According to the original words of Titan, the "fangs" boss, this boy can come back alive in the hands of the king's razor who never shows mercy to the enemy, which is a symbol of strength in itself. So this year has been highly valued, arranged several things in a row, and did well. Charles was also proud. He knew how to seize the opportunity and finally won the opportunity in the event of the legendary mercenary.

The Titan boss of "fangs" sent him here mainly for two tasks. One is to follow the development of the events. If it's good, it's better to share the advantages. The other is to show favor to the king's razor as one of his secret allies.

As one of the top figures in the mercenary world, Titan was very familiar with the rules of this circle. Also understand the Dragon lies in the abyss.

Some people don't leave because they are afraid, but live your bloody life and want to find another way to experience a different life. Many strong mercenaries have similar choices.

For example, the killer emperor Hades and the super spy Pandora chose to retire just because they were in love with each other. Otherwise, there will be no "night rose" dominating the list of killers, and there will be no rise of Yin Ziyu and "Princess".

The change of the strong in the mercenary world is like a rule that is inexplicable but true. All the strong who have reached the peak will find the same path. In those days, the emperor Hades, relying on one person's power, was able to command the whole mercenary world. However, at the last step, he chose love and threw away the chance of the king's coming to the world, which made everyone dumbfounded.

Later, the king's razor also came to the last step. Its nine planetary teams had unparalleled combat effectiveness in the world. The name of the blade was overwhelming everywhere. The word "King" was added in front of the name of the razor, and the light of glory in the shape of a razor was lit at the top of the tower of glory, which almost implied that he was the real king of the mercenary world.

At this time, as long as he shouts, who dares not to follow? It's only half a step away from the highest dream of a mercenary's life!

But in such a situation, the king's razor was dejected. For a woman who had passed away, he dismissed the nine planetary teams and scattered all the following blades. A man floated away with a cigarette in his mouth, making the mercenary world suddenly collapse into the chaos of the Warring States period.

At that time, the "fangs" and the eldest Titan were just a little boy behind Yin Ziyu's buttocks. They just had a chance to meet him before he left. They recognized Yin Ziyu's intention of retiring. They were shocked and prepared immediately. They took the lead in the early chaos, which made Yin Ziyu the top three in the mercenary world.

For this reason, Titan was always grateful to Yin Ziyu. Although he was older than the young man, he respected him from the bottom of his heart. In his eyes, if a dragon is tired of sleeping, it will soar again one day. At that time, the people who make friends with him will ride the wind and waves and reach a higher level than before.

When Charles finished, he looked at everyone, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing the cool light of fangs.

If one of the leaders of the "fangs" has no one to talk to, it would be too shameful. No one will do anything to offend others, and there is really no article for two drivers to do. We can't directly arrest and Interrogate People in front of so many people, so many representatives of the forces nodded whether they like it or not, indicating that they would let Charles handle it casually.

Chers nodded, stepped forward, and said with a smile to the two drivers, "gentlemen, we don't mean to embarrass you, as long as you honestly tell us where the king's razor is going. In the name of the "fangs" mercenary regiment, I promise that no one will attack you. "

When he said this, many of the people behind quietly changed their faces. Charles gave them "fangs" as a shield, which really led many people to follow quietly.

The two drivers perked up and looked at each other. One of them took out a tablet, opened the video and said, "this is what the man who called himself king left you."

Charles snatched it in a hurry, and the people behind him couldn't help it. The crowd almost scared the two drivers.

"Stop, Dutchman!" Charles showed his fierce side at this time and yelled fiercely, "leader, come here, other little fish and shrimps, stay where you are!"

This voice scared everyone, timid quickly took out the gun to aim at him. One pulls out his gun, and the others do. Of course, the "fangs" can't see their leader threatened. They also pull out their guns to confront others. For a moment, the scene becomes tense and the air suddenly condenses.

Charles snorted and said with a straight face, "Tut, are you a rabbit? The man with the fangs put down his gun for me. I'm so nervous about big things. " Finished staring at the leader of other forces, curled his mouth and said, "can't you get through?"In this way, the leaders of other forces are impressed with Charles. This boy can rise rapidly in a short period of one year, obviously with the atmosphere that ordinary mercenaries don't have. No wonder Titan can be promoted out of the ordinary way.

But I feel that Charles is right, but no one can see him. So the leaders restrain their subordinates and ask them to take the gun. Then they get together to watch what Yin Ziyu said.

When the video is opened, it is obvious that it was shot in the helicopter. Yin Ziyu laughs and smokes. He does not mind shaking his left leg in plaster cast. He says in English: "you guys have traveled all the way to follow me, a lame man, running everywhere. It's really commendable. I understand your thoughts... "

Then he took out a necklace from his arms. The pendant was a crystal clear amber. He shook it in his hand, put it back on his neck, and said calmly, "but it's a pity that Louis III sent me a birthday gift from the king of killers, Mr. and Mrs. Hades. Although it's not valuable, it's of great significance. It's not the priceless treasure you think."

Speaking of this, he cracked his mouth and laughed again. His whole face came to the front of the screen, pointed to the front of the screen and said, "but I'm not easy to come out. You may as well have revenge and revenge. Come on, I'll just walk around the Arctic circle. "

Yin Ziyu hooked up. The video ends here.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

A group of people at the same time black face scold voice, who did not expect Yin Ziyu choose to choose to actually choose such a bird does not shit ghost place