The people of unknown religion are not those who are slaughtered by others. In order to deal with possible dangers in seclusion, it can be said that the whole religion is all martial arts. Of course, the strength can not be generalized. However, unknown religion still has many experts. When they were in seclusion, they also carried a lot of ancient books, including martial arts.

Each generation of unknown teachers will have some talents in martial arts. Under the guidance of the previous generation of experts, they will soon become more powerful experts.

Those who conquered the unknown religion thought that since the unknown religion had been hidden for a long time, it should be very simple to conquer them. But they were wrong. Even those aggressors with hot weapons are not opponents of the unknown religion. Soon the invaders were slaughtered. However, the heat weapon still caused some losses to the unknown religion. Since then, the unknown religion has also begun to pay attention to preheating weapons.

With the gradual communication with the outside world, most of the unknown people also agree to communicate with the outside world. Of course, just in exchange for something. After knowing the constant wars in the world in recent years, they know how difficult it is to live in a peaceful environment. If they want to introduce things into the unknown for a long time, they can only rely on the money and antiques they bring. Although it is enough for a time, the longer it takes, the more they feel lack of funds.

In desperation, with the tacit consent of the prophet, some of the first people to enter the society in the unknown religion sold some things in the unknown religion and started business around the world as start-up funds. It can be regarded as the blessing of God, and their business is becoming more and more prosperous. However, if you want to make money quickly, you still need some special businesses, including casino and arms business. As for drugs, unknown people didn't touch them. Long before the seclusion, they knew that it was something that could make people disown their relatives and even embark on the road of death.

However, with the increasing business of unknown teaching, some people will be jealous. Until one day, the jealous man started. Because of their surprise, they destroyed more than half of the unknown teaching business. And the unknown teaching, only some small businesses that can sustain life. The habit, which has lasted for decades, was cut off in an instant, which makes it difficult for people of unknown religions to maintain their daily life.

Now that you've been beaten, you have to call back. However, the other party was already on guard against the retaliation of the unknown religion, so the unknown religion suffered heavy losses again. It is also because the unknown religion has suffered losses and there are fewer experts. Therefore, those who have long coveted the wealth of the unknown religion have an opportunity to take advantage of it. Although those people did not determine the specific hidden world location of the unknown religion, they were not far away. Once discovered by those people, the women and children who have been hiding there will be hurt.

The prophet came to Tel Aviv this time because some great powers of the unknown religion established a stronghold here and sent back a message to the unknown Religion: if there is no major event threatening the life and death of the unknown religion, don't come to them. Otherwise, even if they come, these people will not come forward to help them solve their problems. However, now we have come to the key of life and death. We can't help the prophet.

After hearing the prophet's words, long Xingyun nodded clearly. No wonder the prophet said he didn't want his own help. It turned out that the unknown church had already left behind for such things. However, although he doesn't play a leading role, fishing in troubled waters, and then closer the relationship between the two sides, this is what long Xingyun likes to do.

As the plane gradually flew, it soon landed at Tel Aviv airport. Because of what happened on the plane, longxingyun has left an impression of the Department of health in the eyes of everyone. Therefore, taking advantage of the gap to the toilet, longxingyun asked the chameleon to paint his makeup again. He was not recognized until he got off the plane. Of course, long Xingyun had already revealed his identity to the prophet and Bai Meng, but he didn't say something important. As long as the other party knows his identity, that's enough.

After getting off the plane, several people left quietly after inspection. However, this also caused a pending case. The hero who saved everyone did not know where to go. Even if I searched the whole plane, I still couldn't find the trace of Longxing cloud. Finally, we had to leave it alone and pass it on as a story.

Long Xingyun, who left, did not immediately contact the village head, but wandered around in Tel Aviv. As the second largest city in Israel, it has a population of 400000, mainly Jews, and Arabs account for about 4% of the total population.

Walking on Rothschild street, long Xingyun introduced some things about Tel Aviv to Chen Rongli. Tel Aviv was originally founded in 1909. It was built by a group of Jewish immigrants to escape the expensive house prices of Yafa, a nearby ancient port city. Gradually, Tel Aviv's development exceeded that of Yafa, which is mainly Arab. In 1950, two years after the founding of Israel, Tel Aviv and Yafa merged to establish Tel Aviv Yafa. Today, Tel Aviv is regarded as Israel's most international economic center and the heart of the so-called "Silicon Creek" (region). With active, modern and cosmopolitan characteristics, it is recognized as the cultural capital of Israel.

The Rothschild street where longxingyun is located is named after the famous Jewish financial family "Rothschild", which is the most expensive place in Tel Aviv. This street is not wide, but there are "Bauhaus" on both sides of the street The buildings are very eye-catching. The urban area of Tel Aviv, represented by these buildings, was rated as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in July 2003, called "white city".

Tel Aviv is an important tourist city, integrating Mediterranean customs and cultural diversity. Moreover, the economy here is also extremely developed. World famous hotels such as Crown Plaza Hotel, Sheraton Hotel, four seasons hotel, but hotel and Hilton hotel can be seen here.

After a short walk, several people came to natania. Just say what Tania said, maybe others don't know. However, if you say "Sharon's Lily", people may have some impression. Natania is a world-famous diamond grinding workshop in Israel. Visitors can see the work of grinding raw diamonds by hand and buy diamonds in the workshop.