Tom was startled at Merrill's request.

He was always in charge of Merrill's daily life, but he never tried to kill anyone.

"Come on! Tom, kill him quickly Seeing Tom standing there, Merrill was almost furious and yelled at her.

"I, I..." Tom groped in his bib for a while, and finally took out a fruit knife.

When she clenched the fruit knife, Li Nanyan suddenly said, "if you dare to step forward, I swear, I will kill her immediately."

He doesn't look like a joke at all.

Tom opened his eyes wide and said subconsciously, "no, no!"

If Miss Merrill had died in front of her, he would have guessed how tragic the consequences would have been.

"It's up to you to kill her or not." Li Nanyan said again, "as long as you cooperate with me well, I will leave you a way to live."

"Come on, don't listen to him, kill him!" Merrill said

Tom's legs were shaking.

After a trade-off, he finally focused his attention on Li Nanyan, "you say, what do you want?"

"Tom, you traitor, get out of here. The farther you go, the better!"

Li Nan Yan's eyes turned slightly, "where did you put the people of Guli Research Institute? Now take me quickly

Tom was stunned, and his face turned pale.

She and her head are also thinking quickly at this moment. If she tells the whereabouts of the researchers to the man in front of her, I can't guarantee that Mo rose will do it by herself.

She listened to the crew here. These people are very important to Mo rose.

But I don't listen to this man now, and he's going to fight against myrell again. What's the choice?

Merrill almost hated the iron. "Tom, why are you so cowardly? Just as I said, kill this man quickly! "

In the face of Merrill's blame, Tom lowered his head like a child who did something wrong.

Li Nan Yan looked around and urged her to say, "hurry up. If you linger here, her life will be lost."

There was a strong hint in his words that Tom could not be urged by him. He would be confused, and he would say, "OK, as long as you let Miss Merrill go, I can take you to find those people."

Said Merrill, and began to move on.

Li Nanyan stood behind her to keep up with her, and did not forget to threaten her: "I'll look at you behind. If you dare to act rashly, I'll shoot her in the head at any time!"

"I won't!" Tom's voice grew more anxious.

In this way, they walked forward in unison.

After walking for a while, Li Nanyan found that the woman in front of him actually took him to the lower floor.

If you're not wrong, the bottom of each cabin is either a mechanical part or a place to control the hull. Does this woman have any conspiracy?

"What do you want to do?" Li Nanyan was a bit gloomy, which made Tom shiver in front of him.

"I, I'll take you to Professor Cruise..."

Tom gasped as he spoke.

Soon, they got to the bottom.

In the whole process, myrell has been struggling in the hands of Li Nanyan. If Li Nanyan had not restrained her from speaking out, I'm afraid myrell would have been scolding his ancestors for 18 generations.

Fortunately, Tom didn't have the courage to cheat him. After taking Li Nan Yan to avoid the crowd, she found a button at the bottom of the cabin.

Press down the button, a staircase style hidden valve slowly down, the speed of the hidden valve down is very light, very fast, and soon connected to the opposite ship's hull position.

It can be said that the design of these ships is extremely ingenious.

Just as Tom was going to take the lead, Li Nanyan's eyes were dim, and suddenly said, "stop."

Tom thought that he had done something wrong. He was so frightened that he raised his hand and gave in. "I swear, I didn't cheat you. Professor cruise is on another ship, and the researchers were forced to take him to the recent research activities."

"Just a moment." Li Nanyan dropped these four words, and then Tom, who was confused, picked up the walkie talkie and said, "come here quickly, I've found their whereabouts."

The speed of the people on his side is also too fast to imagine. It's not long before several people come here in an orderly way.

Meiruier saw these people appear, struggling, sobbing all the time, as if scolding them for their ulterior motives.

"It's no use struggling. I won't let you go until I find someone." Li Nan Yan's expressionless face is such a sentence. When Tom saw this scene, he was too scared to make a sound“ All right, you can start to go. " Li Nanyan stood up and gave her a look. Tom was stunned for a moment, then he got up and took the lead to lead the way. Just as they arrived on the discolored ship, just as they were about to cross the cabin, two patrol men came across“ What do you do? " The two men looked at Li Nanyan's subordinates on guard. At this time, in order to avoid being found by them, Li Nan Yan pulls meiruier to hide at a corner, hiding their figures well. Tom was flustered, looked at the sea level around him, which was still under constant gunfire, and quickly stood up and explained, "isn't there an explosion here? So let me bring someone to support you and protect the professor Those people looked at her suspiciously, but her words passed the test after all“ You still have a conscience. " After that, the two men went straight around them. In order to avoid them finding li Nanyan, the subordinates immediately stood in a row, blocking the side of the cabin, and just blocked them. Tom's heart thumped and he took a long breath“ Mom, it's so amazing that I lied to them... "She said to herself in disbelief“ Come on, let's go Li Nanyan's subordinates impatiently urged him.