How do we break the floor? ", the mustache man makes a point

"let me do it ", I directly go holding my harp to try it out I change my notes this time to make a piece of more vigorous music like a whale crying in pain then unleashed it all in one direction.

blast after blast I did not stop till I heard boulders falling down spreading pebbles and dust everywhere.

"you actually did it !!!", Luo Ming was happy and esthetic to hug such a tight, even swore to hug it more tightly, if she can make friends with him, she can leave that stinky base with her sister.

everyone went to take a look below, to their surprise it really led to the hallway next to the waiting room!! everyone jumped down except for the legless who was piggybacked by the buff mustache man. we directly step into the waiting room to the nurse's bureau to take the phone

two steps away from the target an aside down head zooms at my face, I scream my lungs out as I retreat than with a 'plop' i fell down shivering and dizzy, many thoughts jumbled in my mind one of them was,' i actually got jump scared!! indeed it is worth its name, one can only get jump scared when the least he expected it.

leaving the theory behind, another thought told me to calm me down, a retreat for the time being then attack, what to be scared about isn't it just an NPC if I can beat the boss then without question I can beat this ugly ghost.

I do what the second told me and I retreat behind Luo Ming's back to calm down, the jump scare really got me hard that my hand couldn't stop shivering, I take the talisman out from my pocket then throw it at the nurse, a light envelops the nurse frozen her on place as she screamed in pain, I take the opportunity to rush and grab the phone, dial the number on the ghost newspaper.

once the phone got connected I did not delay directly speaking, "we had found the thief who stole the spiritual teeth from the noble's dolls, he's a dentist currently inside the Shengyu hospital, hurry and detain him before he escapes ", the escaping part was a lie, I just wanted to leave this place immediately so made an excuse, I, of course, can still keep him restrained for 2 whole days before my energy gets exhausted.

"AHHHH", the nurse screeching reminds me that I can restrain the doctor but I definitely can't restrain both of the ghosts, outside I could restrain 100 at one time but here there seem to be some rules that stop from hurting them.

I nod toward Luo Ming, she gets the signal so she takes the talismans I gave her, every time the light resides she'll throw another talisman to put her still, in the meantime everyone spread to look around, some even swept away random objects they deemed usable.

time passed by like this till we heard a knock on the door, with no time to react the door got kicked open showing a triple of slender and tall man without faces, wearing trench brown coats, except for the one in the middle the other two walked inside with there bags and went directly towards the room where the dentist is held.

"dear human food, we thank you for catching the thief for us and so we bestow you each a silver treasure chest, what you get depends on your luck, for now, please pardon us we need to escort the criminal away", with this said the three faceless men left through the door with the cuffed dentist leaving six treasure chest .

"I feel like I forgot something ", right after I said so a high pitch screeching woke me up

"oh no the nurse is still here!!! everyone grabs a chest and gets out of here!!!", I grab my treasure chest randomly then run without looking back with everyone else.

a few seconds after the bunch escaped, heavy steps walked to the clinic where the nurse screamed, the bulky man with a white medical coat shakes the ground with every step slow but powerful, the chubby man goes to the nurse then help her out of the blinding light, the two looks at each other for a long time, the picture was romantic full of nostalgia well at least that was the case before he grabbed her and swallowed her a whole.

the six people who kept running without stop had to eventually stop huffing and gasping for breath, their backs were wet with sweat, the legs were tired so they slumped to the floor totally giving up on continuing while taking the unscheduled rest time, everyone took his chest treasure to check out, I also did the same and opened my chest box.

'congratulations fortunate player from the 'horror cloud world' for winning "bird feather "and 5 horror coin'

the voice sounded on my head that I almost mistook it for my system , looking at the thing I got, I was totally not impressed one bit, what's with the bird feather? and what I'm supposed to do with horror coins?!!

the voice seems to hear my complaining so took the initiative to explain

" bird feather: special items for flight,notice:'you might not be able to fly like a plane but you sure can fly like a bird'

horror coins: currency used inside similar horror games, notice: you can use 2 horror coins to leave this demo horror world "

my eyes widen up from excitement, not only because he can finally accomplish a fish's dream to fly but also because he can leave this world, at last, although it will be wasting money, I really can't hold it any longer, also I miss Li Xiang so much !! definitely not because I'm afraid of him finding out that I sneaked out.

"I'm leaving!! Luo Ming makes sure to come to my base !!", I turn toward the others busy with their loot then say," you guys also come to my base !!!"

I wave my hand at them before I disappear in place wasting two precious horror coins.

(author: sorry for not updating frequently but I had to make a living, thank you guys for your patience and kindness)