73 Accident 3

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
Both of them dashed to their respective changing rooms to get out of their P.E vests and take a shower to rinse off all the sweat from the day's activities.

A minute later, Sasuke was in the midst of taking off his close and heading for the shower when he heard a voice call him.

'Hmm! Why am I hearing a girl's voice in the changing room?' he began to question his sanity in his mind.

Seconds later, the voice came out louder than before.


"Okay, I am definitely not going bunkers. Is that Sakiko? Thought she had gone to change? It sounds so much like her though."


"Yes? Sakiko?" he shouted back, trying to make sure she was the one.

After some seconds, he heard footsteps down the hall and just shrugged it off. By the time he was ready with his towel tied on his waist and heading for the shower, he heard another call.

'Really now? People do not know when to play.' He thought to himself.


"What is it? Can I help you?" he asked the owner of the voice. His eyes became cold as he waited for her to answer.

"I am sorry to bother you, but Sakiko was here earlier, she asked me to tell you that you should wait for her outside the building, the P.E teacher sent for her."

"Oh, okay. Thank you."

He did not get any reply from the unknown girl, he only heard the fading footstep of a person.

'Why didn't she just tell me when she called my name earlier? Or she wasn't the one?' he shrugged his shoulder and ignored the thought.

'On a second thought, for a moment there, I thought it was one of those girls who wanted to make advancement to me. True, I still haven't told Sakiko about this,' he thought and let out an exasperated sigh.

'Damn these people, won't they let her be? I better hurry and go check up on her. I have a bad feeling about this whole thing.'


A couple of minutes later, Sakiko stood at the end of the stairs near where the abandoned lockers and some stored equipments were kept. She had completely changed into her uniform and was ready to leave.

She looked down at her watch to check the time. By the time she gazed back up, thin lines of a wrinkle adorned her forehead as she frowned, marring her beautiful face was worry.

'What is taking him so long? He asked I meet him here, but why here of all places?'


The noise of the shower running could be heard in the girl's bathroom as the cold water poured on Sakiko's body and flowed down the drain.

She ran her body with her hands, washing off what trace of soap that remained from her body before closing her eyes to enjoy the feel of the water on her smooth skin.

Humming a soft melody, she didn't hear when the locker room door was opened nor the footsteps of someone walking towards where she was.


She jolted up in surprise and her eyes popped open at the sound coming from outside the bathroom.

"Are you there, Sakiko?" A feminine voice called out again.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Sasuke asked me to deliver a message to you since he cannot enter the girl's locker room."


"He wants you to meet him up at the end of the stairs towards where the abandoned lockers are kept." The feminine voice said to her.

"Alright, thanks."

"No problem," the girl said in a half chuckle and left.

'Wait, did she just muffle a chuckle? What's so funny? Or is it that she saw me? Nah… there is no way she could have, right? Argh, just ignore it and get over with this shower fast. Sasuke is already done and waiting for you, but I wonder why he changed our rendezvous point.' She thought to herself and then continued bathing.

**Flashback Ends**

'Could it be that he has a surprise for me? What kind of a surprise would that be or is he meeting with someone here? Perhaps he is meeting up with the person who sent him those messages.' She thought to herself, her face becoming more serious at the realization.

Her mind went back to the day they had the fight and his changed expression when a message came into his phone.

'Hmm, I should go and check around then.'

She crossed one hand in front of her chest using it to support the other hand that went up her mouth and placed her index finger on her lips, tapping away subconsciously.

'But on second thought, would he want me to be here when meeting the person, considering he hid it from me before. Hmm, what should I do, wait here like he asked or actually go search for him? Either way, I have an ominous feeling about this.'

As she was occupied by her thoughts, she ended up walking back towards where she came. It was when she heard a noise like someone was moving something, which brought her out of her thoughts.

"Mmm, someone is moving something or is it that they left an appliance on and forgot to switch it off? Let me go take a look while I wait for him."

Retracing back her steps, she found herself at the staircase and the noise only became louder with each step she took.

'I better hurry, it isn't far from here.'

At that thought, she increased her steps and rushed up the stairs.

By the time she was but a few steps from reaching the top, she came face to face with an abandoned locker, just at the edge of the first staircase.

Before she could comprehend what was going on, it fell over the edge almost instantly and fell on her.


As the locker collided with her, it pushed her down the stairs with it, knocking her unconscious and falling on the ground close to her body.