Gently wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, and the used handkerchief was thrown at his feet by the boy and covered the one eyed dragon's face.

The one eyed dragon lying on the ground had already fainted, but his body was still twitching. A string of nobles around him were also unconscious, as if he had just returned from a banquet.

If... Don't look at the bite marks on their necks.

"One, two, three..." Asriel, standing in the corner with his back to his hand, counted the numbers like a punished student, and tilted his head in confusion: "Alas, it seems that one is missing - where is Mr. visari Rand?"

"Can't you say... Was stopped by dear Lauren?" the young man who asked clearly, but seemed to have been wronged: "Oh, it's too much, don't you think!"

The nobles lying on the ground affirmed the young man's idea with silence.

"It's all agreed, but I ran to date my little girlfriend and left Asriel alone to deal with the trouble for him!"

"But... Who makes us friends? Friends should help each other." Asriel soon "recovered" from his sadness, with a kind smile on his delicate but pale face: "at this time, just bless him."

"The moonlight tonight is also very beautiful. I hope my dear friend can have an unforgettable night, otherwise it will be too wasteful."

Gently raised his right hand, a faint flame swam around Asriel's fingertips and lit the roof of the granary.

"Let's make this night more lively, gentlemen!"

Splashing sparks are jumping, and the lighted roof is filled with dazzling orange. Under the snow flying night sky, the sky burst into flames!

"The granary is on fire -!!!"

I don't know where the sound came from, and the whole castle soon became agitated. The flustered castle guards had no clue at all, and there were a lot of startling voices everywhere.

The chaos was not eased until Reuven arrived with the guard knights. The young count surrounded by knights calmly commanded the castle guards to put out the fire.

Although the fire was greatly restrained because of the cold snow. But because of the burning roof and the dry climate in shenlinbao, it is difficult to put out the fire immediately.

Visari Rand, lying behind the wall pier, looked at the granary still burning in the distance with fear, but his face was full of an irrecoverable smile.

What a surprise! Those guys succeeded! Because he was really timid, visari Rand, who stood up halfway, never left the castle.

And those nobles really despised the fat man, just because the RAND family's financial resources had to pull him together, so even if he didn't go, no one cared about him.

But look down on what, as long as you succeed!

Looking at the granary in the raging fire, ruwen Fred, who commanded the fire, squeezed out a grim smile from the fat meat on the fat man's face, and the big green bean's eyes were full of ferocious light.

Without these grains, I think you can stick to it!

What conditions should I put forward then? Or let him take care of the original fiefdoms of the Seine family. Anyway, these cowards don't need those fiefdoms.

At that time, the RAND family will become the most prominent family in Shenlin castle. Even the count master must respect himself, or he will let them starve to death in the castle!

The more he thought about it, the more excited visari Rand couldn't help but poke his head out of the window again. He wanted to see more clearly. Carelessly, half of his body had stretched out.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah --!!!"

The fat man, frightened by the sound behind him, screamed and almost fell. Desperately climbed back and turned around, I saw the figure standing behind me, covering his chest, gasping, and his face was full of sweat.

"Is it... Lord Loren Turin?" in the darkness, the fat man could only see the person wearing a wizard's robe, guessed and asked, with a flattering fake smile on his face: "no, nothing. He just heard something outside, so he wanted to have a look."

"Really?" the "Loren" seemed to be very talkative, and approached a little closer: "what did you see?"

"Er... Isn't the granary on fire?" the shrinking visari Rand replied in fear, his eyes flickering from side to side: "don't you, don't you have to help put out the fire?"

"Just have those people." Lorraine's voice under his hood became colder and colder. "I have more important things to do."

"What's the matter?"

"Loren" did not open his mouth and slowly lifted off his hood. The long golden hair flowed like a waterfall, revealing a cold face like frost.

Some surprised fat people found that it was not Loren, but when he saw the face, every piece of fat began to shake on his sweat cheeks!

"You, you are, you are..."

"Unexpectedly, uncle visari, your niece ayin is still alive." the little wizard wanted to laugh, but found his lips trembling, his right hand holding the wand tightly against the fat man's forehead.

"Don't move, or I'll turn your head into a broken watermelon!"

"Ai, AI Yin, you... Have become a wizard?" the fat man who raised his hand trembled in his voice, and suddenly showed a surprised expression: "great, the Holy Cross is on, and now she can finally close her eyes!"

"What are you talking about?" Ai Yin was stunned for a moment, his expression became cold again, and his magic wand hit the fat man's forehead fiercely: "don't try to deceive me, I won't be fooled by you again!"

"You disgusting fat man, greedy snake, you can do anything to your relatives for property. You should go to hell!!!!"

The little wizard screamed. She had fantasized about what would happen countless times and how she would punish the beast who killed her mother. She wanted to torture him and make his life worse than death!

His little life is in his palm now. As long as he gently waved his wand, he can get his due punishment. His little hand clenched the wand trembled, and his blue eyes were full of struggling colors.

The fat man holding his head tightly didn't feel any pain after waiting for a long time.

The little wizard was still struggling. It was only a spell, but his hand clenched the wand could not wave it, as if a voice had been preventing him from doing so.

Visari Rand's mung bean like eyes opened quietly, and the fear in his eyes gradually turned into pride. The fat rubbed back and forth on his face, and his open mouth showed a mouthful of yellow teeth.

"What are you doing? Stop! Don't come here. If you move again..."

"That's a try..." the fat man stood up from the ground with a proud smile and made the frightened ayin retreat. He held a magic wand in his trembling hand and pointed at the fat man, but there was no threat at all.

"You are just as like as two peas, my sister who is useless. I always know that I cry, I only know how to cry, and I am very strong. I am afraid of death, right?"

The fat man approached little by little, and the greasy claws and fat body completely shrouded the little wizard under his figure.

Visari Rand, who had just been scared to death, was now very excited - the sister's stupid son of a bitch came to the door!

How much credit would it be to give a witch to the church? The Archbishop of fabion in the Principality of lottel will be very happy. What will he ask him for then?

Or go to the vimpal college to blackmail - after all, he is still a relative. If he is involved in the church, he will be in trouble.

This is a real witch. Can you change a lot of money?

The fat man couldn't help laughing wildly. His crazy appearance frightened the little wizard, and the thin figure stood in place.

"Bang --!"

The gray blue light beam hit the fat man's forehead and collapsed like a drowning pig.

Ayn Rand, who had not yet responded, heard a faint sigh from behind.

"Didn't I say to tell me anyway?"