Chapter 461

"Don't get me wrong, I..."


A pair of servant Huo Chenhuan's eyes, Su Yayan to the mouth of the words instantly stuck, give up the way: "yes, someone asked me if I was single. In fact, it's not a confession. It's young people who are a little restless. Moreover, I have told them clearly that I am married. "

Clearly did not do anything, why was asked or inexplicable guilty?

Su Yayan summed up, think the main reason is because of their own skin is not thick enough!

"I'm sad."

"Ah?" Su Yayan was caught unprepared by Huo Chenhuan's sudden weakness.

"Today, so many people on the Internet scold me and you. It seems that it's because of age, but in fact, physical disability is one of the important reasons."

"But you're getting better."

"But the people outside don't know." Huo Chenhuan looked at Su Yayan with deep eyes, "do those who like you think I am not worthy of you, and will they pursue you again? I know I shouldn't be paranoid, but I just can't help it... "

"I understand." Su Yayan didn't wait for Huo Chenhuan to finish, but he grabbed his hand first. "I know what you are worried about, and I understand your concerns."

As long as it is related to her, Huo Chenhuan's inferiority has always been.

Maybe many people can't believe that this man, who is so excellent in the eyes of insiders that many people can't match, will feel inferior.

Because of physical defects, but also because of that care, he always put some doubt on himself, worried about gain and loss.

Su Yayan is anxious but also distressed. No matter in this life or in the previous life, this person who is strong enough to compete with the whole world can always easily make her heart tighten.

"If you don't mind being surrounded, you can pick me up when I go to school next week."

Huo Chenhuan's eyes are slightly bright. Su Yayan's words mean that he can swear sovereignty at any time?

"Well, I'll take you." Huo Chenhuan's restless heart was slightly calmed, but suddenly gave birth to another thought, "I want a compensation."

"What compensation?"

"Tonight, let's try the game together?"

Although "magic banquet" will be officially launched four days later, Gu Shaoyang, the big boss of the game, has already sent a copy of the debugged game warehouse to them.

This is the super welfare that internal employees can enjoy. As long as you want, everything can be experienced one step ahead of others.

Su Yayan didn't want to, so he agreed: "I'm just curious about this holographic game. Let's play it together in the evening."

"Well." Huo Chenhuan smiles again and holds Su Yayan's hand tightly.

He thought, he wanted to send the virtual world to her, and he wanted to take her to every corner of the world and see the scenery of the world together.

The two happily set up the evening's entertainment (appointment) activities. The keyboard man, the water army, the director, the female artist and Ruiyi standing behind them are not in such a good mood.

Not long after su Yayan made that news, Dongcheng listed the list of people who needed to settle accounts in the future. From a brokerage company to a person who forwarded more than 500 comments, all those who slandered several clients sent a lawyer's letter.