Chapter 165

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Just as all participants of the bug camp were glad to complete the main task 2, and when they were deeply shocked by the huge body of the bug mother emperor, a voice also jumped out of their heads:

"The third main task was released. The anger of Vajra's mother emperor broke the new macro class warship of the galaxy camp, killed grace, the leader of the galaxy camp, and completely destroyed the galaxy space network nodes. The success of the task rewarded 5000 merit points, and the failure of the task deducted 10000 merit points."

In the minds of Xiao ran and the participants of the ship regiment camp, another voice came out: "Trigger the C-level branch mission, kill the galaxy camp leader grace, destroy the galaxy space network node, and completely destroy the galaxy ship regiment's conspiracy to provoke human beings to war with Vajra. If the mission succeeds, 1000 merit points will be rewarded, and 5000 merit points will be deducted if the mission fails, which will lead to the failure of main task 3. Accept: No."

Captain Jeffrey's voice suddenly sounded in the bleak communication channel: "Alex, the ship regiment is under the attack of the residual Galaxy fleet, the geradian rebels and the anti integration and self-reliance alliance. We must go back to support it immediately!"

"The stem of the main task three is here." Xiao ran was surprised. Before that, he thought that the main task 3 was too simple. As long as he took the ship group to Vajra's mother planet to settle down, he thought that the difficulty of the task would be to communicate with the insect mother emperor. At that time, he also wanted to avoid the conflict between the insect and the ship group again. It was also to reassure president glass that he let the ship go to President glass The mission agrees with the idea of keeping a safe distance from the insect mother star.

But I didn't expect that the key point of the final task was to protect the ship group's successful arrival here, rather than communicate with the mother emperor. Moreover, even if we rush over now, it will take a certain time for us to jump in space at the speed of s.m.s, and the time is not short. Xiao ran also understands that if the ship group 25 is destroyed, the main body of main line task 3 will not exist, and naturally it will not be completed It's possible.

"What to do... Even if we are involved, it is impossible to resist the joint fleet of the three forces at the same time. Where are the gerati rebels and the anti integration and self-reliance alliance? Moreover, grace can pull other forces to participate in the attack on the ship group. How many people did grace pull to control the insect emperor and make her a galaxy leader The king's plot. "

Xiao ran frowned tightly, but one space jump channel after another appeared on the screen. Countless insects and insect warships flew into the jump channel. Seeing this scene, Xiao ran immediately raised an idea: "will insects help this battle?"

"Drop, drop."

Xiao ran looked down at the initiator of the communication and quickly connected the communication: "Stirling, your main task 3 has been released?"

Stirling replied in a worried voice, "yes, that's what I told you. The task is to completely destroy the galaxy camp. We're going to follow the insect fleet right now."

After hearing what Stirling said, Xiao was relieved. With the help of insects, the risk factor of the ship group will naturally decrease linearly: "I know, thank you."

Watching the body belonging to the insect participants quickly fly into a large insect warship with a slowly open mouth, Xiao ran suddenly didn't know what to do. Did he rush over in the s.m.s warship or leave in the two landing ships and leave Shirley Lu and orchids here?

It seems that neither of the two methods is desirable. Shirley Lu and orchid are obviously communicating with the insect mother emperor in the space network. Taking the s.m.s to catch up is to interrupt their communication. As for taking the landing ship to catch up and leave the s.m.s warship here, it is tantamount to wasting a huge combat power. In just a few seconds, they fell into a tangle.

"What to do..." Xiao Ran's mood didn't know whether she was felt by Shirley Lu and orchids. The necklace in front of her chest suddenly lit up a little faint light. Suddenly, Xiao ran only felt an inexplicable power enveloping her. The world began to change from the top of her head and pulled him down into another world.

When two smiling figures appeared in front of him, Xiao ran found that he seemed to have entered another spiritual world with the starry sky as the background: "Shirley Lu! Orchid!"

"We already know about the attack on the ship regiment. The mother emperor told us that it would help the ship regiment resist the enemy and destroy the man who became crazy in order to provoke a war between Vajra and mankind. If you want to go, the mother emperor promised to take us all."

"Accept the task."

"You have accepted a branch mission."

Xiao ran nodded heavily: "of course."

"Last time it was because you protected our Vajra habitat. This time we'll protect you."

A light voice suddenly appeared in Xiao Ran's mind. Xiao ran turned around in a moment of consternation, but he only saw a vague shadow in the starry sky, which people couldn't see clearly.

The next second, Xiao ran bounced out of the spiritual world and looked at the familiar cockpit of lightning shield. He couldn't help looking at the huge figure on the screen: "was that voice... The queen?"

The queen worm's huge body rose slowly from the star ring. It seemed slow, but actually it flew very fast to the s.m.s warship. It stretched out two huge claws and grabbed the s.m.s warship that looked very petite in front of it. It sent out a strong wave.

The waves spread layer by layer, enveloping the whole warship, the fighter planes of the skeleton team and other participants. Soon, Xiao ran found that several tentacles composed entirely of energy stretched out from the Queen's body, grabbed all the nearby MS and fighters, and entered a channel in the blink of an eye, which is the channel of space jump.

In this space channel created by the queen, Xiao ran seemed to have a feeling that time had been stagnant. This was a feeling that he had never experienced in space jumping on other warships. It was not his own time stagnant, but the speed of jumping that made him have this illusion.

In less than a few minutes, the exit of the space channel appeared on the screen of the cockpit. After a flash of light, Xiao ran found that he had appeared near the 25th ship regiment. At this time, the ship regiment's defense forces had all dispatched, flying between the wake and light brought by countless micro missiles, He fought with all his strength against a super large fleet in front of the 25th regiment.

This is a remnant warship of galaxy, a whole fleet of Gerrard rebel army and a super large fleet composed of various human warships. Xiao ran just glanced at it with his eyes. It can be seen that the number of warships in this fleet is at least four or five times that of the defense system and warships of the 25th regiment, and the number of warplanes is even more frightening.

In addition to the mass-produced vf-27 of Galaxy fleet, there are also the battle capsules of gerati, which have the largest number. There are a large number of fighter formations composed of vf-17, vf-19 and other fighters, and even ghost fighters operated by artificial intelligence.

What's more frightening is that there are five macro class warships here, and one of them is the macro class 21 warship belonging to the galaxy fleet.

At this time, the defense unification and army of the ship regiment had suffered huge losses under the attack of this fleet. Countless warship wreckage and fighter debris fell all over the universe. Fighters were everywhere. The zenith armor plate of the main island of the ship regiment also suffered no small damage, not to mention those sub Islands, which had been destroyed at this time.

However, it was only a short time before Xiao ran received the news that the ship regiment suffered an attack. Unexpectedly, the 25th ship regiment had suffered such a huge loss. If the insects arrive here later, or don't come here at all to help the 25th ship regiment, the whole 25th ship regiment may be completely destroyed in less than an hour.

Seeing the current miserable situation of the 25th ship regiment, Xiao ran couldn't help feeling grateful to the queen. It was the Queen's own strength that made the insects arrive at the 25th ship regiment so quickly, otherwise other insects alone could not do this. In the original plot, grace mastered the Queen's strength and made the space jump no longer limited by time, Almost after she gave the order, the insects appeared on the earth and in various places with human habitat in real time.

After the queen bug completely rushed into the space channel, she directly fired several beams of light with the power of the main gun of the macro class warship into the enemy's joint fleet. In an instant, it brought out countless huge sparks. At this time, countless jumping channel exits appeared near the whole twenty-five ship regiment, and insect warships flew out of the exits, Countless insects also densely appeared near the 25th ship regiment. The huge number almost completely covered the 25th ship regiment. As soon as various beams and missiles flew together, it immediately brought incomparable losses to the enemy's combat formation.

"General Xiao, you finally came here, and you still came with 'reinforcements'. If you can survive this time, I think all the objections in the regiment will disappear."

The most priority encrypted communication sounded in the communication channel. Xiao ran heard brigadier general Perry's words and smiled with relief: "yes, the reinforcements are coming, and we will win."

The queen took back the energy claws bound to the MS and fighter planes, released the claws that caught the s.m.s warship, and commanded countless insects to rush towards the enemy fleet one after another without fear of sacrifice.

Xiao ran, after determining the position of galaxy's macro level, drove the lightning Holy Shield to join the war. The ship regiment defense force, which was originally short of troops and suffered great losses, became morale excited because of the emergence of reinforcements. The terrorist number supported by insects made the joint forces of ship regiment and insects more and more powerful than the enemy in an instant.