Chapter 16 - The hunt

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
The moment Maki smelled something the trap was sprung already, from her left came flying a very big shuriken of some kind, she luckily was able to parry it with her kunai but it shot her into a nearby tree, the impact left her without breath. Takeshi was already fighting against two ninjas, his entire surroundings were littered with kunais and shurikens that were thrown his way.

"Let's kill those kids fast. The captain may need some help." ordered the ninja with bright green hair, picking up his Fūma Shuriken that just sent Maki flying.

He was a team leader, a chūnin for about 3 years, his team consisted of his other 2 genin partners.

"*Growl* Just wait till Kana-chan comes! We will -" Maki slowly stood up and got ready for a fight.

"You mean the last kunoichi in your formation? Hahaha, I'm sorry to inform you, she is most likely dying or is dead already, she alone got hit with my senpai's team. Now it's time for you to die." He said preparing for a fight.

"*Growl* Mother fuċker, Takeshi we need to end this fast!" She loudly called out to her friend.

"Sorry Maki, I'm busy at the moment! Try to break through your opponent, I have a plan but we need to talk without them hearing it." Takeshi loudly replied while dodging tens of shurikens thrown at him from two opposite sides.

"Hamimaru, are you ready?" Maki asked while throwing a brown soldier pill to her partner ninken.

Inoichi had a tough nut to crack. His opponent was a walking mountain, any of his fast jutsus were just brushed off, any of the powerful ones were blocked with this, as Takeshi would say, troublesome sword. He heard from his back the sound of explosions, he had to defeat his opponent fast to help his pupils, it would break him if he lost his team on their first mission.

"I repeat, give me the scroll and I will withdraw my forces. Else every Konoha ninja will die here. It doesn't matter to me, the scroll will be mine either way!". Hanzaki gave him two choices, each one bad.

"Heh, you know what? My team versus yours, I will take those chances. <Mind-Body Disturbance Technique>". Inoichi used his clan most useful jutsu, but it was blocked by his opponent's sword.

"You don't understand Konoha-scum, there are three teams with me, two of them are attacking your pupils. Give me the scroll or die!" demanded the leader of the Fūma Clan.

'I'm sorry kids, with all my heart I wish you luck'. Thought Inoichi restarting the fight.

For Kaname, the run to Konoha was easy so far, while fast it wasn't anything beyond her abilities. At least to the moment when from the corner of her eye she saw a small paper seal starting to turn brighter and brighter.

'Fuck!' It was too close to do anything, Kaname used her hands to secure her head, she pulled her legs up to try and mitigate damage to her ċhėst, then in a flash of light and scorching heat she was sent flying and tumbling on the ground.

'Wow, I'm still alive! The enemy didn't find me, I suppose I was sent flying farther then they thought.' was her first thought 15 seconds after the explosion and regaining her consciousness. 'I don't feel my left hand, most likely dislocated or broken. It's hard to breathe, I suppose at least one of the ribs are broken as well.' she did a fast check on herself.

'Time to earn a living and kick some ȧss. I need to hide, scout the enemy, optionally prank the fuċk out of him in revenge, and survive the fight. But first I need my left hand, please work this time' she used the Mystical Palm to return the feeling in her left sprained hand, but was unsuccessful in easing her breathing, 'Damn, I need more training with this, who I can ask in Konoha to help me with Mystical Palm?' she thought.

She left her additional weights gaining additional boost and jumped to the top of the trees to hide in the leaves. Soon she found out who was her enemy, three men zoomed in on her previous position, ready to finish their job.

One of them had a body full of muscles and scars, but Kaname's first thought looking at his face was that he was an idiot bull-charging type. The other one was clothed in a full-black outfit, and on his back, Kaname saw a beautiful, curved sword, in the library, she read that such swords come from the Land of Iron. The last one in Kaname's opinion was hideous, his face looked like a rat.

"Shit! Where is she?!" screeched the rat-face.

"Calm down, she is only a genin, let's split up and look for her. Rode, you use your summons, Uru if you find her, I don't know, make as much noise as possible or something." ordered the swordsman.

'So you like to use explosions, let's see how you like them used against you. Good, I brought some from Konoha.' thought Kaname hidden from them.

She went around planting almost twenty of the explosive seals. At this moment she saw a brown mouse's head looking at her from the nearby bush, it raised it's head and started screeching, the sound was way too loud for a normal mouse.

'Okay, so these are the summons I need to be wary of.' thought Kaname using small fireball to send the summon away. 'Hehehe, now let's wait for its summoner to show up,' she cut and left a small part of her sleeve next to the hidden explosive seal and hid herself upon the tree leaves and waited with a smirk on her face.

"Hihihi, Come out little girl, I promise I will kill you fast. I know you're somewhere near!" the rat-face said, at this moment he saw a small part of her dark outfit 3 steps away from his position.

To Kaname's displeasure, he summoned another mouse instead of checking out her bait 'Well, it was worth it.' she used a hand seal triggering the explosion.


Her enemy was flung, he crashed into a tree with his right arm first. Kaname heard a loud snap of a broken bone and rat screeching many vulgarities her way. 'This explosion most likely alarmed the others. I need to move.' she planned her next move.

Two minutes later to her hiding spot Uru, the muscle guy, came close. 'Hmm, big, most likely sturdy but stupid like a brick. This one will be easy.' Kaname thought she took her last five seals and placed them one after the other creating a narrow path leading to her. "Hey, big guy! Are you looking for someone?"

"Kill!" her enemy said running at her from the front.

'If this is the level of enemy ninjas, then I know why Konoha's winning at the frontlines, what we lack in numbers we compensate in quality.' Kaname thought, readying her seals for some shock treatment.

After the big guy gained his speed, his run was stopped by an explosion that made him lose his footing and hitting a nearby tree and smashing through it. He didn't stop, he was still pushing to Kaname's location. After 4 other explosions in quick succession, his eyes were swimming and his ears ringing, he couldn't catch the fast-moving black-haired kid he was tasked to kill. The last thing he saw was a blade coming for his head.

'That could end badly if he came close to me without notice. Hmm-?' Kaname turned herself to a small whisper behind her, from there a pointy rock stake came hurling towards her head. She tried to dodge it, but her left cheek got grazed drawing blood. She responded with a fireball centering it on a bush from where the stake flew from. Two silhouettes dodged the fireball and showed themselves to Kaname, the rat-face with his hand in a sling, and his team leader.

"Rode, you are wounded stay back, I will finish it. Good job, little girl, for a moment from the hunted you became a hunter. I'm sorry but you need to die." he disappeared in a Shunshin only to appear right behind Kaname with a blade aiming at her heart.

Kaname replaced herself with substitution jutsu in her place spawned an explosive seal, but it was cut through before it could explode. She aimed for the wounded rat, she remembered an academy lesson that said leaving an enemy behind your back was never too smart. Instead of killing another ninja, she was stopped by a wall created from rocks and earth.

"No, no, no little girl. We're fighting one on one, I won't let you kill my underling. I see you have a blade, come show me how good you're with it. Let's test it against just looted samurai steel." the swordsman stopped Kaname.

'Damn, I'm overshadowed by him in power, speed, ninjutsu, and experience, most likely he is way better in swordsmanship as well. Think Kaname, think!' Kaname was brainstorming.

Her enemy showed himself before her in a flash, a sword ready to impale her. Kaname tried to dodge sideways, the blade scuffed her armor missing key organs but cut deep into her left arm.

'Fuck!' she jumped away, only to be again met with the more experienced shinobi ready for her with a swing to her head, this time she tried to block it with her blade without much success, her sword hand was overpowered by the two-handed strike that cut into her right cheek, her block saved her from decapitation and chipped the tip of her blade. She felt a strong kick to her ċhėst sending her tumbling on the ground. For 5 seconds Kaname had trouble breathing and was lying on the ground holding the kicked spot with her right hand.

'Damn it hurts! I think another rib got broken...'

"Get up, I will have some fun with you for killing one of my underlings." he ordered.

'Fuck, it's the last hope, let's try it.' thought Kaname, she slowly stood up and prepared the seals for another fireball.

"This again? You know it won't work!" the enemy derided her stopping the fireball with an earthen wall, next time he saw Kaname she disappeared in a swirl of red buŧŧerflies.

"Where the heck is she?! Wait, this a genjutsu! <Kai>!" He woke up a second before Kaname took his head with a blade, he dodged the swing but was cut lightly just below his neck.

"You bitch! No more holding back! After I kill you, I will go for your friends!" he screamed at her, swinging way faster than before.

Kaname tried to jump away but he cut very deeply into her left leg stopping at her thɨġh bone and armor plate.

"Arggh!" she screamed in pain, the momentum of her previous jump sent her away from the enemy. She landed on her right leg holding most of her mass, her skin got paler and paler, she was losing a lot of blood. In a moment she was met with another swing, but this time it was slower than before, she easily pirouetted on her right leg dodging it. Kaname didn't understand why, but the next swing was just as slow aimed at her right leg, she easily parried it. Tired of waiting for her enemy's next move she slashed at his left hand, she saw anger, incomprehension and then fear on his face, he didn't expect her to counter-attack, for Kaname her swing was normal but her enemy couldn't respond to it and he lost his left palm.

"Argh! You! You're an Uchiha?!" He screamed in pain and fear holding his left stump, looking in Kaname's red blood eyes with a single black tomoe.

'Oh, so that's what happened! Hahaha, Aniki will be proud.' Kaname thought happy.

"Fuck this! You can't jump, try to dodge this!" he said using one-handed seals creating a pit with pointy spikes below Kaname.

'Okay, it sounds weird when you perceive the world in slow-mode… "YYYooouuu caaannn'ttt juuuummmppp...", he is preparing something!' thought Kaname, than she had a brilliant plan.

'<Shadow Clone Jutsu>!' her shadow clone got hold of her armor and flung her towards her enemy, he was finishing his second seal of the three for the trap.

"Eh?" he didn't understand what happened.

She aimed her tanto blade at her enemy's neck and slashed, decapitating the chūnin. Landing in a heap close to the headless body she found his katana lying next to her. 'Thank you, my partner, you saved my life today. But from now on I will use your bigger sister.' she said in her mind thinking about her tanto. Just a moment after she took her new weapon into her hand she heard a loud screech.

"How dare you! First, you killed my little brother then you killed my captain, and now you're taking his sword!" screamed the rat-face.

"Oh come on, it's not like I was the one that attacked you, why are you the victim now? Wait a moment this big burly monster was your little brother?" she replied looking at a man her size.

"Die already you monster!" he said, spewing purple poison cloud that started heading her way.

'Okay, that is bad. Fast status check; chakra, thanks to the last clone is null; dodging, not possible with one leg; holding my breath and hoping for a miracle… okay, that plan sucks.' before purple cloud got to her, a quake went through the entire battlefield. Her body left the ground for a second to come crashing down the next one. Next to Kaname landed three-stories height orange toad easily dispersing the cloud, "Hahaha, a miracle for the wi-" Kaname laughed almost losing her consciousness.

"Kana-chan!" said Anko jumping down from the toad and hugging her bloodied friend. "You lost too much blood, stay awake we will take you to Hospital."

"Hi Anko-chan, what are you doing here?"

"Long-story-short, I came here with my sensei and his old teammate to watch their spar further north, see this white-haired pervert on top of frogs head talking with the scared shitless genin?"

"What about my team?" Kaname asked with fear in her voice.

"Maki-chan and Takeshi-kun were safe but tired, we left another toad and my teammates with them. About your captain, I'm not sure how to say it, I think you should look yourself." explained Anko and took her friend on her back raising her head.

From far away you could see a big-ass triple-headed snake spewing poison clouds and flames.

"Is that who my sensei is fighting?" asked a worried Kaname.

"Nah, that's one of my sensei's snakes which he summons when he is mildly displeased. Your sensei was okay but was having a hard time fighting his opponent. Good job Kana-chan."

"Hello, young lady! I'm Mount Myoboku-Gama's Holy Master Sennin, also known as Toad Sennin, remember it!" loudly proclaimed Jiraya. (AN: ch 91)

"Hello, I'm Kaname nice to meet you, but Jiraya-sama can you check on my teammates as well, all of us had a hard fight, and I want to be sure they're safe."

'So battered up and still thinking about her team, a shinobi after my own heart.' Jiraya's evaluation of Kaname's jumped a couple of grades up.

"Don't worry, they were safe. Now with the backup nothing bad will happen to them. As I see it Orochimaru-kun finished with your captain's enemy and will join with your teammates. Your condition is much more critical. I will take you to the hospital. Anko-chan, don't let her fall asleep. Hop on!" said Jiraya.