No wonder the helicopter flies around like a headless fly, no wonder the overall direction is toward the north, no wonder he dares to face countless enemies alone, no wonder this guy dares to limp out of the Central Plains and jump everywhere.

The original special Niang has already thought of a good place to go!

Before all kinds of gossip just to cover up his real destination, for fear of being stopped by others. People also understand why he didn't summon the blades all over the world - no need at all. Apart from the extremely cold climate, the Arctic circle has the vast sea surface of the Arctic Ocean. Who knows where he is hiding?

Moreover, the natural conditions of that place are too difficult. Mercenaries can still maneuver in North Africa or the Middle East. If they put on thick warm clothes and run there, let alone on the sea, how can they fight on the land full of skating surfaces even when they get to the land?

There are also unwritten provisions in international conventions. No country or organization will take guns and artillery fire to the most natural and pure place. All kinds of instruments, especially the compass, are just scrap iron. Who will commit crimes in the past with the accusation of thousands of people?

What's more, it's October now, and the point of direct sunlight shifts northward from the equator. Polar night just begins in the Arctic Circle, and it will be polar night for more than half a year until late March next year. In this case, it is estimated that finding a person is ten times more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack.

After a while, the leaders share the video with their mobile phones with their tablet computers in black face, and then send the video to the boss, saying it again with a bitter smile.

The leaders of various forces who heard the results were stunned. They didn't expect that Yin Ziyu had such a big brain hole that he came up with such a drastic plan.

"North... Arctic Circle?" Sanchez in the Rockefeller family mansion was tongue tied and fell into a dullness. He didn't know he had lost his glasses and his face was dark. He looked at Yin Ziyu in the video speechless and shook his head with a bitter smile. "Forget it, that bastard just came out to humiliate us. Just look at his playful face."

"Young master, let's..."

"Where are the helicopters and pilots who sent him?"

"After all, they are sent by the Central Plains government. We dare not offend them. We have already let them go."

Sanchez snorted: "send someone to guard over there. Let the razor be frozen and starved in the Arctic circle. Sooner or later, he will not be able to hold up and run back. It's not too late to deal with him then."

The hand should be a, quickly hang up the phone to make arrangements.

The same several other eyesight also made a general arrangement. They didn't want to go to the polar night in the Arctic Circle to ask for trouble. Anyway, Yin Ziyu didn't have a deep hatred with himself. That guy was cunning and cunning. Maybe there was some ambush inside. It's better to send someone to guard outside and see if there was any lengtouqing going in to feel the situation.

And this video was soon sent to the mercenary website, causing a lot of discussion. Many people have analyzed the origin of the amber necklace around Yin Ziyu's neck. Many people have made a variety of interpretations, but none of them can explain the whole story clearly.

Perhaps it was someone who wanted to help, amber necklace became a hot thing in a short time, and even triggered a global chase for amber necklace.

There is nothing wrong with the thing that the king's razor wears on his neck. Many mercenaries as like as two peas were heading to the jewelry store. They asked for a necklace of amber necklace exactly like the mercenary legend. And then triggered the jewelry store for a period of time crazy sale of amber, the price of amber speculation to more than 100 times, greatly earned a sum of money.

However, inadvertently, Yin Ziyu does not have the so-called world treasures in his hands, and this idea has been acquiesced by many people. It's been four days since things began to ferment.

In these four days, Yin Ziyu's foothold has become a well-known thing. Although the big forces standing at the peak are still, it does not mean that no one is indifferent. So many small mercenary regiments, special forces and indomitable individuals still go all the way to the Arctic Circle, looking for the man who represents glory and wealth in the vast polar night.

In a high-rise building in Europe, Luo Xiaolin's eyes flashed and looked at Yin Ziyu's video with a smile: "this crafty guy can get hurt. It seems that Tang Tianye said that he was injured by a sect leader called five poisons sect. It seems that this boy is not invincible... "

His subordinates didn't understand Luo Xiaolin's meaning. He asked in a low voice in fear: "master, what do you mean?"

"That guy knows all over the world, and he's not a person who will hurt himself. I believe he has a way to survive in the Arctic circle. It's ridiculous for those fools to stay outside. The Arctic Ocean and the Arctic circle are so big that people will really go back along the same road? " Luo Xiaolin seems to be standing in the perspective of Yin Ziyu, holding her beautiful chin and bright eyes, murmuring, "if I were him, what would I do in that place?"Wolf mercenary regiment, there is also a man in the chin frowning thinking, almost said the same words: "what is he going to do?"

The wolf green looked at the yinziyu in the video with disdain, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth: "what else can I do? Now he is just a lonely man, unable to cope with the outside world, can only choose that bird does not shit in the cold as a place to live, with the polar bear as a companion. It's a joke that such a person almost unified the mercenary world in those years. "

Luo Luowan looked back at him, shook his head and said, "you look down on him. In my whole life, I was conceited and resourceful, but in the end, I was too clever to use all my tricks. First, I was carried in the hands of my own offspring, and then I was destroyed by this person alone. When he first came out of the Central Plains, can you imagine that he would go to the North Pole? This is beyond the conventional way of thinking is simply unpredictable! An invisible opponent is the most terrible. Do you know what I mean? "

The head wolf Green's face was still disdained, patted his chest and said, "the military adviser is too careful. Let me take care of this. I promise to bring that guy to you alive."


After watching the video of Yin Ziyu on the mercenary world website, Song Yi's eyes flashed with puzzled doubts and picked up a pen to draw question marks on the paper.

Why? Why? Why?

As Yin Ziyu's fiancee, Song Yi forces herself to think from the perspective of her fiance. Only when she wants to understand his purpose can she support her man behind his back