When the sun rises again from the eastern horizon, what envelops eboden is no longer the sunshine in midsummer, but the decay with the smell of decay and decay.

With the emergence of "man eating monsters" more and more frequently, the rumor of "frightening children" is also more and more creepy. The freedom Council also began to mobilize patrol guards to civilian areas in the south of the city to block the streets and places where accidents occurred - but even if they could block the streets, they could not block everyone's mouth.

In the end, even the South Gate had to be closed temporarily, and the beggars and tramps who "spread rumors" were chased everywhere. The south of the city was blocked, and the roads on both sides were blocked with temporary walls and various fences.

Originally, if the nine pointed star wizard tower helped, the freedom Council could have directly ordered that the casters of the wizard tower use the high-level curse of "rock will" to divide the whole eboden into two, which is also the safest; But because the two church bills forcibly passed made the wizard tower completely withdraw from the free Parliament and blocked the nine pointed star wizard tower, they can't even command a decent wizard now!

The free Parliament can also forcibly arrest the Wizards of the nine pointed star wizard tower in the name of "non-compliance with the law"; But the problem is that they are all huddled in the wizard tower, and the nine pointed star wizard tower itself is a fortress that has stood for hundreds of years, well maintained and adequately provided, and employs an elite mercenary regiment of more than 600 people all year round!

Of course, even so, it's not impossible to fight down, and then? Once such "extraordinary" behavior is made, the two sides will completely tear their faces, which is definitely not what the nobles of the free parliament want to see - there have been many cold wars between the two sides in the history of eboden, and collective withdrawal from parliament has also occurred from time to time, but quarreling and fighting are two different things.

More importantly, these eboden nobles also needed wizards - without pharmacists and herbalists, their medicine business would have to be closed; Without alchemists, their workshop is a pile of furnishings and workers who can only make parts. No one knows how to maintain the water supply system in those cities. Without all kinds of novel alchemy products, their caravan can no longer earn a gold coin!

Knowledge and gold are the bonds that keep eboden alive; As for the civilians in the south of the city... It's just "consumables" and a lot of trouble - at least these nobles think so.

Therefore, when the mutant monster appeared, the first thought of the freedom Council was to block the urban area, wait until the relationship with the wizard tower eased, and then discuss with the Wizards how to solve it.

But the biggest charm of the world is that it never makes anyone happy

"Believers of the Holy Cross, pious and kind people, look at your situation! Look at what you are experiencing now, and how poor you are treated!"

Just behind the blockade line, a priest dressed in golden red priest's uniform was shouting to the civilians gathered around, spitting stars splashing and dancing enthusiastically:

"Can these savage mercenaries, who grovel to nobles and wizards for gold coins, be forgiven?"

"Can those wizards who hide in the tower all day and ponder conspiracy and all kinds of terrible potions be tolerated?"

"They let those terrible monsters run rampant in the city, but they ignored you. Are you ready to sit and die?"

"Do you want to watch the place where you live and be ruled by evil monsters?"

The priest became more and more excited, and his eyes around him became more and more eager, and his expression became more and more crazy: "no, it's absolutely not! So as a servant of the Holy Cross, I must tell you the truth. Why do those nobles have to block this place and not let the news spread? It's because all these are the ghosts of those wizards!"

"Their medicine polluted the water source of the city, and the fake medicine made those poor people into terrible monsters! Do you know why you have to suffer from this? Because the nobles and old men have to rely on these blasphemous wizards to help them make money!"

"None of them will tell the truth, only you, only you - so rush out, break through the blockade of these witches and accomplices, and bring the truth out! Don't be afraid of the pain of death, all those who sacrifice for justice will be blessed by the Holy Cross and ascend his country!"

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, and more and more poor and tramps gathered around the priest. Their eyes at the guards of the blockade became more and more ferocious. It seemed that the atmosphere became stagnant at this moment.

Some guards who noticed something wrong were also gathering. Photographed in the Holy Cross Church with increasing popularity recently, they did not take the initiative to drive away these gathered civilians, but they also lined up behind the fence and horse resistance, forming a defense line with shields and crossbows to guard against these guys who might become thugs at any time.

String, it's tight!

"Are these people fools, or are they completely crazy?"

In the crowded streets and alleys, the night watchwoman hiding in an attic stared at the poor people gathered by the priest. At first, it seemed that she just wanted to vent her dissatisfaction, but now she was completely ready to attack the blockade at any time!

"Even I can see that the priest just wants to use them to die!" the indignant Vera couldn't help shouting: "why doesn't even have a person who found this

"Because what the priest said is the truth... For them." the indifferent Edward rubbed the scar on his face. When he was in prison, the pharmacist who healed him was still an apprentice: "it's useless to explain to the civilians. They can only understand the simplest truth. They just believe what they are willing to believe."

"Even eboden people know that wizards are dealing with some very dangerous things; but it is because of this that they believe it when the priest tells them."

"Even so, are you going to be fooled by these damn gods to die?"

"What else can they do?"

Edward, who once wandered in the gutter lane, gave her a cold look: "the freedom Council has abandoned them. Instead, you stay in such a blocked street full of man eating monsters. Would you choose to continue to sit and die?"

Vera, who originally wanted to refute, lost her tongue when she saw his eyes.

"... what shall we do?" the night watchwoman kept silent for a moment and then continued to ask, "just watch these people being slaughtered by the patrol guard?!"

"Before they hit the blockade, the patrol did not dare to do it - the liberal Parliament only issued a blockade, not a massacre of civilians." Edward thought for a moment and made a final judgment:

"Look at the situation first. If there is a riot... Retreat from here immediately and report back to the nine pointed star wizard tower."

"But..." Vera still couldn't bear it.

"We're not here to save them!" Edward glared at her. "Don't forget your identity - we're not the Savior, nor the culprit of persecution! We're just night watchmen, and no one expects you to protect them! Be a little realistic, do your job well, and then save your life!"

The two calmed down continued to monitor the increasingly tense street below the street. What Vera doesn't know is that in a few places nearby and further away, almost every church is surrounded by such a group of poor people and troublemakers, as well as more priests and priests who take to the streets to publicize the "truth" to these poor people.

Edward chose to monitor here, not only because it was closest to the blockade, but also because it was one of the easiest places to retreat.

Never do superfluous things. Living is the first - this is the life creed of night watchman Edward.

But the cruelty of this disaster is far more than that