Chapter 816 - Why Didn’t You Tell Me?

Greta had everything ready. All that she meant was, she had already bought plane tickets for William and some of her confidants. She had already bought some cool clothes that William could wear in Sweden later. She had told her trusted person in Sweden to clean up the boy's residence later. She was also ready to take William to the airport.

But as it turned out, she was too slow to do that. Greta didn't expect Oscar and Lisa to come and pick him up. 

Before the maid left and ran away, Lisa grabbed the woman's hand. "Tell me where William is now!"

Since the woman was afraid, she couldn't help but follow her order. She had absolutely no ability to reject her. The woman could only nod her head and take Lisa to the place where William was hidden by Greta.

Lisa and the maid walked up the stairs and finally reached the attic where no one else but the boy was. With dust and cobwebs everywhere, Lisa wrinkled her nose and followed the woman from behind.

"William is in here." The woman said in a timid tone as she unlocked the rickety wooden door.

When the rickety wooden door was opened, Lisa rushed inside. The atmosphere in the room felt stuffy and a little dark if it weren't for the large windows. She saw William sitting on the wooden floor hugging his legs. 

The sound of heart-wrenching sobs sounded quite loud. A light blue polyester cord was tied around William's ankle, making bruises around it.

"My dear…" Lisa called, approaching William with hasty steps. She crouched down in front of William and tried to untie the rope around the boy's ankle, "Are you alright? How's your leg? It hurts, huh? Oh my, how can you fall…"

Hearing Lisa's distinctive voice that could make his heart feel calm and warm, William finally looked up. With a flushed face and cheeks filled with tears, William raised his hands, asking to be held.

"Mama, you finally came to save me..." William whispered in a voice that sounded pitiful. His breath was ragged and sometimes he groaned in pain.

Finally, Lisa managed to untie William's ankles and immediately carried the boy's tiny body. She wiped the tears from William's cheeks with her thumbs and couldn't stop kissing the boy's forehead which was covered in sweat.

The air there feels stuffy and the floor is filled with dust. Lisa was worried how much dust had entered the boy's chest. 

"Do you feel hurt somewhere?" Lisa asked again while trying to stand up while still holding William.

William hid his face in her neck and nodded his head. The boy didn't have the energy to answer his mother's question. 

At the same time after Lisa came out of the warehouse, Oscar met them outside. He saw William's ankle which looked a little swollen and red. His heart immediately ached seeing that.

"How's he?"

Before Lisa could answer Oscar's question, they both heard William's annoyed squeak. In Lisa's heart, the woman was grateful that at least William had started acting like he usually did even though he still couldn't stop crying.

"Pa, Ma, can you hurry up and take me away from here? My leg hurts so bad!" William whined in annoyance while sucking his stuffy nose.

Hearing his whining voice made Lisa's heart feel like it was being stabbed by thousands of knives at once. She tightened her arms around William's tiny body, trying not to touch the boy's leg.

"Yeah, we'll go home. After this, Mama and Papa will definitely take you to the nearest hospital." 

After Lisa finished answering William's whining, Oscar took over her duties. He took William from her tight embrace slowly, trying not to touch his feet, and descended the stairs.

They passed Greta's room and made their way quickly to the first floor. Just before the lovers and William made it out of Peter's house, they heard Greta's voice from behind.

"Oscar, Oscar, wait a minute..." Greta pleaded in a pitiful voice.

Suddenly, their footsteps stopped. Before Lisa and Oscar could turn their heads, they saw Greta walking up to them and standing in front of them. The woman deliberately stood in front of the door, preventing the lovers from leaving her house.

The demonic woman saw William who was in Oscar's tight embrace and said in a hurry, "O-Oscar, I really didn't mean to hurt William. This is all happening beyond my control..!"

"Enough, I don't want to hear your explanation anymore," Oscar walked past Greta and continued, "Never ever come near William or Lisa again. This is the last warning."

At the same time, the bright red sports car stopped right in front of the gate of Peter's house. Not long after the sports car stopped, Chloe got out of the car still wearing her full work clothes. A cloud blue blazer and white cloth pants make her body look sexy. Behind the woman was Randy, standing while carrying her tote bag.

"Oscar, ouch, why are you late telling me? Lisa, dear, how are you?" Chloe panicked, she then saw William's leg that looked swollen and red, "How did his leg get like this?"

"He fell off the windowsill. I still don't know how to do it myself. Now we are going to the hospital to treat his leg." Lisa replied still with a confused mind.

Oscar walked ahead of Chloe and Randy, and let Lisa open the backseat door. He lowered his head slightly, put William's tiny body in the back seat, and placed the small pillow that had always been in the car for William's sake, under the boy's feet.

Chloe blinked a few times, feeling a sharp blade pierce her heart. Seeing William's face in pain makes Chloe want to cry too and call her private jet to take William to the best hospital in the world.

"Let's go." Lisa said hastily as she closed the car door.. Before Chloe could utter a word, Oscar had already stepped on the gas and drove the car out.