After many years, the two hands held together again.

Yu Tingxuan's eyes tightened irresistibly. He held the old hands, and his eyes flashed a touch of pain.

The past always appears in my mind, but I can't go back.

Why didn't you ask for marriage?

Why was self-esteem so strong in the beginning?

Why can't you lower your head and say a few words from your heart? Is self-esteem so strong?

To lose the time, hide in the corner secretly lick the wound, to that ridiculous self-esteem and what's the point?

Now they all have their own families and children. But when they dream back in the middle of the night, they always have insomnia. Their inner regret is so unwilling.

Now, they are so together, meet again to recall the memories of the past, why?

But that heart how also can't control, will miss, to recall.

Lin Chengyun also holds his hand, trying to use a little force to finally make the force.

She doesn't seem to be able to.

When I came down from upstairs with the sheets hanging, I exhausted all my strength.

She pulled her lips awkwardly, laughed and said, "I don't seem to be able to get off the bus. Can you drag me down?"

Yu Tingxuan gazed at Lin Chengyun deeply, as if he had made a decision. Suddenly, he bent down and held Lin Chengyun out.

Both of them were in a standoff.

Lin Chengyun probably didn't expect that Yu Tingxuan would reach out and hold herself up. She was also stunned. She didn't react until she was completely beaten up and held up by him.

Lin Chengyun immediately turned his eyes and did not go to see Yu Tingxuan.

Both of them were embarrassed and neither of them spoke.

Holding this woman again, Yu Tingxuan realized that Lin Chengyun was light and did not have much weight.

Why are you so light?

He took Lin Chengyun out of the car, so he held it and went to the other side of Huadi. On the edge of Huadi, there was a huge stone, which was the boundary cup of Huadi. He put Lin Chengyun on it.

Sitting on a huge stone, Lin Chengyun's eyes crossed a touch of embarrassment.

Looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, she said softly, "the air here is so good. I always think of this area and many things in the past when I dream back in the middle of the night."

Yu Tingxuan stood there, just like a sculpture. He pressed his lips coldly and did not speak. He listened quietly to Lin Chengyun's speech.

"Ah Xuan, I'm sorry!"

Lin Chengyun suddenly apologized.

This makes the man in front of him have some can't believe, he is almost stunned to look at Lin Chengyun.

In the dark, Lin Chengyun also turned his head to look at him, and said with a gentle smile: "are you very strange that I should apologize to you? It seems that I have never apologized to anyone before!"

"You're not really an easy apologist!" Yu Tingxuan knows Lin Chengyun. She is a drunk person who can't recognize the money for alcohol.

"Over the years, I didn't show up when my mother passed away. I didn't come to see her off because I hated her. I didn't see her off. I didn't feel sorry for her because it was the way she chose. She ran away from home at the beginning, which led to the misfortune of my life. She was happy, but I felt inferior all my life. "

Yu Tingxuan was stunned and knew something about Lin Chengyun and her mother.

"But I apologize to you. I do. I owe you an apology." Lin Chengyun turned his head and looked at him. What he said was sincere.

"Don't apologize to me. I don't want to hear that." Yu Tingxuan finally opened his mouth.

"You don't say it, but you've been waiting. You've been fighting with me all these years, watching my life, just as I've been watching your life.

But I really don't know that you are married. You are very well protected. I wish you well, ah Xuan.

Wish you a new family and a new child.

At least you didn't take my Lin Chengyun seriously in your whole life. It's very good for you all your life. If you have family support, you won't be lonely in the future. Cherish your family

"Lin Chengyun, what do you want to say, woman?" Yu Tingxuan looked at the woman in front of him with red eyes and excited voice.

"I want to say, my life is aimless. What's the matter? I seem to be very confused. I don't know what I should want, and I don't know which step is right or wrong. After I came here, I found that I was wrong, but I didn't have the courage to turn back and the strength to turn back.

I can only go forward, even if I'm wrong, I can only go forward. Fortunately, I met the best love. I'm so ugly now, and he won't dislike me, but then what? My life has come to the end, and I don't love him. "

Yu Tingxuan was stunned again: "you don't love him. Why do you want to be with him? You also said that you had a child with him. Who is that man? ""I tell you, will you keep it secret for me?"

Yu Tingxuan took a deep breath: "if it is necessary, I will keep it secret for you."

"Of course, it's necessary because that man is the father of Feng Yichen, and your daughter Gu Hao's father-in-law. I have a child with him. I'm 8 years old. He's the brother of Feng Yichen and Gu Hao. Are you funny?

I never dreamed that Gu Hao would be with Feng Yi Chen, and they have two lovely children. Do you think this is retribution?

Is it God's most ridiculous retribution for me that makes me always proud and has to face the reality? "

Yu Tingxuan was also shocked by the complicated relationship and didn't know how to speak.

"Does Gu Hao know?" Yu Tingxuan couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Lin Chengyun shook his head: "I don't know whether Gu Hao knows or not. I think it should be unknown because I didn't tell her. You know it's hard to talk about this relationship."

"It's hard to say." Yu Tingxuan nodded, "but where is that child now?"

"I sent to Gu Hao's side, let her and Feng Yi Chen help me raise, I'm dying, can only let Gu Hao raise, other people I don't trust."

Hearing this, Yu Tingxuan's voice was raised: "don't you think it's too much to ask Gu Hao to help you raise your child, but you don't want Gu Hao to know the truth? Even if you don't hide the truth, it's immoral for you to do so! "

"What about immorality?" Lin Chengyun asked, "don't you keep the children?"

"Since you can't raise it, you shouldn't have given birth to this child!"

"I didn't know I was going to die when I was born!"