Chapter 164

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The next day, the 25th regiment broadcast more things to the people. For example, when the fleet returned the day before, there were no pictures of insects helping fighters fight, blocking bullets, or even pictures of insects holding fighters and evacuating quickly. In addition, there is also an MV of Shirley Lu and orchid singing with a little pet named Xiao AI.

These things have caused great repercussions in the ship regiment. Although there have been rumors that the fleet cooperates with insects, these things have completely subverted the views of the people on the main island. Where is cooperation? Insects block the enemy's bullets for fighters, and insects leave the combat area with the damaged fighters, Insects cling to fighter planes whose thrusters are broken or can't speed up to escape from a huge black hole. Is this cooperation? In everyone's eyes, this is the unilateral help of insects.

These pictures have subverted many people's inner views on insects. For a saying spread on the Internet, insects attack the ship group only after being provoked and lured by some conspirators. At the same time, a large number of experts and scholars jumped out, and biologists, behaviorists and so on express their own opinions. It was even revealed that Lyon Mishima, the former chief deputy director, was also an accomplice of the conspirators, so that the insect attack ship regiment also had his share, in order to assassinate the president and so on.

Soon, Leon Mishima completely became a sinner of the ship regiment and was scolded by thousands of people.

Among the things broadcast at the same time, orchid, Shirley Lu and Xiaoai have also been welcomed by countless people. In particular, Xiaoai's lovely appearance has conquered countless women and children in an instant, even a small number of male compatriots.

Perhaps after some artistic modifications, it really enlarges the side of insects that help humans, and completely hides all the things that insects attack the fleet at the beginning, which will get this effect. No matter how lively the ship group is, it's none of Xiao Ran's business. At this time, Xiao ran disguised himself as a scar face again, sat on the s.m.s warship with Shirley Lu and orchid, and was heading for the mother star of the insect with two landing ships.

The ship regiment and fleet also entered the jump channel an hour after they were triggered. They will approach the insect's parent star to a suitable position, the farthest position where they can actually receive s.m.s warship messages.

The mother star of the insect is still very far from the position of the 25th ship group. In the case of a coordinate star map, it took three or more days, and finally arrived after several jumps.

When Xiao ran stood on the warship of s.m.s and saw this beautiful planet with huge star rings, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of this planet. Perhaps the insects have known that the team composed of three fleets has come here. At this time, tens of thousands of insects have appeared in front of the three ships, which gives people a terrible feeling.

In the face of so many insects, Xiao ran only has so many troops on his side. Xiao ran wants to say that his heart is not empty. It is false, but he also knows that anyone can show a guilty and afraid look here, except him.

"Here we are, Captain Jeffrey, the ship will be handed over to you." Xiao ran turned around, kept his smile and nodded to captain Jeffrey.

Captain Jeffrey pressed the wool and held the cigarette holder in his mouth: "go, Mr. Alex."

"Oh." Xiao ran smiled, waved his hand, walked out of the bridge and went to the hangar. At this time, the songs of Shirley Lu and orchid had sounded in the warship. After the last resonance, they seemed to get used to such resonance. It was easy to enter the state. When they resonated, their songs gave people a completely different feeling than usual, Every song becomes easier to break into my heart.

When Xiao ran flew the lightning shield from the s.m.s, there were more than a dozen fighters in front of the three warships, including five fighters of the skeleton team, and nearly 50 ms also appeared in front. It can be said that the participants of the insect and ship regiment camp were here at this time.

After the lightning shield came out of the warship, the s.m.s warship began to deform slowly, revealing the stage at the waist and abdomen, and the stage was standing with two girls singing with microphones.

With the appearance of the song, tens of thousands of insects spread all over the front of the warship slowly began to fly away to both sides, revealing a channel to the star ring, and a huge shadow also rose from a place with an eye pattern in the star ring.

"Is this the mother emperor of insects? It's too scary."

"That's the mother Emperor... So big..."


What sounded in the channel was the voice of the skeleton team's communication. Xiao ran saw that it was even bigger than the deformed macro class warship. Even the giant shadow played several times could not help shaking. He also found that the songs of Shirley Lu and orchid had become a little out of tune.

Xiao ran quickly opened the communication button and shouted, "Shirley Lu, orchid, don't be afraid, regard it as our friend, sing carefully, sing carefully, and tell it what we really think!"

Although they could hear the sound received through the warship, they couldn't make any reply. They looked at each other, depressed their amazement and fear of the huge body, took a deep breath, completely regarded the huge Zerg mother emperor as an ordinary existence and sang with their hearts.

Another communication request pops up on Xiaoran's screen. After taking a look, Xiaoran turns off other communication and connects this communication. As soon as he connects, he laughs: "Stirling, your task should be completed."

"Thanks, Alex, if it weren't for your help, we really couldn't bring these two people from the fleet without the help of these insects." Stirling's happy voice sounded in his ear and said: "But the songs of these two little girls are really good. Even I, who don't understand music at all, think they are quite good."

"Ha ha, I've heard it several times, and I think it's very good." Xiao ran also responded with a smile, and then asked, "what's your main task three?"

Stirling replied, "it hasn't been opened yet. I'll tell you when it appears."

At this time, a machine body flew over from a distance, stopped in front of Xiao ran, looked at the sudden body, Xiao ran also narrowed his eyes, said a word with Stirling for a while, contacted the other party after contacting, deliberately lowered the voice naturally, and said in a slightly cold tone: "something?"

Roger's voice sounded in the cockpit, and his tone was very polite: "are you also a participant in the ship regiment camp? My name is Roger. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

Xiao ran replied in a low voice, "Alex, my name."

Roger asked in a strange voice, "how did you join the ship regiment camp? I remember you had left at that time?"

Xiao ran said in an impatient tone: "I'm not used to being with others, so I sent it to the earth. I won't arrive at this ship group until I receive the task. What's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing. I just said hello to you. I hope we can cooperate if we have a chance in the future." Roger sat in the cockpit and frowned a little. He also heard the impatience in Alex's tone, but he couldn't ask anything. He had no choice but to return to the original place.

"Well." Xiao ran narrowed his eyes and looked at the leaving air overlord GAODA. He turned off the communication, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I still want to test, test a wool."

I don't know why. Maybe Shirley Lu and orchid received the Queen's invitation. The propeller of s.m.s's warship began to light up, slowly drove into the channel that the insects gave way, and drove in the direction of the queen. At this time, the queen suddenly flashed a light that people couldn't look directly at. An inexplicable power radiated from the queen, and immediately made s.m.s's warship ring The alarm went off.

S. In the M. s bridge, three girls began to speak loudly one by one:

"Strong space wave reaction... The same space wave reaction also appears on sister orchid. What's the matter? There has never been such a fluctuation before!"

"Space waves are expanding rapidly. Wait, space waves are building a network structure!"

"How can there be so many spatial jump reactions?"

Countless jumping channels appear around the planet, 10, 1000, 10000, 100000... The dense pink space jumping channel exits almost completely spread around the whole planet. Countless insects poured out of these channels, and everyone felt only an extreme terror.

"Is this the number that people can fight..." Catherine covered her mouth and looked at more and more insects, even her body trembled uncontrollably.

Captain Jeffrey's hand holding the pipe also trembled, lowered his head and repressed the terror in his heart. "General Xiao is right. Human beings can't be enemies with insects. Whoever starts a war will be a sinner."

The singing stopped when they were born. Shirley Lu and orchid found that they seemed to be separated from the body and came to a new world. The whole galaxy seemed to be in front of them. Layers of nets linked the whole galaxy together and wrapped the whole galaxy in the net. They seemed to see the past, the origin of life and ancient civilization Also saw the birth of human beings, but also saw countless flash pictures, which are the memories inherited by insects.

"It turns out that insects have been watching human beings." orchid looked at Shirley Lu and gave birth to her hands: "they also have their own ideas. They just want to save me in the human world because they don't understand why human beings have different ideas and do their own things."

"But they heard our songs and felt that people are different from each other from our two different songs. They are creatures who can't understand each other's ideas without communication, so they let us come here."

"HMM." Shirley Lu nodded heavily and put her hands on Shirley Lu's abdomen: "I know what to do. Mr. Xiao Ran is right. Although singing can't cure other diseases, your disease can be treated with singing."

"And peace."

Shirley Lu and orchid looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

S. M.S's alarm sounded again with a sharper voice. After seeing the reason for the alarm, the girl in charge of intelligence control immediately shouted out anxiously: "the ship regiment was attacked by an unknown fleet!"

At the same time, a voice came out of the minds of all participants in the ship regiment camp and all participants in the insect camp.