Chapter 15 - Dancing in the rain of blood

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
The trip to the outpost took team 9 almost two hours. It was a simple wooden house located in the middle of the forest, inside Kaname saw an Anbu.

"Hello, Inoichi-san this is the report, it's class S secret document, Hokage's eyes only." Anbu with a monkey mask said. After giving the document to the blonde he disappeared in a Shunshin.

"Okay kids, let's rest here for an hour and we will head back to Konoha, check your gear and eat something." Their captain said.

"Sensei, what those classifications mean in documents? Is S class so important to risk sending a team instead of delivering them with the summons?" asked Kaname.

"Everything below A class is delivered by summons, mostly it is just private conversations. The A-class documents are private letters from one ruler of the village to the other or the help requests from the team in the field, the fun starts with S classes. Those documents are mostly about the movements of multiple ninja teams if an enemy took hold of such information they could ambush and kill many of our friends. The SS class documents are the movements of entire country armies, don't want to think what would happen if it got in enemy's hands, for the SSS class it's hard to say what information they could contain - such secrets can easily start new wars or destroy countries." he explained.

Twenty minutes from the outpost they saw a group of 20 men surrounding a coach. The coach had many flaming ornaments and on the back of it, there was a small symbol of Fire Country.

'Why those stupid nobles can't stay in their homes at the times of a freaking war?!' Thought angry Inoichi.

The only thing stopping the rabble reaching the coach wooden doors was a single young black-haired ninja.

"What should we do Inoichi-san?" asked Kaname.

"If I see right the kid that is protecting the coach is Sarutobi's-sama son, they're just bandits I want you to do deal with them without me. Let's call it a new training, Takeshi-kun what's your plan?" their captain said.

"Without you? Hmm, Maki-san you attack from the front, try to get their attention away from Sarutobi-san he killed 10 of them already he is most likely tired, Kaname goes from the back and unleashes hell upon them. I will support you and bind as many of them as I can, let's leave one of them alive the best to keep would be the loudest one - he will be the easiest one to get information from. Try to get as close as possible without them seeing you, I will give the signal when to start." said the brain of their team.

'Why won't they even look behind themselves? I'm a single leap behind them.' thought Kaname with tanto in her hand, at this moment from her right she saw a small flash of light, and all hell broke loose. She was moving too fast for the bandits before they even saw her she killed 2 of them with a slash of a blade and one with a fireball. She didn't feel any remorse, she was dancing between much bigger men slashing, stabbing, and spewing flames, she soaked her hands with their blood. In thirty seconds a rabble of 20 men were decimated and only one was left bound with a shadow.

"Thank you, your name is Kaname isn't it? I heard about you from Obit-." Asuma said only to be interrupted.

"Asuma-sama, did you save us?! You're our hero!" screamed 14 years old girl looking out from the window of the couch.

"Guh, here we go again…" whispered Asuma under his nose.

"*Pft* Wow Asuma-san, you scored big, isn't she a noble from the capital?" Kaname tried to hide her laugh.

"*Sigh* Yeah, she is the fourth daughter of the daimyo. God knows why she likes me… Every time she wants to go somewhere outside the capital her father gives a C rank mission with my name on it with big bold letters."

"Hahaha, good luck senpai. Sorry, I need to go away for a moment." Kaname ran away to hide behind the nearest bush. On her mind, there were scared faces of all the men she killed, her body had smudges of their blood, her hands were dripping with a red substance, she started breathing extremely hard and couple seconds later she threw up her lunch.

"It's okay Kana-chan. Stay calm and breathe." Inoichi said gently patting her back, "Every shinobi has to go through it."

"Why do I still see their faces, will they ever go away?"

"It's hard for me to say it, but with your continuous duty killing gets easier, unfortunately, memories of all your victims will stay with you. In time you will learn to accept them, but remember if you ever start to feel any positive feelings about killing people you need to talk with me, there is a very thin line between being a skilled shinobi and becoming an animal hunting for blood. Now go to Maki-chan, she is good now, but Hamimaru is grumpy on her, I think she barfed all her lunch on him, I will go meet our new prisoner."

Half a minute later Kaname found Maki cleaning Hamimaru in a closeby water stream.

"How are you doing Maki-chan?"

"Thanks, three or maybe four sleepless nights before me, and nightmares for another month, no biggie. And you?" Maki asked.

"I feel like shit, those men could have their own families and I butchered them. I think I failed as a person."

"No Kana-chan, you didn't. They were bandits, they killed, rȧpėd and abducted children for ransom. I would say you made the world better killing them."

"Kaname-san, Maki-san our captain calls, we have a problem." said Takeshi appearing from the nearby bushes.

"Listen up, from our late friend I got some bad news. This rabble was just a branch of a bigger group, they consist mostly of bandits, but the upper echelons got ninja teams as well. I'm sorry Sarutobi-kun we need to deliver our report as soon as possible to Konoha, those ninjas would gladly get their hands on it and sell it on the black market." said Inoichi.

"I understand Inoichi-san, I can deal with bandits, be careful of those ninjas and Good luck!" replied Asuma.

"Okay team 9, I sent a summon to the Hokage-sama with a request for the backup. We need to move, formation stays the same, now we double-time it. Let's go!" ordered their captain.

Ten kilometers south of the team's 9 position a meeting of three ninja teams took place.

"Hanzaki-sama, one of my spies reported to me that the document is in the hands of a single Konoha team. We can still get it before they get too close to Konoha. It's our best shot for getting some big money." reported a ninja with a rat face.

"Hmm, how big is the team?" asked Hanzaki.

"One jōnin and three genins, easy pickings. My mouse summons said they just shed their first blood." answered the rat face.

"Good, I will take care of jōnin, team 1 and team 2 are with me. Team 3 will stay back and slow down any possible reinforcements. Let the hunt begin!" said their leader.