74 Something Is Wrong

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
*Minutes Back*

Outside the school building, Sasuke stood near a pillar and waited for Sakiko for several minutes but she wasn't forth coming.

In order to deal with his boredom, he brought his phone out and played a game. After ten minutes of playing with his phone, Sasuke slid down the screen to check the time. It was way past 5 pm.

'What is taking her so long?' he thought to himself.

His brows furrowed deeply forming a V at the space between each brow and his eyes narrowed. That was it, he was done waiting.

He kept his phone back in his trousers pocket and went towards the field at the back of the school building.

On getting there, he saw the shadow of two figures inside one of the changing tents, taking. On a closer look, he could decipher that one was a man and the other a student.

Slowly, Sasuke released the breath he wasn't even aware he was holding in at the sight of the figures. His mouth opened a bit to reveal a part of his shining white teeth as he walked faster to the tent.

By the time he got to where the tent was, he abruptly stopped on his tracks and listened attentively.

The smile that shone on his face quickly disappeared upon hearing the voices.

"That's not Sakiko."

Instantly his feet moved on their own accord, rushing forward to the front of the tent to see for himself whether his ears betrayed him.

Akamine Yuki was apologizing to the P.E teacher about her fall on the track today which almost caused the whole of Class 1 to lose the first position and subsequently the prize.

"Sensei, it wasn't intentional. I twisted my angel and fell down. I wouldn't want to do anything to endanger our wins, sir. You have got to believe me, give me a second chance."

Apparently, the winners of the girl's inter-class match would represent the school in the region's interstate competition. This was going to be a huge honour and Yuki almost made their class fail.

"Thanks to Sakiko's save, what do you think I could have done? Nothing!"

Just about the same time, Sasuke ran in front of the tenth, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took.

Staring with wide eyes back at him, was their P.E teacher and Akamine Yuki. Sasuke's eyes moved between the two of them simultaneously as if registering or taking note of what he saw.

One second passed,

Two seconds passed,

Three seconds passed and they all stared at each other, no one saying anything as confusion spread across their faces.

Four seconds passed.

That was when the P.E teacher broke the silence. "Sasuke, what is wrong? What are you looking for?"

He sensed the confusion and worry laced in Sasuke's eyes and couldn't help asking as this was the first time he saw Sasuke looking like that, dishevelled.

His eyes landed on Akamine Yuki. It was as though it was now he took note of her presence.

'Wait, if she is here, where is Sakiko? Shouldn't Sakiko be the one with the P.E teacher?' he thought again.

"Why are you here?" Sasuke asked, pointing to Yuki.

"What kind of question is that? Do I need your permission before I can see Sensei, now?" She asked him bluntly.

"Sasuke, do you have a problem with her being here?" the P.E teacher asked.

"No, but you were supposed to be with Sakiko. You asked for her to come to see you and she left for here since. So how come you are with Akamine and not Sakiko?"

"Me, asked for Ishida? I never did such a thing. Where did you hear that from?"

The P.E teacher was surprised when he heard what Sasuke said and frowned after some thought on it. "Who dared to use my name that way?"

"I do not know but a girl said to me when I was in the locker room changing, that Sakiko asked her to inform me you sent for her and I should wait for her outside the school building. But now you are saying you didn't, if you didn't do so, then who would?"

"This is an offence, how can someone say that? Or did you ear wrong, Sasuke?"

"I didn't. The message was clear." He shifted his gaze from the teacher and came to land on Yuki who had a smirk on her face.

Sasuke's face darkened immediately he caught sight of it and before the P.E teacher could say anything more, Sasuke dashed off.

"Sasuke…" Their P.E teacher took a step forward but stopped in his tracks.

"Let him go off and find her, Sensei," Yuki interjected, pulling at his sleeve and preventing him from taking a step forward.

"But what if something foul is at play here? We should help him search."

"No. I think it might have been a misunderstanding or a game. Let's talk about other things, like a spot on the team?"

Her eyes popped open, flashing the P.E teacher her trademark smile in the most alluring, innocent way.

'What is her deal? She only cares about herself. As a new student, if this keeps up, she would only end up losing friends before she made many with lots of enemies.' he thought to himself.

He shook his head and pulled his hand away, making her hand fall back at her side.


"I am going to join Sasuke in searching for Ishida. I suggest you go home or to the hospital first to check for any injuries."

He faced forward and dashed off, leaving Akamine Yuki to herself.


Sasuke ran with all his might towards the school building. He knew something was not right as his mind, body and soul were screaming at him to find her quick.

"Damn it. Sakiko, please be okay. Please, for my sake be fine."

As soon as he got to the entrance of one of the school building, he pulled the door open and ran inside.

'Yes, let me check the locker room first.'

No sooner had he said that in his mind than he heard a shout.