Chapter 366

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
At the moment when the monitor of the lightning shield was aimed at the bridge of the Lord angel, the picture on the screen stunned his mouth, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his breathing became urgent. Time seemed to stop, and everything was frozen.

"Bucky Lulu... Frey..." Xiao ran widened his eyes. Although he had been prepared, he still felt incredible when he saw this scene with his own eyes. It was even more incredible that Frey would also appear on the Lord angel.

As like as two peas Lulu, the one who saw the same thing as Xiao Ji's, the same as the other one, the same thing is the same as the uniform of the military uniform. In the memory of Xiao ran, the body of the army uniform is the same as that of the one in the memory of the girl. And the same thing is also used in the CIC position of the army's military uniform, which is located beside the Bucky Lulu, and is pinched by Azilah El's shoulder.

In addition to bakilulu, everyone on the whole bridge, including Azrael and Frey, was also full of fear, and even some people were running towards the elevator leaving the bridge.

But the real reason for Xiao Ran's pupil contraction and shortness of breath is not that she saw Bucky Lulu and Frey on the bridge of the Lord angel. The real reason is the expression and color on Bucky Lulu's face.

There is a smile on Baji Lulu's face. The smile is really too complex. Xiao ran doesn't know what words to describe it. Xiao ran can see what Baji Lulu thinks at a glance. It's comforting, free and easy, nostalgic, calm, and a little begging, but it's more like the feeling of finally being relieved.

This complex emotion revealed in Baji Lulu's face and eyes hit Xiao Ran's heart in a moment, which shocked Xiao Ran's heart. He couldn't bear, didn't want or even didn't want to put down the beam energy gun that the lightning shield had been lifted.

I don't know why, but the complex feelings of Bucky Lulu made Xiao ran read the meaning of his expression very clearly: "please, give me some time, and then kill me yourself."

This is the source of Xiao Ran's real feeling of disbelief and even shock. Xiao ran opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but no one could hear it at all. His hands trembled and removed the beam energy gun on his right hand, but launched an attack that could directly destroy the Lord Angel towards the extended main gun godfield.

Until this time, Xiao ran didn't feel that time began to pass again, and it was long to say, but so many things only happened in a second or two.

After godfield, the main gun of the archangel, was penetrated by the yellow beam energy of the lightning shield, a huge explosion immediately occurred. The explosion directly made the archangel tremble violently. The main gun on the left that was hit was also exploded, with a huge gap and billowing black smoke. The next moment, the bariant auxiliary guns of the archangel fired together, At the same time, it hit the same launch port on the long leg of the archangel and burst a gap again.

Seeing the Yangcheng electronic gun of the archangel lit up, Xiao ran quickly shouted, "stop, Archangel."

"Xiao ran?" Malu's puzzled voice sounded in the cockpit of the lightning shield.

"Stop attacking, where's nalo?" Xiao ran looked at the broken ejection port of the archangel on the screen, frowned and drove the lightning shield towards the ejection port of the archangel.

"Mulu met a difficult enemy there. Nalo supported him in the past. What happened." Malu looked at the lightning shield and tried to get in by cleaning the broken ejection port of the Lord angel. Malu and bakilulu looked at each other, and their eyes showed deep amazement.

"Frey, Frey is inside, and... Bucky lulu." Xiao ran replied with his teeth: "you know, she asked me to kill her, Bucky Lulu, tell me why!"

Xiao ran thought he could attack the Lord angel, but now he found that he couldn't do it at all,

Bucky Lulu of the archangel was silent. Perhaps from the same point of view, Bucky Lulu seemed to understand the idea of the Bucky Lulu on the battleship Lord angel. Death is not the most terrible thing. At this moment, the most terrible thing has become a person who should not have appeared in the world, an enemy of some people and someone, And we must fight with him, stand on a different position with him, live alone in the opposite camp, and do something we should have done and don't want to do.

What the archangel as like as two peas Lulu, the angel of the Lord, began to think of her. She seemed to see another person who was just like herself, standing in front of her body, telling something to herself. Brecky Lulu nodded lightly and stood up, and walked directly to the arms control side, and personally operated against the weapon system.

With a cold look on his face, Baji said to Xiao ran while operating the weapon system: "Xiao ran, come back. This is her expectation. She hopes to die on the battlefield and complete the real destination of a soldier. I have understood her idea. This is her last pursuit. Since you can't start, it's up to me to die in my own hands. It's a kind of happiness for her."

"I know. At this time, she should have given the order to abandon the ship and locked herself on the bridge. Even if you go in, you can't break through the blockade of the bridge and enter the bridge." Bucky Lulu raised her head. Bariant of the archangel also aimed at the bridge of the archangel. Unconsciously, Bucky Lulu shed a tear from the corner of her eyes and shouted, "come back! Desolate!"

"Bucky Lulu..." Xiao ran, who was cleaning the passage, turned to the archangel, roared and thumped on the operation panel, operated the lightning shield again and flew to the bridge of the archangel. When Xiao ran saw the picture inside, as Bucky Lulu of the messenger said, there were only two people left in the bridge of the archangel, The bajilulu in the earth army uniform was covered with blood at this time, while the guy in the blue suit was playing with his face madly in the position of arms control.

When seeing the lightning Holy Shield appear in his eyes again, the Baji Lulu once again revealed a begging expression, and silently shouted in the direction of the lightning Holy Shield. Although Xiao ran could not hear the voice, Xiao ran knew that she was shouting attack.

Xiao Ran's hands began to tremble, and countless cold sweats came out on his face. The expression on his face was all struggle and his teeth clenched tightly. Finally, when the Baji Lulu shouted again and Azrael shot at the Baji Lulu again, Xiao ran manually pushed and pulled his hands quickly, and his fingers buckled continuously, As soon as the right arm of the lightning shield was lifted, a beam of light suddenly popped up and directly stabbed into the bridge of the Lord angel.

When the light flashed, when the hot temperature of the Beam Saber melted all the life in the bridge, Xiao ran clearly saw the bloody Baji Lulu again with a relieved and relieved smile, looked at Xiao ran with nostalgic eyes, and gently spit out two words: "thank you."

"Ah!" Xiao ran bit his teeth and roared hoarsely in his throat. Even an explosion on the bridge of the archangel didn't reflect at all. He let the bridge explode and hit the lightning shield casually and bounced the lightning shield out from a distance.

On the archangel, Bucky Lulu looked at the unresponsive lightning shield. Looking at the warship almost the same as the archangel, she also left a few tears in her eyes, covered her mouth and murmured in her heart: "thank you, Xiao ran."

Maliu was also stunned by such a picture. Then he did sigh slightly, stood up, walked to bakilulu and hugged bakilulu in his arms.

"Hoo... Hoo... Hoo..." Xiao ran bit his teeth, looked angry, took deep breaths, and then operated the lightning Holy Shield to approach the archangel again. At this time, several small transport boats flew out of the archangel continuously and flew straight towards the archangel.

Silently looking at the bridge of the Lord angel, he quietly operated the lightning Holy Shield, put his hand on the damaged bridge of the warship, and gently closed his eyes: "thank you, Bucky Lulu, waste recycler, open it."

"Do you consume 18000 war achievements and recover the slightly damaged Archangel class battleship Lord angel?"


"Your lucky skill is activated. Affected by luck, you have recovered the slightly damaged Archangel class warship, and you have recovered the C + class body. The disaster is up to."

"Slightly damaged Archangel class warships: the outer armor is moderately damaged, with a intactness of 60%, the weapon system is moderately damaged, with a intactness of 70%, the energy system is severely damaged, with a intactness of 50%, the defense system is partially damaged, with a intactness of 70%, the control system is completely damaged, with a intactness of zero, and the main structure of the warship is intact, integral and inseparable Cut, repairable. "

"Class C + airframe, disaster as high as: all weapon systems are missing, most armor is missing, integrity is 20%, the operating system ship is seriously damaged, integrity is 50%, all energy systems are missing, and the skeleton is missing: integrity is 65%

"Because of your skills, the recovered warship will disintegrate in 60 seconds."

"Ah." Xiao ran sighed slightly. After what happened just now, the recycling of the archangel did not bring Xiao ran too much joy. Even if he bought one for one and got a C + level, but it was too bad. Gao Da shook his head. After Xiao ran said a word, he drove the lightning shield to the direction of Genesis.

"Let Aslan and Carrie go to Genesis."