Chapter 62 - Lovely Teamwork

one the invisibility got undone, threads appeared squeezing and surrounding the dentist, the most perceptible place is the treads between his mouth, by the look of it one movement might chop his mouth separating his chin from the rest of his face, the point is the ghost who saw this freaked out almost crying yet refused to move.

Luo Ming says, "you know for a ghost his teeth are too shiny and clean "

"don't all dentists treasure their teeth?", I gave her a questioning look

"not to this level, his teeth look like their made from white jade "

"you don't say the teeth he stole were put in his mouth?", the man with a slight mustache say,

"you say, the ghost is so concerned about his teeth that he dare not move, isn't our chance?", I speak

"chance ?", the man asks

"I fought a ghost before so I know that as long as they struggle they can escape ", I proudly retell what I did

the five light bulbs on top of their heads light up one after another, a wretched smirk with continuous creepy giggling. multiple hands go towards the dentist's face, the other with wide eyes horrified grunts hoarsely trying to plead out.

inside the darkroom with a flashlight enlightening a figure wearing a white coat surrounded by six people each holding dentist tools even the young man who got his leg cut was holding dental nippers with an esthetic expression full of expectations and grudge, of course, he was supported by a cane like a tool.

" your teeth seem rotten, let us help you clean it ", says Luo Ming while getting closer and closer, seeing such a Luo Ming made me sigh if only there were coats to use that way the experience will get more enriched and complete.

"you better tell us how to get out of here before we take your teeth off"

the dentist who couldn't talk:"...."

"still not talking!!! you take a tooth out"

the dentist who wanted to talk: "..."

"you can't bluff us, we know you treasure your teeth just tell us and we'll let your teeth alive"

the horrified dentist who was screaming inside and wished he had another mouth:"..."

"sigh, you left us no choice ", I say then push the tweezers to his mouth, right after my tool was about to reach his mouth I stop, "wait a minute, how can ...."

hearing what I said the ghost's felt a glimmer of light, the next moment I say,

"I can't grab his tooth with this !! you give me your nippers !!!" I push my hand urging the young man without a leg to give me his nippers

the sad dentist who got his hopes crumbled was emotionally unstable so he started complaining,"....." still nothing came out of his mouth,' this is too bullying!!!", seeing that he didn't even get the right to complain he just internally roared

looking at the white teeth chining then at the nipper on my hand I shake my head then give it back to the legless man, I couldn't bring myself to do it

"This dentist is so tough to crack, I originally really did not want to hurt him after all violence is necessarily that answer for everything ", I say completely disappointed with this ghost choice, he obviously cares about his teeth still he refuses to .....; wait a minute it's not that he's retarded but that he's unable to talk, I completely forgot to lighten my strings on his mouth!!!

"wait, wait don't take it off!!!", I cry out, unfortunately, I was too late the legless had already taken out a tooth,


"let me lighten the string on his mouth first"

Everyone:".....", 'no wonder he didn't talk 'no one spoke but thought the same words.

I lighten the strings then ask him again, "speak, how do we get out of here ?"

"you bunch of idiots !!! the door is right on top of your heads!!! now get me out of here you ...."

before the ghost finishes his sentence a nipper rushes to his mouth then stops, the legless young had yet to let go of his grudge

"you can't kill him, just pull another tooth out, for now, that would be the same as grabbing his son ", Luo Ming puts her hand on top of his shoulder to both stop him and comfort him.

"Besides we need to heal your leg sooner before you die from bloodlust, so don't move too much ", she adds

everyone moved the furniture they could find and put it below the door, the man with the mustache climbed up first but no matter how much he stretched his hand he could not reach it

"how can that be the door is so close yet he can't reach it ?", the man cries

"let me try", I say before I take my harp out then stretched my strings up, to my surprise I still couldn't reach it, "how can that be !!!"

behind their backs the ignored dentist has a mocking expression as he continued watching the show

"let me try again", this time I used my harp's sonic attack, this time the sound waves had shuttered the ceiling like glass

"we were tricked !!!", Luo Ming was furious!! she was ready to beat the shit out of the dentist.

"that's not it, it's not an illusion my harp power can't shatter illusion it might dissipate them but not shatter , only a glass or a dimension can be shattered, in this case, the door in the ceiling is a reflection of the real door !!!", I unfold the mystery

"then the door is ...", the mustache man says and everyone follows his sight below the door exactly looking at the floor.

Luo Ming goes to check the floor area below the door's reflection, her senses are the strongest every detail can be detected," how can that be? there's nothing !! no signs!!" she exclaims

"sister Ming, did you try to blast the floor? now that I thought about we did not even try to blast the walls !!"

"Haha, you are right !! if you can't find the door just make one!!!", Luo Mings laugh was loud but also made everyone's nerve ease up a little bit

"they still have hope, why play along with the rules, just blast your way out ", with this idea everyone had new enlightenment.