No color, monotony, nothingness, and blank.

After Ayn Rand guided him to complete his meditation for the first time, Loren experienced this strange feeling again, as if all the messages around him had been transformed into simple messages and symbols. It was clear that there was darkness in front of him, but he could still "see" and feel it.

The process of building the magic array is similar to rebuilding one's own spiritual Palace - this time, it is not spiritual consciousness, but in the real world, guiding the forces of the void to "distort" the surroundings and fabricate a "range" that should not exist at all.

It was already late at night outside. Only the cold moonlight penetrated into the room through the gap of the window. The sea breeze of the port was whistling outside the window, howling like a fierce ghost, and fleeting.

Standing in the middle of the room, Loren closed his eyes and gently raised his left hand. The dark "caster" was invisible in the dimly lit room. He could only vaguely see the red lines above.

Loren has never used it since he came to eboden. After all, the "caster" is almost the symbol of the night watchman - but the black haired wizard is more familiar with it than the "tree heart" given to him by the small wizard.

The torrent of consciousness surged back and forth at the two levels of the spiritual palace and the body. The black haired wizard slowly opened his eyes to calm his restless heart. In the face of emptiness, any negligence and excitement may kill yourself.

A good swimmer must be careful even if he drowns a thousand times. With consistent patience, Loren gently opened his left hand, and a faint blue Rune appeared in the middle of his palm.

The next moment, the runes dropped like drops of water and opened "ripples" at Loren's feet. The liquid emitting gray and blue light slowly condensed into the pattern of nine awn star as if it had life.

Choosing the nine pointed star as the magic array is not accidental. Just like the nine pointed star wizard tower, it is not just because it is beautiful or has any special hobbies that it takes it as the symbol of a wizard.

"Nine" is the limit of change. The nine awned star composed of three triangles implies endless changes and dynamics. It is indescribable, indescribable, unexplainable and unexplainable. This is the essence of emptiness.

The circle around the nine pointed star represents the existence of "matter" - not a linear advance, but an alternation of rings. Everything has its time, and the revival and decline are the same again and again.

Therefore, the nine mans chart itself is the perfect interpretation of the existence of "Wizard", which connects spirit and material, and applies knowledge and power to itself.

Here, Loren made a "small" change to the nine pointed star. In short, a second ring was added outside the original nine pointed star ring, making the whole pattern seem to be set in the center by a hollow circle.

The dark haired wizard gently recited the obscure spell, and the complex runes were like lit candles. One by one, they appeared in the center of the two-layer ring, and the void power turned into gray blue light gradually condensed, and even could clearly feel the rhythm.

"Turin fire --!"

The golden red flame gushed from the nine awned star under his feet, gathered in his palm like a flowing liquid, condensed into the shape of a fireball, and then the gray blue magic array disappeared.

HMM... this casting method can really greatly reduce the erosion of void on the body, and the consumption of energy has not increased significantly. At the same time, it has improved the power of high-level magic spells. The only regret may be that the casting time is a little long.

However, as long as you use it skillfully, it's not a problem to shorten the time - more importantly, this new way can directly use those high-level spells you haven't memorized, which is a great blessing for the caster! This is really

"I have a little question."

The boy who was always watching suddenly tilted his head in confusion, his right hand on his chin, and his Ruby like eyes blinked: "Why are there two rings, just to put the condensed spell in it?"

"This is... A small change for me." Lauren said "tut tut" disapprovingly and shrugged his shoulders: "you should know that human beings are different from you. A certain degree of rules can ensure that our rationality will not be eroded by emptiness..."

"My dear Lauren, don't explain." the boy suddenly looked at him with very "compassionate" eyes: "you just had an obsessive-compulsive disorder, didn't you?"


"Or is it a special hobby that makes you excited to see something regular?"

"... well, this is obsessive-compulsive disorder."

In the face of evil forces, Loren chose to surrender with both hands - for Asriel, who didn't know art and beauty, the black haired wizard decided not to care about this vulgar man.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

A slight knock on the door came from the outside. Loren immediately put away the "caster" and went to open the door as if nothing had happened. The hotel owner with a flattering smile on his face still came into his sight:

"Excuse me, but there is a wizard outside who claims to be your friend. Can you let him in?"

"I'm Peter FASA. Do you still know me?"

The young wizard with a cheerful atmosphere from inside to outside stood outside the door with a bright smile on his face. Loren had to admit that he was stunned for a moment when he saw him.

"Er... Of course. What's up?"

"Well, on behalf of the nine pointed star wizard tower, I tell you..." before he finished, Peter's round eyes suddenly turned aside!

Asriel, who was originally lazy on the shelf, immediately felt someone staring at him. He turned like a fried sparrow and wanted to fly away, but he was stopped by the figure.

"Is this your pet?" Peter, lying under the shelf, kept looking at it as if he had seen the new world. Asriel, who was staring straight at him, turned his head desperately, but he couldn't hide his sight.

"What's the problem?"

"Problem? Of course there is a problem, and... I don't know how to describe it!" the young wizard shouted excitedly, and his words and actions were exaggerated to the extreme:

"This kind of black feather eagle is unprecedented -!!!"


Without saying a word, Loren silently released his left hand that had held "liangyin".

"I mean, look at its fur color. It's so pure black that even the most pure black feather Eagle rarely owns it; and its almost streamlined body shape, sharp hook and claw, perfect feather shape... Most importantly, its ruby eyes are pure. Do you know how rare it is?"

Well, it's as rare as vampires, Loren replied silently in the bottom of his heart.

Asriel, who had just tried to dodge, slowly raised his head after listening to Peter's words and proudly raised his wings. He was lazy and leisurely like a noble young master.

The "understanding" young wizard immediately took out a fine goose feather brush from his robe and carefully cleaned the dust on his feathers.

"Although it's presumptuous to ask, which subject do you focus on?" Loren, who looked at the corner of his mouth twitching, couldn't help asking.

"I specialize in herbal medicine and some alchemy. I'm a pharmacist in the nine pointed star wizard tower." Peter answered, and he was still focused on cleaning the dust for asrell: "but compared with those boring things, these animals interest me more!"

"Alas, I almost forgot something important!" suddenly remembering his purpose, Peter FASA, with an apologetic face, quickly stood up and handed a letter to Loren: "on behalf of the nine pointed star wizard tower, I'll give you this invitation."


"To be exact, it's the entrance certificate of master Robel freswalker. You can enter his house only with this." Peter shrugged his shoulders: "master freswalker is not only an expert in mystics, but also in the study of incantation!

Most importantly, he is one of the persons in charge of your test in three days. You certainly hope to meet him first? "