"What do you want?"

Murmuring softly, the confused little wizard looked blankly at the girl who had just asked: "what are you..."

"What kind of person do you think Lord Loren Turin is?" Ariel corona whispered. "Will he be the kind of person who is willing to compromise with others and is willing to pay without a bottom line?"

After only a moment's hesitation, Ayn Rand shook his head slightly.

No matter how to evaluate it, it's hard to say that this guy is an absolute good man, but he often spends his life for other people's things, which he didn't need to do.

"It's not willing for the Loren pavilion to come to eboden, even now." the delicate girl sighed softly: "he just bears it silently because he can't refuse - it must be because of some reason that he can't refuse."

"What on earth do you want to say?" the little wizard said coldly, with a look of refusing people and thousands of miles away.

The original pity for the girl had already disappeared at the moment when she learned the other party's name. Although it was uncertain for what reason, the "Miss Ariel" must be very close to Loren, otherwise the guy would not entrust such an important ring to her.

As for why they are so close to Loren... It must be because they want to take the opportunity to use Loren to reach their secret of the corona family!

Ayn Rand didn't realize it. Just a quarter of an hour later, she had linked the weak sick girl with words such as "fox spirit" and "bad woman".

Is it difficult to say that he likes this type of? Because he is too thin, will he be very protective? Really... Really... What a fool! Even this kind of trap will be fooled!

"What I want to say is that Lord Loren Turin hides his purpose very well. No one knows what he really wants - he is very good at hiding his ambition in helping others. This is also one of his charms. Not only women, but secrets will also add a lot to the charm of men."

Ariel smiled gracefully, but her pale thin lips made her faint: "and if you can spy on a man's secret, he can never leave you.

And you are Lord Loren Turin's greatest secret. You like him, don't you? "

be frightened and change color!

The blue eyes were trembling. AI Yin, who was forced to be calm, held his hands tightly. He didn't feel that his palm was cut by his fingernails. For a moment, he was out of breath: "I and Loren are my friends, and I..."

"Your cover up is so perfect that no one can notice it, but... These tricks are useless to me." smiling Ariel raised her index finger and pressed it slowly on the little wizard's neck.

"Ah --!"

The frightened Ayn instinctively wanted to avoid, but found that she couldn't move for some reason. She let Ariel's fingers slowly move from her throat to her clavicle, as if she enjoyed putting her fingertips in front of her nose and sniffing, and then gracefully... Contained the whole finger.

"I can't tell the taste wrong." the girl sucking her fingers, like a cat greedy for milk, smiled happily at the corners of her mouth: "you are actually a beautiful girl."

She was seen through... The little wizard was shrouded in unprecedented fear. The naked sight made her feel like she was locked in a cage.

What? What the hell?!

"Although I don't know his purpose, there is no doubt that Loren must like you very much and even be willing to take great risks in exchange for your safety - so you don't have to worry at all. For Loren Turin, I will never let anyone hurt you.

A witch friend can't be tolerated even in eboden. If your identity is exposed, he must be very troubled? "

"What is your purpose?"

The trembling ayin finally couldn't bear to speak, gasped violently, and covered his inner fear with anger: "I've found what you did in Shenlin Castle - despite the threat, Loren and I are not the people who will give in to the threat, and we will not let you succeed!"

"Now that you have seen that, you should know that my purpose is the same as yours. We must protect Loren Turin from being hurt by some ill intentioned people!"

Looking at the little wizard who was still very vigilant, Ariel smiled, put her hands around her neck and tiptoed to her ear: "I understand you very much. Really, you should be afraid - anyone who intends to contact Loren Turin's family should be on guard against them.

After all, you, like me, are deeply in love with this man who is a secret from head to toe, right? "

"Uh... Sorry, but I didn't seem to hear it clearly?"

"Let me put it another way. I've always known that you're not willing to work for the night watchman - from your performance and uncle LUT infinite's description, you're not the kind of person who can easily swallow your anger, Lord Loren Turin."

The noble boy said, poured a glass of red wine for himself and the black haired wizard respectively, and stood in front of him with his eyes almost stuck to the point where he couldn't get closer.

Loren swallowed his saliva hard, and the red haired and pupil noble boy was almost on his face - he was calm, and suddenly had an inexplicable impulse.

Kill him, this man is more threatening than rut infinite

"You're willing to join the night watchman just to keep uncle LUT infinite's trust in you," Brandon said in a voice that only two people can hear:

"Then... You have a chance to kill him unconsciously!"

"I just hope he can abide by the agreement." the black haired wizard replied without changing his face: "don't provoke the people around me. If you are polite, please just be direct and stop playing this disgusting routine."


The clear red pupil looked at the black haired wizard reflected in his eyes, and Brandon smiled softly:

"Now, who hasn't been honest?"

"... I really don't know what you want." when things came to a step, Loren could only choose to pretend to be stupid: "if this is your guess, you might as well tell lute infinite. It sounds really like that!"

Brandon handed the glass to Lauren and took a sip of his:



"In fact, if this is really your real purpose - of course, I think it should be only a small part of your goal, then I don't mind." turning back to Loren, the noble boy still exudes a sunny voice and figure, which has become a cold winter in the eyes of the black haired Wizard:

"I can give you a hand even if you need it - what do you think we'll kill LUT infinit and make you the new leader of the night watchman?"

For a moment, Lauren, who seemed to be vaguely aware of something, narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Are you making an offer?"

"Offer? No, no, no... this is at most a deposit, and it's still the kind that can't be cashed for the time being, and I'm sure you're not so easy to be bought off."

Smiling Brandon waved his hand like a child and sat down on the chair without airs, as if joking with some playmate: "your loyalty is much more valuable than that of rutt infinite if you can hunt the evil god mazka alone in the ancient wood forest!"

What, what?

The evil god mazka

Where did he know that, ancient wood elves?!

How much else does he know?!

"You want my loyalty?" Lauren looked at him with a stunned expression.

"No, I don't think that's realistic for the time being, so I want to reach an alliance with you, a mutually beneficial alliance, to help us achieve our respective goals."

Brandon gently stretched out his right hand, but there was no doubt between his expression and words:

"Well, let's start with the nine pointed star Holy Grail."