Chapter 462

The first to bear the brunt is the 18 line female artist, a director and a brokerage company.

But it's the keymen who are the first to get into trouble. These people usually scold the stars when they break out a scandal, and no one does anything about them. I really don't know how to step in the ditch this time?

At first, when these people saw their ID on the list, they didn't care much. They just felt that Dongcheng was just bluffing and pretending to be dead for a few days.

I didn't expect to receive the lawyer's letter from the other party in less than half an hour, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The first thought of these people is not to apologize, but to curse under the Dongcheng account.

[a small company is a small company. I don't have the guts to send a lawyer's letter when it's big. I deserve to be cool!]

[sure enough, it's a women's company. I'm afraid others don't know that your mind is so small. Garbage companies, if they have the ability, they will sue and scold you. How about that

As like as two peas, the ID see light suddenly.

[ha ha ha ha, I'll just say why there are so many provocative comments all of a sudden. It turns out that... Although it's not kind, I still want to laugh. By the way, I deserve it

[this is the second time. There are still some people who don't learn long. Do you always feel free to touch porcelain? If you dare to come up, you will have the consciousness of being beaten in the face. I really think no one can do anything to you across the Internet, right? After watching the previous video of Su Zong's meeting with a male junior, I should know that she's not easy to be provoked. You should be used to her!]

[Yo Yo, straight male cancer is everywhere. To settle accounts with you is to be careful. According to you, those who are scolded by you deserve to be scolded by you and can't resist, right? Don't say, I like Mr. Su so hard. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will pay them back ten times. You deserve it!]

It's the first time I've seen someone rushing to the defendant. Don't worry. I don't have many cruel words from President su. I said that if I wash your mouth for free, I'll wash your mouth for free, so that you can smell it in the future. I deserve it!]

There's no need for Su Yayan's people to control and comment. Passers-by who can't see the past have already spontaneously rejected these people.

Luo Weibing's fans are even more fond of big Pu Ben. They want to go out and buy a truck of firecrackers to set off now.

[my brother's luck is getting better. He signed a company stronger than diamond, and he came up to fight Ruiyi. Dongcheng Chongya, press the dog company on the ground! From today on, ice cube is the most loyal fan of guanbo!]

[ha ha ha ha, it turns out that if you walk too much at night, you will really run into ghosts. Don't you want to become a big hit with your brother? Now, black and red wave, completely cool (goodbye. JPG)]

As long as people pay a little attention to this circle, they all know that the defendants of keyboard man navy are just paying some money. If it's serious, they will be locked up for a few days.

The actress, the director and Ruiyi are different.

To put it bluntly, the entertainment industry is full of passers-by's food. It's good that a person with poor personal quality has not been exposed. It's really going to be exposed. Besides some radical brain powder, who else is willing to buy them?

That female artist is 18 lines, not many fans, naturally not much support, this is cool thoroughly.