Chapter 11:I Miss Her Terribly

Name:The.Mistress Author:cLasP15
The next few days were a drag. After the last night we shared, Madame left me when I woke up the morning after. And I started feeling the pain of missing her. It's been a week but she still didn't send me a message nor visited my house. Her house.

I wondered why my heart felt so fucking heavy even though I felt empty inside without seeing Madame for days. My cock was goddamn hard, too. I was tempted to jerk off but I would remember Madame's rules and I'd just opted taking a cold shower.

But today, my goddamn dick was so impossibly hard and dripping precum. I'm going to have a meeting in a few minutes now and I didn't think I could hide this shit from the people. It's going to be a big crowd meeting with the managers and supervisors. Getting a shower was out of the question because my comfort room wasn't design to give comfortable bath.

I limped my way towards my toilet and took care of my business. I unzipped my pants, pulled down my slacks and boxers all at the same time before gripping my boner. It's tip was purple, the veins around it was taut and beating like it had a heart of its own. I started jerking my cock up and down. I closed my eyes and imagined Madame's sweet, tight and wet cunt sheathing me whole.

I rubbed my cock faster while my other hand played with my balls. A knock at the door jolted me from my private activity before I looked over my shoulder. I didn't close the door to my toilet and I saw Winter just came into my office.

She stopped in the middle of my room with her hand frozen mid-air before the folders went slipping down the floor. I quickly fumbled with my pants, zipped it up and composed myself. I helped her picked up the loose papers from the floor before handing it to her.

When we both stood straight on our feet, Winter looked at me with disbelief. Her face was red. I couldn't decide whether she's embarrassed for both of us or angry that she caught me playing with myself. Maybe both because the next thing I saw in her face was accusation.


"No." She quickly cut me off. "Don't explain, Bruce."

Winter slapped the folders into my chest before storming out of my room. I wasn't fast enough to catch the damn papers as it slipped to the floor again. I picked them up before slamming it down my table and dropped myself on my seat with a heavy plop. I rested my forehead over my hands and composed myself until I felt my nerves settled down and my cock went considerably soft. But not by much.

Two knocks resounded outside once again before my door opened to admit my secretary. "The people are already gathered in the function hall, sir."

"Thanks, Jet. I'll be out in a sec."

Jethro nodded before closing the door again. I shuffled the papers Winter gave me and arranged them according to agenda. Why the hell did she give this to me personally when she could've given this to Jet. And the bitch had the nerve to get upset of what she witnessed! With a shake of my head, I grabbed the folders and went out of my room and into the meeting room along the hallway.

People were loud and cheerful as I entered. But they eventually hushed down at my presence. I wanted to laugh and growl at the same time. Whenever these stupid fucks would behave in my attendance, it reminded me of my platoon in the army. They'd be in their best behavior because they didn't want to be punished. It's a warm and nice reminder. But I also hated how they turned weak kneed. It just made me feel so far different from them. Like I'm some kind of a warrior plucked from other planet sent to rule these goddamn fraidy-cats.

I hated the hero worship they're giving me. I hated those bitches who looked at me as if I was sent to them from heaven. I hated the motherfuckers who looked at me like I'm the Adonis they wanted to become. I hated it all. I didn't want their gazes on me. I didn't want them to notice me. Because Madame would be upset. I only wanted Madame's attention on me. I missed her terribly.

The meeting started but I was floating. I only agreed and nodded but in reality I wasn't paying attention. I let Brian and Winter did the arguments and brainstorming because my head had enough storm shit in it. I yawned and sulked and slouched on my seat until the meeting was adjourned and the people trickled away.

"I'll see you later, Brian." Winter informed before walking in haste out of the room.

"Yeah, right!" Brian waved before he turned to me with a frown. "I'm very aware that your business ist mine to deal with. But I'm asking you as a friend, Bruce. What's really going on with you?"

"Nothing." I shrugged and blew out a heavy sigh.

"Are you..." Brian trailed off before his face went to ashen. "Jesus! Are you sick? Are you dying?"

"What? No!" I snapped at him and shook my head.

"Then what's the matter with you, man? You're not like this, I swear to God, a month ago. Jesus, we never go out anymore. What the fuck, man. You know I love you, you have to talk to me if something's bothering you. We're family, after all."