Hearing long Xingyun's words, the prophet nodded and slowly came to Paul: "I'm really sorry that I promised to go back with you just now. For some reasons, I still have something to do. However, I can't help you go back and reply. Do you think so?"

Paul's face changed when he saw that the prophet's attitude had changed. It was a sure task, but now it has become like this. It was really hard for him to accept. I regret that I should have provoked long Xingyun. It's good that the cooked ducks can fly.

But Paul didn't mean to give up easily. Seeing the prophet so close to himself, Paul flashed a sharp light in his eyes, stretched out his hand and cut the prophet's neck. However, something surprised him happened. Although he shot quickly, the prophet was not cut by his palm knife. Instead, he dodged and came behind him. His right hand clasped his throat: "I don't want to shoot, doesn't mean I don't have the strength to take you."

At this time, Paul knew that the prophet agreed to be arrested because he knew his brother's determination to capture himself after spending a billion dollars. But now that he has decided not to be influenced by his brother, the prophet will not let Paul do it without fighting back. Although the prophet looks like a child, in fact, he is not young. Although he is not an old man, he is also a strong man. Of course, the strength of his fingers is amazing because of his years of martial arts practice.

Just as the prophet was about to break Paul's neck, Paul had no sense of being a prisoner and said with a crazy smile on his face: "Come on, kill me! I've already prepared in the cab. As long as I die, the bomb will be detonated immediately. At that time, everyone will be dead! If you're lucky, you may leave a whole body; if you're unlucky, you'll die without a whole body! Ha ha, come on, kill me, come on!"

Hearing Paul's laughter, long Xingyun waved and threw a towel into his mouth. At this time, he slowly came to Paul with a trace of irony: "Do you really think your bomb can come in handy? If you don't mention it, it's OK. I don't mean you. You have a name and a surname in the bounty hunter. It's so simple to make a bomb. Can't you spend money to buy a better and more advanced one?" said long Xingyun. As soon as he shook his hand, a ball of things was thrown out.

When Paul saw the ball thrown by long Xingyun, he stared at the boss and said something in his mouth. However, seeing his constant shaking of his head, he should be able to guess that he said he didn't believe it. However, the fact was that he didn't believe it. Long Xingyun picked up a magazine next to him and patted him on the face: "Alas... Seeing you so stupid, I can't bear to see you killed. Forget it, prophet, I'll go there and close my eyes first. Call me after you solve him." as soon as the voice fell, long Xingyun really turned aside and closed his eyes.

Paul heard longxingyun say he couldn't bear to see himself killed and thought he would beg the prophet to spare his life. But when he heard a word behind longxingyun, he knew that longxingyun was playing with him. He couldn't help but want to scold longxingyun. However, the towel stuffed in his mouth made him unable to scold anything. Suddenly, he felt very angry As soon as his neck tightened, and then "click", he lost consciousness. It turned out that the prophet had already started.

When Paul's body was thrown aside, the prophet came to the Dragon Cloud: "friend, the matter has been solved. Thanks to you this time."

"It's easy to say," said long Xingyun with a smile. "As a Chinese, helping others is a traditional virtue. Oh, by the way, prophet, what can I do for you in Tel Aviv?"

Since the dragon cloud has been regarded as a friend and a friend who can make heart to heart, the prophet did not hide anything and nodded: "our unknown religion also has a stronghold in Tel Aviv, where there are some great powers of our unknown religion. This time I go there, I also want them to come forward and help the unknown religion through this crisis."

"Unknown religion is in danger?" long Xingyun asked curiously, "prophet, can you tell me? Although I go to Tel Aviv to play, I also have some friends there. If you can help, you can speak."

It was because of the Enlightenment of long Xingyun that the prophet got rid of this crisis. If he asked long Xingyun to help, the prophet felt embarrassed. However, there was nothing to say to long Xingyun about this crisis. As long as those powerful words could come forward, everything would not be a problem.

It turns out that there are some chapters in the world for the unknown religion. However, it has been going downhill since 300 years ago. Perhaps it is because of the exclusion of several major religions in the world, the unknown religion has no room for survival. However, fortunately, the people of the unknown religion don't like to fight with others. Since you all want to rob believers, you rob well, and I live my own life. So, from Two hundred years ago, the unknown religion began to live in seclusion, and now the people of the unknown religion are the descendants of those believers who were willing to live in seclusion together.

However, after a long time, some people do not want to shrink in a small place. Especially in ancient books, there is an introduction to the outside world, and some people's minds become active. Wherever they are, there are conservatives and radicals, especially those who have been holding back for a long time in a small place. For some people, especially young people, the outside world is very important People are very attractive. Therefore, in the next few years, people of unknown religion will go out every year. Of course, when they go out, they will swear that they will never reveal the hidden place of unknown religion. At the beginning, everyone abides by this oath. However, as more and more people are attracted by the things brought back by the people who go out first, gradually, they also think of it Go to see.

No matter where, no matter what kind of organization, there will always be people with a loose mouth. Maybe after drinking too much, but in other cases, someone leaked the location of the unknown church. Because when unknown religion was in seclusion, it also took a lot of belongings and other things to avoid the world, as well as some exquisite handicrafts or daily necessities at that time. Although it was not worth much at that time, but after 300 years, these things are worth a lot of money.

It is true that people die for money and birds die for food. Those who knew began to attack the unknown religion.