Freswalker Manor - it takes about half a day to get there from the west gate of eboden. Different from the slightly crowded, dirty and even dilapidated south of the city, the surrounding environment is almost similar to many villages in lottel. There are many shady trees and quiet rivers not far away.

It is said that there are many rich people's ancestral houses and manors nearby. Although as one of the best cities in the Empire, eboden should have all kinds of living conditions and commodities, not everyone is keen on noisy urban life.

This is especially true for wizards who are keen on research and lack of social activities - one of them is rob freswalker, who Loren is going to visit.

He is a member of the "freedom Council" of eboden, one of the twelve elders of the nine pointed star wizard tower, and the head of the freswalker family... Then he is said to have been the mentor of President Peter.

This master specializes in mysticism and incantation, and Dean Peter and mentor Dalton are similar. Considering that he specializes in incantation, he can hardly be regarded as the... Great grandson of master freswalker.

Although he had already sighed once, when he heard this, Loren couldn't help sighing. The circle of the wizard world was really small. Even if he only went out, he could meet this frightening "Grandpa Zeng".

Although it was not a luxurious manor, Loren still maintained as much respect and humility as possible, turned down in front of the manor door and handed the "invitation" to the servant outside the door.

After waiting patiently for two quarters of an hour, the informed servant finally turned back and led him into the main building of the manor, a place resembling a library tower.

After entering the main building, Loren found that it was simply a small library tower - both the side of the stairs and the surrounding walls were transformed into bookshelves, filled with all kinds of books, large and small, without gaps, and even the air was filled with a strong smell of parchment and ink.

Not only that, even if he was walking in the stairs, he could clearly feel the residue of the void power contained in the air. To this extent, the master was afraid to have experimented with high-order magic spells here every day.

I didn't bring Asriel. It was a wise decision.

Led by the servant, the black haired wizard came to the door on the third floor, which looked like the master's private room. He knocked on the door, and the respectful servant nodded and bowed: "Lord Robert freswalker, the guest is coming."

There was no answer. There was only a few crisp percussion sounds in the room, like the sound of knocking a pipe. The informed servant immediately opened the door and made an invitation gesture to Loren: "you can go in."

What is this, some special signal?

Glancing at the servant, Loren glanced into the door before moving in.

The room is not spacious, but it is a perfect occult laboratory - a corner full of books, a variety of bronze and silver props and equipment, a circular platform for meditation, and... An absolutely quiet silent wall.

For mystical wizards, I'm afraid nothing is more important than silence.

"My sincerest regards to you, Ayn lan..."

"Come on, I have time to listen to your lies here. I might as well read more books." standing in front of Lauren is a short and thin old man. He looks ridiculous in a fat wizard's robe, which "shines in the face" with few white hair on his head.

Balding, an abrupt big head, a pair of vibrant but yellow eyes, and a messy Beard - this is Robel freswalker, the master of spell and mystery of the nine pointed wizard tower.

The old man's right hand held a beautiful sepiolite pipe, "Bata Bata" smoking, and his yellowing eyes were still looking up and down at Loren standing in front of him respectfully, as if looking at the quality of a work.

"Peter's student, I know who you are, so I don't have to talk about it. I won't live for a few days at my age." master Robel freswalker, who looked up, was very angry: "so I'll be brief and concise.

You want to pass the test three days later and get the qualification recognized by the nine pointed star wizard tower, and I am one of your three certifiers, but I have a troublesome research to carry out three days later, so let's just do it today! "


"Why, do you have a problem?" the old man's expression was very unhappy - although Loren hadn't seen him smile since he entered the door.

"No, I'm just confused." of course, Loren couldn't admit it, smiled and asked, "the test doesn't require three wizards at the same time..."

"Three, how can I use three?" master freswalker snorted coldly, "if I say you pass, you are qualified; if I say you fail, it's useless for anyone to speak!"

This is a very arrogant old man who has great authority in the nine pointed star wizard tower and has a certain real power. Lauren nodded slightly, confirming his guess at the beginning.

"I owe a big favor to the corona family. Considering that you are a student of Peter and barely a quarter of the eboden wizard, I promise them to give you this opportunity - no matter what trick you are going to do in three days, you have to do it for me now. Do you want to give you a few minutes to prepare?" freswalker stared at him and smoked his pipe.

Loren thought he might finally understand what was going on.

From the beginning, master freswalker did not intend to let himself pass the test, or had a mind to make things difficult for himself - this is also very consistent with the xenophobic characteristics of eboden wizards, and he always despises foreign wizards.

But in contrast, because of Dean Peter's relationship, he saved some "scores" - in other words, he gave freswalker the reason to pass, and was reluctantly regarded as a member of eboden, just like a distant cousin of a large family.

Of course, the most important thing is still the corona family standing behind. The black haired wizard really doesn't know what kind of calculation the family is playing since he came to eboden?

The more he shows kindness, the more he feels frightened - the other party shows their strength almost undisguised, and can even blackmail freswalker, one of the twelve elders of the nine pointed star wizard tower.

What's more terrible is that now all those who take the initiative to help are actually people who have a relationship with themselves. Obviously, the other party has made clear his identity and origin.

What on earth are they going to do?

"What are you doing there? I don't have time to spend it with you!"

Master freswalker, who was aware of the "distraction" of the black haired wizard, was very dissatisfied and became more and more impatient. The sound of his pipe became louder and louder: "for the sake of that good boy Peter, I can give you five minutes!"

Peter's "good boy"... Lauren's right eye jumped. I'm afraid he was at best a baby wizard in this's eyes.

After thinking for a moment, Loren quickly guessed the other party's intention and his own capital. A minute later, the dark haired wizard, who was at a loss, added a confident smile to his mouth:

"Master freswalker, can you tell me what the research that you don't have time for him is?"

"Hmm?" the old man looked at Lauren with distrustful eyes. His eyes were full of sarcasm: "if I told you, you wouldn't say that you just have a way to solve it?

Many of the apprentices I've taken have used this kind of petty cleverness, but let me make it clear first that I can't tolerate petty cleverness here - if you can't solve it and can't come up with any tricks that can prove your level, you have to get out! "

"I've always been very confident in myself, master freswalker." Lauren bowed humbly with a faint smile on his face: "please give me another chance."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you!" the old man tilted his eyes, turned his back and paced: "this is a conjecture put forward by an apprentice named Isaac Grantham. Although it is absurd, I find it very interesting..."

The smile on Lauren's face immediately collapsed when he heard the name.