Chapter 2212

"If it hurts, shout it out."

"Please go on, Dean. This pain is nothing."

"Then continue to bear it, you shout too loud, I also listen uncomfortable."

The two people who talked to each other were naturally shampoos who had already come out of the cell, and the other was Yang Xiaotian.

It has been seven days since I came out of the cell. During this period, Yang Xiaotian has finished treating the wound on xiangbote's body. The rotten meat is cleaned up and wrapped up perfectly. When the wound is almost healed, Yang Xiaotian is now putting black round stones on shampoo.

Bian stone, stone treatment is also a common name. Bian is one of the six major medical techniques of traditional Chinese medicine, including Bian, acupuncture, moxibustion, medicine, pressing stilts and guiding.

"Dean, this thing should be Bian stone?" Although the teaching of the College of traditional Chinese medicine is very good, there are some methods that are too strange for foreigners to be convinced. The College of traditional Chinese medicine has not explained them in depth. Like acupuncture, like Bian.

Acupuncture, in some martial arts novels, will often appear. With Yang Xiaotian's reputation growing in the United States. Especially in the last visit to Canada, acupuncture was brilliant. Now the new enrollment score of Stanford University School of traditional Chinese medicine has increased by more than 30 points compared with the previous year!

This is the first time since the establishment of the College of traditional Chinese medicine, the scores of which are basically equal to those of many colleges of Western medicine.

After all, although Yang Xiaotian's reputation is not small, there is only one person after all. During his trip to Canada, Yang Xiaotian found thousands of students to participate.

Although it is said that good things do not go out, evil things go thousands of miles, but in today's Internet age. When a thing is big enough, no matter how much it is hidden, it can not be hidden.

Just like the students led by Yang Xiaotian calmed down in this trip to Canada, it was not an ordinary and common tuberculosis epidemic. This time, the root cause of the outbreak is the mutated Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If it's someone else, I'm afraid we can make a breakthrough in one or two years, it's worth boasting about.

However, it took Yang Xiaotian only seven months to deploy the vaccine and drugs, and to calm down the epidemic. What's more, this time, the vaccines and drugs will make the patients feel much weaker than when they were healthy.

Although compared with Yang Xiaotian's prestige in Alberta, he is now in the United States. Yang Xiaotian and traditional Chinese medicine, these two words have been firmly combined together. And James (Dean of Stanford University Medical School), an old fox, naturally won't miss such a good publicity opportunity, will he?

And that's why there are only a few thousand students in the third and fourth grades in the College of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a very popular college in the medical school of Stanford University.

During the trip to Canada, all the students who participated in it were in the third and fourth grades. For Stanford University, there may even be 6000 or 7000 students in a college. The total number of the two sessions of the College of traditional Chinese medicine is just about the same. The gap with the popularity of other colleges can be seen at a glance.

However, after experiencing the epidemic in Canada, the number of students enrolled in Chinese medicine colleges has soared. Stanford University itself is an international university, although it has only been a few years since its establishment. But two years after its establishment, it has already begun to try overseas enrollment.

At the beginning, compared with the number of other colleges, the number of overseas students could not be overestimated. This time, there are more than 4000 overseas students, especially Canadian students!

But the country with the largest number of overseas candidates for Stanford University is not Canada, but China!

In China, more than 12000 candidates have applied to Stanford University School of traditional Chinese medicine. With Yang Xiaotian's growing reputation, the status of traditional Chinese medicine in China has become higher and higher. As one of the top international medical universities in the world, Stanford University is naturally one of the universities that the candidates who want to study medicine all over the world yearn for.

Now, Yang Xiaotian has become the representative of traditional Chinese medicine in the world. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a kind of mysterious medical template all over the world, which has aroused the interest of many young people. The school of traditional Chinese medicine of Stanford University Medical School, which was appointed as the nominal Dean by Yang Xiaotian, has naturally become a hot topic for candidates.

In fact, this trend began to appear when Yang Xiaotian developed vaccines and drugs to control Mandela virus in Southeast Asia. In recent years, more and more people have been rescued by Yang Xiaotian all over the world, and more and more people have been rescued by him. And the scope of his influence is also growing.

Naturally, more and more young people want to learn traditional Chinese medicine under Yang Xiaotian's door.

If there are students coming, it means making money! James, a veteran, will never give up such a good chance to make money.

Seven thousand people! Overseas candidates recruit 4000, while domestic candidates recruit 3000.

In a college, there are fewer domestic candidates than overseas candidates. This kind of thing is common in Colleges and universities all over the world. The school of traditional Chinese medicine of Stanford University School of medicine is the first in history.

But some things, even for many Chinese people, are not necessarily acceptable. Just like Bian stone, many people may not know it. Not to mention people from other countries.

It's very good for xiangbote to know Bian stone.

"Well, I'm a little knowledgeable." Yang Xiaotian glides the Bian stone on the bladder meridian of xiangbote, and then glides up along the spine. Finally, I scraped on both sides of the neck several times and finally put them on both sides of the caudal vertebrae.

The effect of Bian stone is to expel dampness and cold.

Shepard is in the cell and has been in prison for more than seven months. In addition, Lhasa was there, and the ventilation was so poor. The moisture is naturally rich.

The scarred shampoot lived in that environment for several months. The humidity in the body is so heavy that it can affect the health of shampoo.

After treating shampoo's wound, Yang Xiaocai began to expel dampness and cold when it was almost healed. The dampness and coldness of Qi do not do little harm to human body.

Light body ache, limb weakness. Sometimes, no matter how you lie down, you always feel uncomfortable in your limbs. Serious words, will appear similar to rheumatism. What's more serious, of course, is the loss of life.

Before using Bian stone, you need to massage to get through the meridians of the whole body. Then, hot the Bian stone with boiling water, and drive the dampness and cold gas in the body to the designated position according to the order of massaging and pinching acupoints.

Then through moxibustion to eliminate the cold completely, shampoo slowly out of a gasp.

After the damp and cold air in the body was eliminated, the damp and cold air that had troubled shampoo for several months was finally completely removed from the body.

"Dean, can I learn it?" Shambalt hesitated, then asked.

"Don't pass it on to outsiders." Yang Xiaotian refused without hesitation.

Shampoot is terrible now, though in front of himself. Shampoot's performance is almost the same as before, even more respectful than before. But just like James's comments on xiangbote, Yang Xiaotian can't see what xiangbote's heart is like now - is it a thorough understanding after breaking or a complete decline after failure?

If it is the former, Yang Xiaotian can consider bringing shampoos under the door again. After all, xiangporter is very smart. It's absolutely impossible to rely on one person alone for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

After all, a hundred years of life, there will be a death. If we only rely on the efforts of one person. After the death of this person, the career that this person is engaged in will be defeated rapidly with the death of this person.

Just like the Alexander empire founded by Alexander the great, after his death, it also quickly disintegrated. Yang Xiaotian needs help and successors to inherit his career.

Shambalt is smart and comes from a big family. Yang Xiaotian is the most satisfied one among all his students.

But if it is the latter, then Yang Xiaotian really needs to think about it. After all, just like Gou Jian at the beginning, when he endured humiliation, he treated everyone around him well.

However, when Wu was destroyed and became a new generation of overlord, the treatment he gave to the ministers who lived and died with him could only be described as miserable.

Except for the ministers who were in a hurry to retreat, the rest of them, including Wen Zhong, who was promised by Gou Jian at the beginning, were executed.

Compared with the original Gou Jian, now the shampoo is younger, and its transformation potential is greater.

If it is the latter, if Yang Xiaotian is still taking shampoo with him in this case. It is undoubtedly a great threat to the safety of the people around Yang Xiaotian.

This kind of risk, Yang Xiaotian dare not take.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't want to have too much to do with shampoos before he is sure what kind of mentality they are. He doesn't want to have anything to do with shampoos except patients and doctors, payers and receivers.

Yang Xiaotian's words made shampoo silent for a while. After a long time, shampoot asked.

"Dean, can I stand up again? Before the exam? "