Along the way, Tom is trying to avoid other people's eyes and ears.

Finally, she stopped in front of a door.

"Why don't you go?" Li Nan Yan didn't want to frown and was a little displeased.

"Here we are." Tom wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and said, "they should be in there now. If you want to find someone, go straight in."

Those subordinates looked at her half doubtfully. When they were ready to go in, Li Nanyan suddenly stopped them.

"Wait a minute."

Those subordinates looked back at Li Nanyan in doubt, "what's the matter, Li Shao? Do you have any discovery?"

Tom's expression somehow, suddenly a little nervous, she said to Li Nanyan, "I have brought you here, now you can always let Miss Merrill go?"

Li Nan Yan's expression is light, "you go in first and lead those people away. After we save all the people, I'll let her go."

"How can you not keep your word like this?" Tom was worried. "I've done everything I promised you,

How can you break your promise? "

"Make your own choice," Li Nan Yan did not care about these things with him, but looked coldly at meiruier, "to see whether she is more important, or the so-called promise is more important."

Tom, in a hurry, gritted his teeth and said, "it's not that I don't want to help you, mainly because the professor won't believe me!"

She looked inside in a hurry, and then said: "you may not understand the situation here. Professor is very strange. Sometimes he can't even listen to the leader's words. As for me, he won't pay any attention."

Li Nanyan looked at her as if with penetrating power. "It's your business to persuade him. Anyway, as long as I find all my people, her life doesn't mean much to me."

"You've gone too far!" Tom was more worried. "I just said that. They won't listen to me. Why don't you believe me?"

"Hurry up, we don't have time to be here with you." Li Nan Yan's subordinates, this time around Tom to the center of the position, a wall of people in the invisible also gave her a huge sense of pressure.

Tom finally took a deep breath. "All right, you go back and hide. I'll try it first, but I really can't succeed."

When Tom turned and knocked on the door of the laboratory, there was an air of going to the battlefield on his face.

It was as if he was not going to face his companion, but the enemy who wanted to take his life.

Li Nanyan exchanged a glance with his subordinates around him.

Soon the door of the laboratory was slowly opened. The angle Li Nan Yan stood at was just able to have a panoramic view of the inside.

"What are you doing here?" A man over half a hundred looked up and down at Tom, and his eyes became impatient.

Tom was a little nervous in his heart, and her acting skills began to explode in the next second.

She screamed and then cried out in panic: "everyone, run away. We have been invaded by outsiders. Now the leader is fighting with them, and miss Merrill has been kidnapped by them!"

After thinking about it, she added: "the leader said that. Let me tell you to run for your life!"

Cruise frowned at her: "our lab is indestructible. They can't get in."

When he said that, tomton's heart beat wildly.

She even felt that cruise would have seen through his lies.

At this moment, she felt extremely distressed, the whole person was squeezed like a sandwich, behind Li Nanyan, who threatened herself, and in front of Professor cruise, who was not friendly with her.

"If there's nothing else, you'd better get out of here first. We're busy doing experiments and have no time to chat with you."

It can be seen that cruise was quite impatient with the existence of Tom.

"Wait!" She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, anxiously said: "anyway, the leader told us so, she asked me to take you all away!"

"No, you'd better mind what you're talking about."

Seeing that the door was about to close in front of Tom, all of a sudden, a lightning fast figure rushed into their laboratory.

Then, Li Nanyan, who had been in control of meiruier, suddenly appeared behind cruise and held his neck tightly.

Inside the people see this scene, first a face of consternation, and then chaos into a pot of porridge.

Professor cruise knew that he was being plotted, and immediately yelled: "help!"

He only had time to say these two words, and then other subordinates around Li Nanyan came in together, controlling the whole laboratory.

The people here didn't have any hands-on ability, which would scare them one by one. Tom and Merrill were cut off and watched as the door closed in front of them. Tom's face was stunned. Obviously, he had not recovered from what he had just done“ Are you stupid? " "I've never seen anyone more stupid than you in my life!" Merrill said angrily to Tom She pointed to the door in the laboratory. "Tom, do you know what you've done wrong? You have led them all to our most secret place. If my sister knows, she will kill you! " As soon as he heard the name of the rose, Tom began to shake. It took her a long time to look up at Merrill and ask her, "what should I do?" Merrill was angry and dissatisfied with her: "you are such a fool. There's no point in living. Just die!" The more she said, the more angry Merrill couldn't stop criticizing her: "I'm really mad. Why did my sister send people like you to take care of me? He threw away all the pistols my father gave me! I asked you to kill him. Why didn't you do it? "“ I, when I saw him threaten me with your life, I didn't dare to do it... "" is this your reason for being unreasonable? " Meiruier said angrily: "is it difficult that if he wants you to die on the spot, you will really die? I think you are a real coward! You have no right to be by my side at all