the difference between me and my beloved Royal brother Connaught?"

"Sorry." Lauren frowned. "Are you going to ask me, or are you going to tell me directly?"

"It's very simple. He can get everything he wants from his birth, and he really shows that he can make people around him can't wait to give everything to him, even if he has to bear the black pot without complaining." Brandon shook his testimony.

"And I, Brandon de sallion, I don't have anything given to me. Even my dragon, dear milaxis, almost ate me at the beginning; so I'm different from him. I know the rules of the world. If I want to get anything, I have to change it with another one."

"So, dear wizard adviser, Lord Loren Turin, you never have to worry about the end of the Dean - I will give you my own before I get your loyalty!"