Chapter 365

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
When the light curtain around the lightning Holy Shield dissipated, there was no MS that could move in this area, let alone an opposite beam. All the remaining bodies started to retreat in the direction of their respective camps crazy. No matter the earth army or ZAFT, they didn't forget to take their comrades away and escape from the demon of desolation.

The atmosphere was quiet and strange. No body flew in the direction of lightning shield. Even if the battle did not stop, both sides seemed to deliberately leave this area.

At this time, Shirley Lu's song finally rang, Xiao ran slowly closed his eyes and began to feel the power in the body and the spiritual power that began to recover.

Shirley Lu's singing is not as passionate as before. This time, the singing is replaced by a gentle and leisurely song, which tells peace and hope, dreams and expectations of coexistence. It seems that there is a special power in Shirley Lu's singing, whether it is the earth army or ZAFT. After hearing Shirley Lu's singing through the international communication channel, The Madness on his face began to disappear slowly, and the actions on his hands were no longer so firm and decisive. The attacks of both sides began to slow down, and they seemed to be listening to Shirley Lu's song.

Title: Galaxy singer, only people whose songs have spread throughout the galaxy can get the title. Make your singing easier to be recognized by others. Your singing will affect half (35) of the people whose mental strength is less than you. Whether ordinary people or regulators in the world, there are several people with more than 35 points of spirit. It can be said that the whole ZAFT army and the earth army have also been greatly influenced by Shirley Lu's singing.

The original of all this is just a special title. Coupled with the special ability brought by the title, Shirley Lu's songs go straight to the soul, which makes people unconsciously affected by the singing as soon as they listen to them. Shirley Lu's singing is about peace and hope, about the dream and expectation of coexistence. The singing with real heart has affected all the people in the starry sky.

On the eternal, lacs listened to Shirley Lu's song, felt the power of the song, and unconsciously closed her eyes. Then she sighed faintly: "There is really a special power in her singing. Her singing can enter people's heart and soul. I didn't expect that there would be such a voice in the world. Really, I really want to sing with her. If our singing can bring peace to the world, I also hope to do so."

She also had an idea that she wanted to sing with Shirley Lu, and the idea was more and more uncontrollable. A resonance with Shirley Lu's song almost made lacs stand up. They were both the best singers in their own world. Lacs could feel more things that other people couldn't feel from the song alone, but in the end Still suppressed his thoughts and said to Andrew, "take advantage of this time to break genesis in one fell swoop!"

Andrew nodded, banged his crutch on the floor, and then shouted, "contact the grass pheasant and archangel, and take this opportunity to break genesis."


The proposal of the eternal was approved by the grass pheasant, but the archangel left the two ships and drove in another direction. The archangel will go to the same ship of the archangel that is attacking the plant mainland. In addition to avoiding the launch of a nuclear bomb by the archangel, there is also another doubt that needs to be answered on the archangel.

Mk-ii Gundam will be with the archangel, while the thunder Gundam driven by nigol will get out of the battle and return to the eternal and grass pheasant. In addition to thunder Gundam, M1 heretical forces will also follow two warships to the location of Genesis to destroy genesis.

In the cockpit of lightning Holy Shield, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the scene where there was no MS that could act except for the various wrecks of MS and warships nearby, which also made the images of the Lord angel and Genesis appear on the big screen respectively, and the position further ahead was the scene of freedom GAODA and justice GAODA against the three earth armies GAODA.

Xiao ran looked at genesis and the archangel. Finally, he narrowed his eyes and operated the lightning shield. He turned and rushed to the direction of the archangel. Compared with genesis, the archangel is certainly better to deal with. As long as Azrael on the archangel is still alive, the earth army will never stop its attack on ZAFT and plant and kill the archangel After that, it will reduce a lot of pressure when dealing with genesis.

"Carrie, be careful. Take the three of them away before both sides react. I'll leave the drone to protect you." After Xiao ran sent a message to the Yanhong attack, he disappeared without a trace with the black eagle in the blink of an eye. Even the two gun gate gn-bits protected next to the Yanhong attack were taken back, leaving only six UAVs flying around the Yanhong attack and three M1 heretics.

"Damn, why do you take me as a mop!" Carrie shouted crazily, but Xiao ran had already driven the lightning shield far away and directly turned off the communication to Carrie, so Xiao ran couldn't hear the crazy cry, but three little girls who had been communicating with Carrie could hear it all the time.

"Miss Carrie, General Xiao is right. General Xiao is helping us all the way. We are still too reluctant to face such a degree of battle."

"Yes, yes, Miss Carrie, let's go back to the dawn, which is attacking genesis and needs our support."

"Yes, yes, Miss Carrie, it's too dangerous for you to stay here. You must protect yourself anyway."

"Ah ah!" cried Carrie, covering her head. "I'm going to you. I'm going to help Kira and Aslan!"

Then, in their speechless expressions, they drove the Yanhong assault towards the direction of freedom GAODA and justice GAODA. Then the three M1 heretics also stopped for a while and hurriedly followed the Yanhong assault's ass.

"Wait for us, Miss Carrie!"

On Xiao Ran's side, when he caught the archangel in the lightning shield, the archangel was already fighting with the archangel. There was no MS on both sides. Only the duel between warships, the bombardment between main guns, and the battle between missiles.

The excellent warship commanders of both sides calculated the time of each attack just right, mastered every evasion like fire, and drove the warship into a large Ma alive. They turned flexibly, pulled up, and dodged each other while bombing. You and I fought each other one by one.

"The archangel... Is it really bakilulu?" Xiao ran looked at the two warships with different colors. There were almost no different warships. Even the battle modes were too similar. They shot and dodged the same way. It was like a person controlling the two warships for entertainment, which made people feel full of tacit understanding.

Xiao ran frowned. As early as the moment when he closed his eyes and rested, Xiao ran had relieved his mental explosion in order to understand his physical and mental strength. A pair of clear and bright eyes stared at the bridge of the Lord angel, pondered, pushed the operating lever again and rushed directly to the bridge of the Lord angel.

Among the archangels, the heat source generated by the full speed breakthrough of the lightning shield has long been detected by the archangel. While the lightning shield is advancing towards the archangel, the radar control of the archangel also reports the trend of the lightning shield towards bakilulu: "the Holy Shield is advancing towards our side at a high speed, ten minutes away from the contact time!"

Bucky Lulu of the Lord Angel calmly issued the order to deal with the Holy Shield Gundam: "open the automatic battery barrage, anti-aircraft missile target Holy Shield, launch!"

As bajilulu's voice fell, all the automatic turrets of the archangel started, one after another aimed their guns at the direction of the lightning shield, and immediately fired dense fire snakes. In addition, more than ten missiles ejected from the air defense missile launch port on the side of the bridge also made the lightning shield slow down and quickly turn its direction, The Vulcan cannon in the head also started to fire at the anti-aircraft missile launched by the archangel at the same time.

Azrael's face was ferocious. He directly twisted the people in the CIC position and roared: "call those three bastards back quickly. At this time, he even ran so far!"

In the CIC position, there was only a girl. Facing Azrael's anger and fear, she still didn't forget to turn her head and look at Baji lulu. After receiving Baji Lulu's nod response, she immediately contacted the three machines in Azrael's mouth.

Although the barrage of the archangel is indeed dense, it is nothing to Xiao ran at all. To say the degree of barrage density, the fleet barrage in the super space-time fortress f world is a real dense place, which is hard to find by hedgehogs, The fleet war in the world up to seed is much worse in any way than the world that has developed in the universe for so many years.

"Barrage?" Xiao Ran's mouth tilted slightly, and his eyes jumped again with golden brilliance. The world began to slow down in his eyes. After a deformation, the lightning shield flexibly penetrated into the barrage of the archangel, flickering and interspersed in the gap of the barrage, and had to deal with the Lord angel threatened by the archangel. In this way, the lightning shield passed through the barrage, Directly in front of the bridge of the Lord angel.