The weeping little wizard lay in the arms of the black haired wizard. Loren, who couldn't say a word, didn't know what to do except patting her on the back.

In this matter, his ability and experience are infinitely close to zero or even negative.

In fact, when Loren first mentioned the "Rand family", just by the expression of Ayn Rand at that time, he guessed what it was, but it was inconvenient to say it.

Dalton once said that the profession of wizard has buried many secrets since its birth. The secret hidden in the heart of every wizard is their inner taboo, even untouchable scales.

In order to remain rational in the face of the void, any wizard must hide the things that can most touch his emotions to avoid being driven crazy by the endless illusion and falsehood.

The simplest way to defeat a wizard is to uncover his old scars, dig out his most ashamed black history and make him completely crazy.

Therefore, even between two wizards, no matter how good they are, they will never disclose their privacy to each other, let alone deliberately pry into each other.

All Loren could do was squat near visari Rand and wait for the little wizard to come to the door. If she can solve the problem by herself, she will never do it by herself - even if the fat man is killed, he has some ways to hide the past for Ayn.

Among his "precautions", Ayn Rand's priority is much higher than that of Reuven Fred, and the fat man named visari Rand is even more insignificant. If it wasn't for Ayn himself, he wouldn't look at him more.

The little wizard wept, and there was sadness in his out of tune vibrato. The shoulders stopped shaking gradually, and the blue pupils were covered with dust, completely without the style of the past.

"Is it better?" Lauren asked tentatively. The girl in her arms didn't answer him. The black haired wizard who opened his mouth chose to remain silent so as not to say anything wrong again.

"You've been outside the door just now, haven't you?"

The little wizard questioned with a cry. Loren stared for a moment and squeezed out a bitter smile on his face: "did you find out? Sorry, I promised..."

"Thank you." the voice was subtle, but Loren heard it. AI Yin, who calmed down, clung to Loren's robe with both hands and leaned his small head on his shoulder: "... Thank you really."

"A little effort."

After hesitating for a moment, looking at Ayn Rand who has returned to normal, Lauren sighed and decided to tell her: "I know it's inappropriate to say this now, but after tonight, the RAND family is afraid..."

"Will you be caught by the count?" the little wizard, who was too calm, didn't even have a little expression on his face, gently shook his head: "it doesn't matter. Just do what you should do."

"All I want is to live on my own with the surname my mother gave me - as for this' family 'which is running pus from head to toe and prospering by searching for other people's wealth, if it really wants to decline, let them decline."

The little wizard had no feelings for visari Rand, a greedy and fat patriarch, or for a family that had never given her any favor. Some were just angry that they had hurt themselves and their mother.

Now look at visari Rand on the ground, Ayn can't even feel a trace of hatred from the bottom of her heart.

It's strange. It's because of him that my mother came to a dead end, isn't it? He was also sold to vimpal college by the other party. Even when he was sold, he foolishly thought that the other party was really thinking of himself.

This greedy snake can abandon his family for land and money, and even sell them to strangers as property. He is fat but timid like a mouse.

But now in the eyes of the little wizard, he is just a mouse, and he is not even worth hating.

Yes, I'm not an alchemist anymore. I have vimpal college, mentor Dalton, Isaac Grantham, and

"What's the matter?" Lauren, who was vaguely aware of his eyes, turned his cheek: "is there anything else uncomfortable?"

"No, it doesn't matter!" the stunned little wizard quickly replied, hanging his head, and didn't want the big liar to see his current expression.

The two people in the corridor are almost like avoiding each other. They are always silent, but they always have an expression of wanting to say something to each other.

After appeasing ayin and returning her to the room, Loren finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the little wizard's door with complex eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then turned away.

"You really don't understand a girl's mind, my dear friend. You are completely missing a good opportunity."

The boy in the little black and red dress sat on the window edge and hugged his shoulder with a helpless look: "obviously Asriel has tried his best to help you win the opportunity. Why is it so wasted?"

"Now is the time when her mind is most vulnerable and unprepared. If she can grasp it properly, she can even give you any request - it won't be such a good opportunity tomorrow. Seize the opportunity!"

"Don't you understand? I can't say it more simply - open the door, hold her and tell the lovely Ayn Rand how important she is to you, and tonight will be your lucky day!"

"I don't understand." Lauren shook his head expressionless. "Are you finished?"

"Alas..." Asriel's "pretending to be mature" shook his head, and the young man's exquisite cheeks were full of disgust: "so it's never that women are too changeable, but that men are too stupid. Even Asriel can see that she really wants you to go in with her."

"Why don't we make a bet? My dear Lauren, your little girlfriend is hiding behind the door now. Just knock on the door..."

"Is the granary finished?" Loren interrupted him directly. "I don't think I can't even find a criminal evidence."

"They're all lying inside - but don't worry, they're safe now, at least until the count finds out." some unhappy teenagers said, "this is your first request. As a friend, how can Asriel not help?"

"You don't have any sweets." the black haired wizard sneered and shrugged his shoulders.

As a young vampire, Asriel's body doesn't have a high desire for blood, but it's not without it. Adult human blood is the best food source for vampires.

The fire outside the window faded away and went out completely. Originally dyed orange, the night finally restored its original tranquility. Only the gray snow and floating smoke are still telling what just happened.

But that's enough. The fire in the granary has attracted enough attention, especially for those who have been hiding in the dark and ready to move. Now is their best chance to do it.

The most indispensable thing in the world is the smart guy - when they see the opportunity, they never think of the trap set by the other party. They just think they are smart enough and lucky enough.

In fact, the more weakness the other party exposes, the more dangerous it is.

It's not only Reuven Fred, but also Loren himself. He's not ready to play with these nobles, but to solve all the problems once and for all.

These rural Lords have never left their fiefdoms or seen the vastness of the world, and they are stupid enough to play "fighting landlords" with others? It's boring.

With a cold complexion, Loren turned to the castle stairs and met two guard Knights: "Lord Loren Turin, the count is waiting for you. The murderer who set fire to the granary has been found!"

The black haired wizard who stood still raised his eyebrows slightly and showed a little funny smile.

"Thank you both."