Chapter 2213

The hesitation and expectation in shampoot's tone made Yang Xiaotian a little hesitant. But in the end, he gave a positive response.


"Hoo... That's good." Shampoo slightly frowned, at this moment quickly spread. It seems that the most worrying thing in my heart has been solved.

"Don't tell me you want to take the test again." The change of xiangbote's expression made Yang Xiaotian a little surprised. But what is more, it is a deep doubt about the motive of why shampoos do it now.

"If the dean is still the Dean, I will try my best to become a student of the Dean again." Shambalt's tone was unusually firm“ On that day, the president once told me. I'm not a juggler, the Dean knows. At that time, did I have resentment against you in my heart? "

"Well, it's not hard to guess." Yang Xiaotian nodded.

For the children of rich families who have not suffered a real setback, or who have been spoiled and closely protected, and who have not suffered any setback, once others can not meet their requirements, they will surely feel that this person is not their own. Once it's not one of our own, it's the enemy!

For the enemy, it is superfluous if it is goodwill that can not get more benefits.

As far away as Liu XiaoCong, later song Qingyang, even his own brother Yang Xiaohai. But now the shampoos are not the first ones Yang Xiaotian met to do and think like this. And Yang Xiaotian believes that he will not be the last rich son to think so.

"But I didn't dare to think so at that time, because the dean is always right in my heart. From the beginning to now, so many things have proved it. " Shampoot's tone is very calm, and his speed is a little rapid, but it sounds very normal.

"Oh?" Yang Xiaotian is indifferent to xiangbote's flattery. Years of experience have made him immune to these words.

"But I'm the mastermind of that, and I have to keep going whether it goes well or not. I need to give an account to those who follow me, and also to my hatred for so many years. Therefore, I know that what you said is correct, and I have reasons to continue to do so. "

"Oh." The same word, but compared with the first time with a little doubt, this time is just a very calm and polite response.

"In this month, I feel guilty for those who follow me. And this month, I've paid them back for everything I've endured. Now, the only thing I want in my heart is to follow you and study TCM wholeheartedly. I think, compared with the game of trickery, the field of traditional Chinese medicine is more suitable for me. "

"Well, it's good to have this idea. Keep working hard." Yang Xiaotian didn't express too many words about xiangbote's words. He simply encouraged xiangbote, and Yang Xiaotian picked up the Bian stone.

After Bian stone is moxibustion, if not shampoot's body is weak. After moxibustion, ginger therapy again, the effect will be better.

However, whether it is moxibustion, Bian stone, or ginger therapy, since it is to expel dampness and cold, nature is essentially hot. The effect of expelling dampness and cold is very good, but it is also easy to cause the symptoms of fire.

If you don't control it well, it's easy to let people's body fire up again after removing the moisture. Whether it's moisture or fire, for today's shampoo, it's something that can damage his body. In addition, his constitution is relatively weak now, and the damage to his constitution is even more serious than that of ordinary people.

"Thank you for your support." Yang Xiaotian was just a scene of a word, but let shampoo tone a little more excited. This is a big difference from the calm when Yang Xiaotian first met him.

This also makes Yang Xiaotian more suspicious about what Xiang Porter thinks.

However, these are not the things Yang Xiaotian needs to consider now. What he needs to do is to leave immediately. Besides shampoot, there are two other patients he needs to take care of. One of them is naturally James' father Landry, and the other is sol, who was sent here from Orlando.

Saul, John's dad.

When shampoot takes people to fight against the Rost family gathering place, John also takes hands to fight against Sol's nest. Although Saul gave orders to kill all but John. But the sword has no eyes, John is still injured by stray bullets under heavy protection.

Although the injury is not to harm, can not accept the failure of John, chose to kill himself - his life has not so much left, after this attempt failed, he has not enough time to continue to lurk, waiting for the next opportunity.

He knew that sol would not kill him. But John didn't allow himself to be pitied by Sol - the man named father didn't have any pity for himself after his mother died. Now, he doesn't need Saul's pity either!

When he learned of John's death, Saul's first reaction was that he couldn't believe it!

Sol is lustful, but it is not really so heartless. What's more, John is so excellent, although he has Saul's support. But among all the children, John is the only one who has truly achieved independence and created his own career. And whether it is benefit, or scale, even compared with the original sol is no less than let!

As the saying goes, father's love is like a mountain, although this sentence is not absolute. After all, there are many families with strict mother and loving father. But a lot of dads are those who don't adapt to having more children all of a sudden.

So they choose to care more silently.

But all the friends who have a good relationship with sol are very clear about how important John is in Sol's mind. John's hiding is so deep that Saul, who has no less than five watchers around him, doesn't notice it. John, who talks and laughs with a lot of people and gives advice. In fact, he has long been a critically ill patient.

When the doctor in charge of John's physical examination told sol the news, sol was in a rage and fell to the ground. After that, Sol's body was getting worse. However, his anger did not subside - those incompetent idiots, those who instigated John against himself, he wanted to let them all die!

Saul was angry and directly executed all the people who were responsible for watching John. Later, Leslie, John's confidant, was ordered to be buried with him by Saul!

It's just that Leslie is pregnant with John's baby at this time. Let the anger in Saul's heart, a little reduced. Leslie's ability is very good, although the identity between her and John is not equal.

But at least in ability, there is not much difference between them.

Sol hesitated and finally decided to let Leslie go and let her have the baby. If the child belongs to John, she can get her life back. If not, get ready to go with the children and bury John!

By the time the epidemic was over, the baby was born - John's.

When the news came, a big stone fell from Saul's heart. Leslie's life was saved, but Sol's body became weaker day by day because of John's death.

Looking through John's diary, Saul saw a name that John admired in his words - sky.

Today's Yang Xiaotian, is not the original Yang Xiaotian. His reputation has long spread in North America, either as a fuse between the U.S. government and the three plutocratic families, or as a result of his recent efforts to quell the epidemic that has put the whole country in a panic.

Not to mention the fact that more than 400 million people were saved from the Mandela virus epidemic in Southeast Asia and southern Africa. Even if it's just one of them, if it's an ordinary person, it can be something he boasts about all his life.

Not to mention, in so many things, the person who plays a leading role is Yang Xiaotian!

Although by virtue of Saul's status, doctors in the United States will basically not give Saul face - offending the big family, more is to lose his job, and then mix very miserably. Once you offend a gang, especially a big one, the result is not just miserable!

However, Yang Xiaotian has not been in the United States for a long time, and now his popularity in the United States is no worse than James. Even in some fields, Yang Xiaotian is more popular than James! After all, with the charm of one person, the number of candidates for a certain school has rapidly increased by more than ten times, but there are really not many!

Later, he got the father of James, the youngest major general in the history of American military. Landry, the head of the Rost family, also received treatment under Yang Xiaotian.

Although sol is not afraid of Landry, he does not want to offend Landry. Of course, I don't want to offend James.

What's more, according to what John said in his diary and the recent survey of Yang Xiaotian. Sol does not have enough confidence, after getting his own news, Yang Xiaotian will give him this face!

And Saul's own body, of course, is the most clear. He doesn't want to die, he wants to see his baby grandson grow up!

He has missed John and doesn't want to Miss Johnson, the name of John's son.

He wants to live until he can pass his career on to Johnson!