"Xu Yi, will it snow soon? Should we move away quickly?" Lu Ke asked while burning a fire. After all, it's snowing, so it's very troublesome to move the camp.

"Come step by step. If it really snows, there's no way." although Xu Yi was worried about snow, he was still worried about it.

Their dried meat, plus potatoes and taro, lasted up to two months.

If there were several months in this winter, it would be very deadly.

Would it be a better decision to move to the camp of Su Yan and Yunqing?

It seems better than here.

Even if the lake is frozen, you can still find a way to fish. It may be easier than hunting.

"I hope the snow doesn't come so early. Give us more time to prepare." Lu Ke rubbed his hands and then went to boil water.

Xu Yi looked outside and touched his nose.

This night's change is really a little big, which gives Xu Yi a headache.

"Forget it, no matter what the weather is, just adapt. It's meaningless to think so much now." Xu Yi muttered, and then went to play the eighteen exercises to strengthen his body.

"Xu Yi, the earthenware jar is not leaking. Can we start making paper today?" Lu visible asked Xu Yi when he came to wash after finishing the 18 styles.

"Well, I'll move some stones back later, build a stone stove, and then put the hemp pulp in to cook." Xu Yi said, and then began to brush his teeth. He didn't brush his teeth well these two days.

If you have time, you can make a toothbrush. It's not good to use your fingers all the time.

After brushing their teeth, the two sat down at the table and had breakfast.

On the ground, there are raisins ready to be dried.

Lu Yao and Wang Jin took them in the day they borrowed them, or they would be damaged by the rain.

"I don't know if these raisins can be dried." Lu Ke said with some concern. After all, it took her and Xu Yi a lot of time to pick these grapes. It would be a pity if they weren't dried into raisins.

"It should be OK. Now that the temperature has risen, it should not snow in the near future." after the sun rises, Xu Yi's worry is less.

"HMM." Lu Ke nodded. He could really feel the temperature rising.

After breakfast, Xu Yi and Lu Ke went to move stones.

It took them half an hour to build a stone stove, and then put the pottery jar on it.

Then, the two men took the flax pulp soaked in the pool for many days into the pottery jar with a back basket and added a certain amount of water.

In the stone stove, firewood is burning vigorously.

"You need to stir the pottery jar from time to time to soften the fiber inside, and then it will become a more uniform flax pulp." Xu Yi and Lu Ke said that the flax pulp soaked for so many days has softened almost, and will be more thorough after cooking. In that way, the paper will be delicate and soft.

"What are Xu Yi and Laurie cooking so early in the morning? Such a big jar."

"You should only prepare paper. I remember that pulp has to be cooked."

"After talking for so long, do you finally want to make paper?"

"A long time, Xu Yi and Lu Ke. How long have they been to the outer planet?"

"Today just rounded up an integer, the 40th day."

"Then you go to see other groups. Are there any who want to make paper or succeed in making paper?"

"Not really. Xu Yi and Lu are the first group to prepare paper. It can only be said that they are too good at quality of life."

"A pack of paper has 10 points. I saw a group ready to exchange them. As a result, they quarreled and didn't exchange them."

"It's so dark that a packet of paper needs 10 points?"

"Kill two wild boars to change a bag of paper, and fools to change it?"

"I really expect them to make paper. I don't know if it's easy to use."

"I don't think it's easy to use. Maybe it's hard and it breaks when you wipe it. It's better to get more food at this time."

"Keep trying, improvement will make better paper. If human beings don't invent and create like you, can our life be so convenient now?"

"I also support Xu Yi and Lu Ke papermaking. If they have mastered this knowledge, why not realize it?"

"It's better to make weapons than paper. Shouldn't they be most worried about those fierce animals now? If they meet them, they will give up directly?"

"Weapons should be developed and the quality of life should be improved. Both hands should be grasped and both hands should be hard!"

Xu Yi entrusted Lu Ke with the task of taking care of the pulp, and then went out with a hunting bow and a machete.

First, I went to see two rope traps and found no prey in them.

Then Xu Yi took another look at the trap he dug to deal with wild boars. There was no harvest, and there was still water in it. However, Xu Yi has no mind to clean up.

For so many days, there have been no wild boars, indicating that they are no longer active in this area.

Maybe it has been killed by other beasts.

After checking the trap, Xu Yi went to cut flax.

Today, he will cut off all the flax and carry it back.

After all, the rest is not much. It should be cut all in one morning and can carry a small part back.

After cutting a big bundle, Xu Yi tied it up and cut it.

At more than 11 o'clock, Xu Yi finished cutting all the flax.

"This day is too evil. It will have to be 356 degrees?" sweating Xu Yi glanced at the sky and said something speechless.

There is frost in the morning. After the sun rises, it enters the hot summer. This temperature difference is somewhat like that in plateau areas.

The problem is, this is not a plateau at all.

After a rest, Xu Yi picked up a bundle of flax and walked towards the camp.

"Luke, I'm back." Xu Yi said hello.

Then Lu Ke ran over and opened the door too wide.

Lu Ke only wore a vest because he needed to stir the pulp in the pottery jar all the time.

But even so, her vest was wet through.

"Xu Yi, the weather today is so abnormal that it's as hot as when we first came." Lu Ke said. Even if she wasn't next to the stone stove, she felt very hot.

The problem is that the temperature at noon a few days ago was 278 degrees, which is relatively comfortable.

"I'm really worried that something will happen." Xu Yi glanced at the sky and said something uneasy.

Here, after all, is an alien planet. God knows what strange things will happen.

"Should, no, maybe the weather here is like this." Lu Ke comforted herself. She didn't want anything uncontrollable to happen.