"Well, tomorrow we won't go hunting, start making paper, and then cut back the remaining flax poles and weave long ropes." Xu Yi replied. After all, hunting has to run far. It's not so easy to harvest in this area.

Both Wang Jin and Lu Yao stayed in their own camp, and left a fox skin, indicating that their daily hunting range has been expanded.

"OK, the equal length rope is made up. It will be much easier for us to move to sister Yan to the camp in the future." Lu Ke said with some expectation. On the way back today, they saw a lot of animals, but they didn't hit one. It's a pity.

Otherwise, they don't have to chew dried meat at night, and their mouths will be sour.

It takes a lot of time to weave a rope more than 60 meters long. In addition, it also takes time to make a stable roller skating organization. Even so, it will save more time than two people carrying things to Su Yan and Yunqing's camp.

It takes ten hours. It's too far and too tired.

If the rope and roller skating crane group are ready, you can get everything on the cliff in a day and move to the camp.

"Well, we shouldn't move in a short time." Xu Yi rubbed his hands and felt a little cold behind his back.

It's cooled down. Now the temperature should be only about ten degrees. There's no place to bake behind. I feel cool.

If the temperature is this in winter, Xu Yi and Lu Ke don't have to worry about keeping out of the cold.

He got up and went back to the house. Xu Yi took out a wolf skin and approved it on Luke.

It's hard to say what will happen in winter here.

All this may depend on the organizer.

Maybe their technology is developed enough to control the weather?

At that time, if you want to snow, you will snow. If you want to be hot, you will be hot.

Of course, Xu Yi doesn't want to find that everything is natural. If too many people interfere, 500 days is even more difficult.

"Don't you need it?" Lu Ke glanced at Xu Yi. After all, they had three wolf skins.

"No, I feel fine. Just don't catch a cold." Xu Yi smiled. He thought it better to carry it. Too comfortable, will let oneself slack down.

The clothes dried out after baking for an hour, and Xu Yi and Lu Ke put them on.

"Go to bed early in the evening. You didn't sleep well last night, and you've been walking for more than ten hours today." although it's only seven o'clock now, Xu Yi still suggests Lu Ke go to bed.

"No, I don't feel tired. I'd better get some clay and make some pottery pots." Lu Ke has seen two failures, so she wants to make up for them.

"Well, if you feel tired, go and have a rest." then Xu Yi went to take the bamboo, ready to split it into bamboo strips, and then use it to weave bamboo baskets.

"Well, you too. Don't just patronize and take care of me." Lu Ke said and went to get clay.

After hearing this, Xu Yi felt warm.

After taking bamboo, Xu Yi first split it, and then recalled the process of making bamboo strips by his grandfather.

It looks easy, but it's hard to do.

Xu Yi found that the bamboo strips he made were very thick and could not meet the requirements at all.

However, he was not discouraged at all.

After all, he did not learn, nor did he get the gift bag of bamboo art from the system.

Not once, but twice. Xu Yi is still very patient.

If these bamboo strips can't be used, they can still be used as firewood.

When it was more than eleven o'clock, Xu Yi gradually mastered some skills. Although it was not thin enough, it was getting thinner and thinner.

"Xu Yi, I went to bed and you had a rest earlier." after Lu Ke washed his hands, he said to Xu Yi before entering the house. An hour ago, she felt very sleepy, but she persisted for a while.

"Well, don't worry about getting up early tomorrow." Xu Yi said, and then continued his work.

The rain outside continued. Although it was small, it didn't stop.

Maybe it will continue to rain tomorrow.

After entering the house, Lu Ke found that their fur on the bed was folded and put aside.

This, of course, was made by Wang Jin and Lu Yao.

So Lu Ke paved them again before going to bed.

After lying down, Lu Ke soon fell asleep. After all, before she came to bed, she insisted.

After Lu Ke slept for an hour, Xu Yi threw all the bamboo strips cut today into the fire.

"Finally I saw a bamboo strip that Xu Yi couldn't. It's too thick."

"Although it's getting thinner and thinner, I doubt that Xu Yi can't make a bamboo basket at all."

"Xu Yi won't, Lu Ke will. As long as the bamboo strip is thin and flexible enough, Lu Ke can make it up."

"The bark is different from bamboo strips. Lu may not be able to do it?"

"It's just that the materials are different and the methods are the same. How can you make them up? Are you primary school students?"

"Fortunately, Xu Yi can't, otherwise I think he is omnipotent."

"Finally let me find a little self-confidence. It's not easy!"

After Xu Yi went to a bathroom, he went back to the house to sleep.

On the first morning, Lu Ke woke up around 6 o'clock.

When I woke up, I found myself very close to Xu Yi. Then he found his legs on Xu Yi's waist.

She bit her lip, carefully retracted her leg, moved back, and then sat up.

It's so cold!

She felt the air in her lungs very cold.

Wrapped in clothes, Lu Ke opened the door and went out.

It's colder outside.

"Is it frost?" Lu Ke said in surprise, then went to the fence and took a look outside.

The vegetation is covered with a light layer of white frost.

Lu Ke was very surprised. There was no such phenomenon yesterday.

Before, she thought it wouldn't snow on this island. Now, she changed her mind.

Maybe it will snow soon.

Now she knows why she sleeps by Xu Yi.

Because it's cold, we naturally sleep together, which will be warmer.

After moving his body, Lu Ke played the eighteen strong movements.

After the fight, Lu Ke felt warm.

"Hiss, why is it so cold." Xu Yi came out of the house and rubbed his arms.

"It's frosting." Lu Ke said.

Xu Yi was stunned. When the ground temperature drops below 0 ℃, white ice crystals will condense on the ground or objects.

Although the temperature dropped yesterday, it was still more than ten degrees. Why did it suddenly frost?

The weather is too strange, isn't it going to snow suddenly?